Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

lmao i never learned prime numbers. to be honest when i should have been at school learning that stuff i was a bit too busy scavenging for food and places to sleep. =(

Dude, that blows but I've been there. I was homeless for a short time a long long time ago. Slept in my car for two months while I worked two jobs and made enough money to get my own place. It's nothing to be proud of. the pride comes from pulling yourself up and out and not giving up and letting life beating you down.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

But its better to be confused, i'nit? I mean if we all go 'round knowin' it all, what would this world be like then? Sooo.. I say mix it up a bit... Let's make a new unit of measure... make everything a multiple of 69. Half that would be half as much but still as confusing to measure as the original 69. Just try to get a 1/4 of 69, will you? We can call it numskils. 69 skoches in a numskil, and a few skosches is a tad! 3 tads is a minimule, which 2 minimules is a hunk, which is a quarter of a numskil.
That way we could say, "That? Well, that's a numskil, wouldn't you say?"
"Are you calling me a numb skull?"
"Well, you are about as tall as one aren't you?"
"I am not a numskil! I'm a skosche shorter than that!"

And a man's manliness could be said it's a "skosche longer than a tad..." and really make men feel good... or bad, as that's not quite a minimule, and minimule sounds so frikkin small...

Dude, that blows but I've been there. I was homeless for a short time a long long time ago. Slept in my car for two months while I worked two jobs and made enough money to get my own place. It's nothing to be proud of. the pride comes from pulling yourself up and out and not giving up and letting life beating you down.

couldnt agree more. there may still be some rather large holes in my education, but i know enough to run a business and have several relevant and respectable qualifications for it now, and have a pretty stable homelife. my kids lifestyle is worlds away from mine which is the main benchmark for if i can just start pumping out kilos of phat bud ill consider my life a success story=D
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

jandre....totally not with the subject at hand, but........

Single seeds is sending me a purple OG18. It should be interesting to grow.

and now back to your topic.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

jandre....totally not with the subject at hand, but........

Single seeds is sending me a purple OG18. It should be interesting to grow.

and now back to your topic.

Please let me know how you like it once ya have it grown. I might be interested in something like that.......a purp OG
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

jandre....totally not with the subject at hand, but........

Single seeds is sending me a purple OG18. It should be interesting to grow.

and now back to your topic.

Oh, but it is on topic with Purple Wreck in the lineage! Nice score! I'll be looking forward to seeing it!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

YEAH! I'd MUCH rather deal with metrics... A USGal does not equal an imperial Gallon... WTF IS THAT? Just use liters, and be done with it!

And this "Standard" measurements we have in the good ole USA, They're the standard for WHAT exactly? Everyone else uses a frikkin METRIC WRENCH OR SOCKETS!!!

the only reason we use metric wrenches is they made sae wrenches with lifetime warranties. you never had to buy another unless you lost it.
so they (tool makers) got together with fastener companies and created metric crap so they could sell tools again ARRR and more nuts and bolts!
they should be walkin the plank ARRR
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

metric and decimal is far superior to any other measurement in my opinion. no other measurement is as intuitive and as comprehensive.

its so easy to measure anywhere from nanometers to kilometers in your head because its based on base 10 and oh wait our brains are based on base 10 too.

hectares, feet,acres,farenhiet and all that stupid crap should be banned by law.
the mile is a dumb assed attempt to be metric that went wrong (its meant to be a thousand paces)
Inch: At first an inch was the width of a man's thumb. In the 14th century, King Edward II of England ruled that 1 inch equalled 3 grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise.Hand: A hand was approximately 5 inches or 5 digits (fingers) across. Today, a hand is 4 inches and is used to measure horses (from the ground to the horse's withers, or shoulder).
Span: A span was the length of the hand stretched out, about 9 inches.
Foot: In ancient times, the foot was 111/42 inches. Today it is 12 inches, the length of the average man's foot.
Yard: A yard was originally the length of a man's belt or girdle, as it was called. In the 12th century, King Henry I of England fixed the yard as the distance from his nose to the thumb of his out-stretched arm. Today it is 36 inches.
Cubit: In ancient Egypt, a cubit was the distance from the elbow to the fingertips. Today a cubit is about 18 inches.
Lick: A Lick was used by the Greeks to measure the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger.
Pace: The ancient Roman soldiers marched in paces, which were the length of a double step, about 5 feet; 1,000 paces was a mile. Today, a pace is the length of one step, 21/2 to 3 feet.

its just dumb and obsolete...metric FTW!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

ok gig I got ya on everything but the lick.
A lick is what I make my wife smile with AAARRR
oh and the metric system is part of the dreaded communist conspiracy:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

ok gig I got ya on everything but the lick.
A lick is what I make my wife smile with AAARRR
oh and the metric system is part of the dreaded communist conspiracy:)

lmao...heh tell you what, that is the single biggest advantage of having no teeth =D

blitskrieg came from the hitler regime...doesnt mean it isnt an awesome combat tactic. dont care if satan himself invented metric it still beats all, lol.

So what would the 13th month be called?



dont care as long as we had one...come on, wouldnt life be so much easier if every month had 28 days. and xmas day classed as its own sorta 1 day 14th month, lol.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Communism can only work on a nano scale. By that I mean not whole countries, but small communities. And communities may be too large for it to work properly. Down to a hand full of families is the only way I've seen it being successful. I see it where I live. It's a FORM of communism, with out the political retardedness. Families growing food (plants and animals) and trading, bartering or just putting up food for the taking. I do it to. I have 30 tomato plants and provide tomatoes for a lot of people. I also have chickens and WAY too many eggs everyday for myself. In exchange I get stone fruits, fresh goat milk etc. The thing is EVERYONE has to contribute and take equally. Unfortunately there are very few people who can stay within that boundary. The larger it grows, the worse it becomes. Failure is always the end result.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Communism can only work on a nano scale. By that I mean not whole countries, but small communities. And communities may be too large for it to work properly. Down to a hand full of families is the only way I've seen it being successful. I see it where I live. It's a FORM of communism, with out the political retardedness. Families growing food (plants and animals) and trading, bartering or just putting up food for the taking. I do it to. I have 30 tomato plants and provide tomatoes for a lot of people. I also have chickens and WAY too many eggs everyday for myself. In exchange I get stone fruits, fresh goat milk etc. The thing is EVERYONE has to contribute and take equally. Unfortunately there are very few people who can stay within that boundary. The larger it grows, the worse it becomes. Failure is always the end result.

thats not communisum, thats called being a neighbor! and a good one you are!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Communism can only work on a nano scale. By that I mean not whole countries, but small communities. And communities may be too large for it to work properly. Down to a hand full of families is the only way I've seen it being successful. I see it where I live. It's a FORM of communism, with out the political retardedness. Families growing food (plants and animals) and trading, bartering or just putting up food for the taking. I do it to. I have 30 tomato plants and provide tomatoes for a lot of people. I also have chickens and WAY too many eggs everyday for myself. In exchange I get stone fruits, fresh goat milk etc. The thing is EVERYONE has to contribute and take equally. Unfortunately there are very few people who can stay within that boundary. The larger it grows, the worse it becomes. Failure is always the end result.

I think we called them communes in the Hippie days. :peace:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

actually from what ive seen the main reason for failure is greedy assholes at the top....but then from my understanding, no system works better than a benevolant dictator...trouble is they are so few and far between, lol

In true Communism there is that. Plus, as the USA is learning now, a welfare state breeds laziness and entitlement. Failure. Unfortunately policies that make you 'feel good' are rarely good policy. Leftism is all about feeling good. Feeling that you are doing the right thing. But it seldom makes for a successful society. In fact, never.
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