Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Thanks man!

Yeah... We will just have to wait and see what they turn out like. As I mentioned, the stuff has a nice smell to it and is very similar to the smell of my Blue Cheese flowers. Must be the Blueberry traits coming out. Pretty sure that my Blue Cheese contains half of this same strain of Blueberry. The fact that the smell is distinctly different though, might give a clue as to how much influence the Harlequin side of the cross had on these plants?

Do you know what kind of effect you get from a high CBD strain? I've never tried one, so I am somewhat flying blind here short of a lab test, which I may do if I like the effects. I would send some to the lab only to confirm the CBD if I suspect the levels are high. If I end up getting stoned from this stuff the same way I do with my GDP, BBK and Blue Cheese, I will likely not bother since it would be pretty obvious that the CBD levels were not as high as one would expect from anything named Harlequin.

Another month or two and we will know one way or the other! ;)

Well, I can say that I got some pure Harlequin from my co-op that they had marked down due to poor "high" reviews, and it was a very enjoyable lightness, very clear-headed, vibrant relaxation that actually helped with arthritis quite well, and for the life of me I can't remember if I had ANY pain at all for the week I had it. So I'm guessing that I didn't have any, lol! Not like smoking a bowl of GDP at all. No fuzzy face, no droopy eyes, no spinning head if you get too much, mild short-term memory problems. I likened it to working an 12 hour shift and hitting hour 10. That's about the best explanation I can think of. Not exhausting, but you know you've had something to smoke. Not overbearing, but not so light as to think there is no effect. Sort of an oven on "Slow Bake", if that makes sense.

I just remember getting home after the day, and being able to bend down to hug my daughter, and not having my knees do a number when getting back up off the floor.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I think I am going in circles ... where are your current ladies????
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I think I am going in circles ... where are your current ladies????

You're in the right spot...

My Journal Structure: Simplified.

1. I have my maternity Ward Plants that keep the information on the strain and all pertinent information on the individual plant. These are kept separate so I can rotate strains, but keep the information organized about all strains in the Flowerbox Tests. If a mother plant is removed from the test rotation, she is sent into flower and results of which are recorded into the central journal.
  • Maternity Ward:

  1. [*=1]Plush Berry Kush
    [*=1]Tangerine Dream
    [*=1]Lamb's Bread
    [*=1]Green Fluffy Bunnies
    [*=1]Purple Mr. Nice
    [*=1]Purple Widow
    [*=1]Purple Cindy 2.0

2. The Maternity Ward Feeds clones to my Experimental Flower Journals. All discussions about that individual grow with the various clones and/or a mother plant removed from rotation by flowering her out from the above is kept here.
  • Cardboard Flower Box Tests

3. The Challenge: Cardboard Flower Box holds highlights from it all and is the central journal of it all. This is the culmination of each of the individual Maternity Ward
  • Grow Matrix from all tests above and future.
  • Test results and conclusions of each test.
  • Evolution of the complete growing experience from the date I joined the sight.

4. Now, to keep all that in one, easy-to-access place, I have created a Blog with all the links to everywhere to which a person can subscribe, and receive any and all updates and new links, regardless of how many separate journals I have going. For that, look to my signature, and click "Jandre2k3's Links"
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey, Corey with Blue Planet Nutrients! I have a small problem in the mother bin, and I'm wondering how you'd fix this. I'm seeing a phosphorus deficiency in all of my plants, and it got worse after I did a full flush this past week. Please help, as all my mother plants are looking sickly.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey, Corey with Blue Planet Nutrients! I have a small problem in the mother bin, and I'm wondering how you'd fix this. I'm seeing a phosphorus deficiency in all of my plants, and it got worse after I did a full flush this past week. Please help, as all my mother plants are looking sickly.

tut tut, no pics?

im assuming since its you, there is no PH change or a kink in a line or a blown fuse or some such? lol
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hehehe, okay... here they are... And stats, too.

pH 5.7
EC 1.7
Fresh mix made 9-16-2012
Elite 3-part 10-10-10
Liquid Blue Bloom Booster 2ml

Click the images for full size.

Solution to fixing a Phosphorus deficiency
Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Any chemical or organic fertilizers that have Phosphorus in them will fix a Phosphorus deficiency. If you have a phosphorus deficiency you should use any N-P-K ratio that is over 5.Again Peters all purpose 20-20-20 is a good mix. Miracle grow Tomato plant food, Miracle grow All purpose plant food (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) Other forms of phosphorus supplements are: Bone meal, which is gradual absorption, I suggest making it into a tea for faster use, where bone/blood meal is slow acting, but when made into a tea it works quicker! Fruit eating bat guano, which is fast absorption, Worm castings, which is gradual absorption, Fish meal, which is medium absorption, Soft Rock Phosphate, which is medium absorption, Jamaican or Indonesian Guano, which is fast absorption. Crabshell, which is slow absorption. Tiger Bloom , which is fast absorption.

Here is a list of things to help fix a Phosphrous Deficiency.


Advanced nutrients Bloom (0-5-4)
Vita Bloom (0-7-5)
BC Bloom (1.1-4.4-7)
GH Flora Bloom (0-5-4)
GH Maxi Bloom (5-15-14)
GH Floranova Bloom (4-8-7)
Dyna-Gro Bloom (3-12-6)
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)
Awsome Blossums


Dr. Hornby's Iguana Juice Bloom (4-3-6)
Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Bloom (.5-1.5-2)
Fox Farm Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7)
Earth Juice Bloom (0-3-1)
Pure Blend Bloom (2.5-2-5)
Pure Blend Pro Bloom (2.5-2-5)
Buddswell (0-7-0)
Sea Island Jamaican Bat Guano (1-10-0)
Indonesian Bat Guano (0-13-0)
Rainbow Mix Bloom (1-9-2)
Earth Juice Bloom (0-3-1)
BIO BLOOM (2-6-3.5)
AGE OLD BLOOM (5-10-5)

Any of these will cure your phosphorus deficiency. Affected leaves will not show recovery but new growth will appear normal.

Now if you added to much chemical ferts and or organics,( which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) You need to Flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.

Note: Blood Meal, Dried Blood, Guanos, Kelp Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Peat Moss,
Sulfur and fish meal are all acidic and can bring your ph down, so if you add these please monitor your ph when using those.

Note: Bone Meal, Rock Phosphate, Wood Ashes pretty much all ashes, Shellfish Compost and Crab Meal are all alkaline and can make your ph go up, so if you add any of these please monitor your ph.

Picture 1 is a Phosphorus deficiency during vegetative growth.
Picture 2 is what a phosphorus deficiency looks like in flowering.

(Picture 1 is Mine)

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Corey at Blue Planet Nutrients received my e-mail to him and replied:

P deficiency? that is odd... Increase the Bloom, Monitor the pH and keep pH meter calibrated. Got any pictures? what are the ppms?

Of course I sent him my part of the post above as the reply... We'll see what he says if he concurs with my diagnosis.

And on the pH part... anyone that's talked to me about recalibrating pH pens knows my take on it. I'd rather waste the solution to check calibration and not have to adjust it every week, than have my growing solution go out of whack and cost me a bin or three full of plants. I think those that only adjust calibration of their pH pen every once in a while are flirting with disaster. Cal Fluid is cheaper than replacing an entire crop, due to some faulty readings.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG


Thank you :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

lol its hard to confuse that with any other deficiency for sure...

one thing i didnt see in the problem solver quote you added was anything that if given too much of causes phosphor lockout.

im having a real hard time believeing your short on much more inclined to think its too much of something else imvho.

edit: also, is that the beginings of a zinc def or nute burn, first pic, top right leaf and a few others in the background...

also, just making wild stabs here, is it possible that some of the nutes didnt blend properly and some neat nutes may have hit the roots? /shrug just trying to add to the pot of questions, lol
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Have you considered, or would you consider, raising the PH a little too? P tapers off after 5.8 in hydro. In addition to needing a little more bloom you may also be on the magic PH line for your combination and going up to 5.8 or 9 might free up some available P? Just thinking out loud here.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I never---EVER---mix nutes neat... Nor are they ever poured directly up to the roots. I actually unplug my pump to be sure that it doesn't come on during mixing, and balancing, even though I time my changes for 4 hours before it is due to come on again. So there's no way possible that any pure nutrient solution hit roots at all.

I usually set my pH at 5.9, so yeah it was a little off, but nothing to be really worried about. I did adjust it back up to 5.9 again after the last post. The beauty of BPN, is that **USUALLY** when I set it at 5.9 it's rock solid there every time I check it. I think I may go out tomorrow to my hydro shop with my pH pen and see if it's off the mark somehow. If it is, I'll report it here. It would sure be great to know it's the pen, and I don't have to up my dwindling year's supply of Bloom for the veg. Hell, I'm already using 100ml a pop in Flower in 2 reservoirs, so 200ml /2wk . . . yeah, saving Bloom for flower is my first goal (period). However, if I have to, I'll up it a few mils in Veg, so it's not like I won't do what's necessary.

Hey Corey.... Molybdenum? Thoughts?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I think I'm having some of the same issues. Thought it was some damb bug spray I never used before, but now I'm not so sure. My plants looks kinda like yours.
PH meter checked ok and just calibrated it last week. I'm following the Monster bloom, and run 10-10-10 for a mix in Veg. My veg mix looks wrong, Maybe? My plant seem to be doing better in the new bloom room thought it was the extra room and lights. Not so sure now.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

What do you mean? I'm mixing up 15 Gallons almost every week, or two... I try to make them stretch to 2 weeks, but they drink what they drink, and sometimes it doesn't make it past a week.

Veg: 50 Gro 50 Micro 50Bloom + 10 Blue. (5Gal)
Flower: 120 Grow 70 Micro 200 Bloom + 100 Blue. (10Gal)

TOTAL 170 Grow, 120 Micro, and a whopping 250 Bloom, + 110 Blue, every week, to 2 weeks.

I'm just glad I bought GALLON SIZE the first time, and I'm REALLY glad that Corey hooked me up with the same for winning MOTM.
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