Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

What really pisses me off is I've been seeing this for about a month, now, and never even though to go have my meter checked. My only thought was it had to be something environmental. Nope... it was me, with faulty measuring equipment. I will be walking around with a paper bag on my head for a while until my girls improve. May have to get a steak for this black eye I've been given...

Just goes to show you: If there is a possibility for anything to go wrong... IT WILL! Swine meter...

Murphy is always around to make*t happens!:hmmmm:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

As someone who has been in the above situation I can tell you, absolutely, that what you laid out as fair only breeds contempt and eventually an 'F it, why should I risk all AND pay a higher percentage?' attitude by the very ones employing people. I'm living that reality right now.

somehow this post slipped by and i didnt see it right away =/

they can F it all they want, they can either move out of the country, pay the taxes or we end up with a higher class of criminal in our jails for tax evasion.

there will be limits to how many move away if you enforce a careful import policy. the leavers will create a vacuum that needs filling and also will create a glut in the places they move to.

just think how bill gates would feel if he decided to move his empire out of the usa and the usa said fine, go...but your banned from selling your products here and we no longer recognise your copyrights...;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I have used Bicarb before as pH up... never battery acid for pH down. I can tell you with certainty that it was the soda that cause a HUGE instability if I had to raise the pH. plus it would settle out after while and coat the bottom of my res. never again...

Pure buffers for me, and I'm happy with it. Plus I did the math, with the amount of soda I was using, to keep the pH up, for my money, I might as well use a BUFFER that will actually balance it and stay much longer.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I have used Bicarb before as pH up... never battery acid for pH down. I can tell you with certainty that it was the soda that cause a HUGE instability if I had to raise the pH. plus it would settle out after while and coat the bottom of my res. never again...

Pure buffers for me, and I'm happy with it. Plus I did the math, with the amount of soda I was using, to keep the pH up, for my money, I might as well use a BUFFER that will actually balance it and stay much longer.

Yes I had the coat the bottom of the reservoir before too. I was out of PH up didn't know what 2 do and added the soda streight out of the box. I as you ended up with a coating on the bottom of the reservoir.
Now if you do as I do and mix with warm water and shake before using it(there will be a little pressure when fresh/new) will raise your ph and no white residue. I swear by this I will never buy ph up again.

Now the battery acid I mix with a ph down product. it costs 5$ at your local auto parts store. It makes the PH down last so much longer. just a few drops not a few ml. I did a test on some cuttings in my 1st journal they lived over 2 weeks before I just did this to my crop. I take growing as serious as you and my crop is my lively hood. I would just jeopardize everything I got on a hunch.
I have much to learn from you. Please be opened minded to some of my growing as I put out some big #'s
And by no means am I tellin any1 wat to do.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

mmmm battery acid...somehow i dont think ill be sucking the juice out of them stems.../shudder!

ill stick to food grade phosporic thank you, lol.

yeah i know lots of people use any old crap, but i love my plants and i want them to love me back.

Phosphoric acid sulfuric acid ether or If ya wouldn't stik ya dik in it I would go sturing your ph meter in the center where you squirted the shit. The probe is as sensitive as ya dik I would imagine.
just tring to save every1's ph meter.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yes I had the coat the bottom of the reservoir before too. I was out of PH up didn't know what 2 do and added the soda streight out of the box. I as you ended up with a coating on the bottom of the reservoir.
Now if you do as I do and mix with warm water and shake before using it(there will be a little pressure when fresh/new) will raise your ph and no white residue. I swear by this I will never buy ph up again.

Now the battery acid I mix with a ph down product. it costs 5$ at your local auto parts store. It makes the PH down last so much longer. just a few drops not a few ml. I did a test on some cuttings in my 1st journal they lived over 2 weeks before I just did this to my crop. I take growing as serious as you and my crop is my lively hood. I would just jeopardize everything I got on a hunch.
I have much to learn from you. Please be opened minded to some of my growing as I put out some big #'s

Believe me, I'm the last that will close my mind to new and innovative ways to do things. I'm like you in that respect. Ask Xlr8, or OldMedMan how I was when I first arrived on the 420Mag scene. I made quite the ripple in the pond, lemme tell you. Yes, I've calmed down, some. I've proven to some that it can be done this way or that, and proven to myself that some things just can't be done. THIS thread, for instance, shows that a fucking CARDBOARD BOX can be used for more than just moving clothes and dishes. With three grows in this box, and no signs of deterioration, I see a nice long future for this thing. And 2x4x4 flower space LITERRALY only cost me time, and some door hinges, and weather stripping for the doors. I could have spent 100 or so on a nice tent, but I was challenged to get my first harvest in for under $200 I came close, but in all it only cost... for the flower box, lights, reses, bins, pumps and everything to make it work:

$165 TOTAL to Flower

3 dollars for hinges
5 dollars for plaster
2 dollars for 2 dozen flour sacs
30 dollars for the pumps
125 dollars for the lights (6x HO T5)
5 dollars for the tubing
5 dollars for the panda film.
0 dollars for all the cardboard used
0 dollars for the reservoirs
0 dollars to build/assemble (had it all on hand)
As a gift, she bought me a fan/can to put in because I had everything else set, and plants were growing. (no idea cost anymore)

And oh the guff I got in PM's and posts saying this and that about water vs. cardboard, the pains I'd have with mold, and on and on...

I've proven now, that with determination, and a little know-how, thinking outside tent can be a good thing.

Yes, I've upgraded the T5 lights to a HPS 400w, but I first had to prove that T5's could not deliver the right amount of power for quality bud, and that cardboard could handle the load of a big hood, and that it could handle the heat of HID. Well, that and I had to spend less than I did on the T5's. So I found a Prop 215 grower that was selling the 400w HPS for $70 on craigslist and she okayed the purchase.

And yes, she has me on a budget, because I'd spend everything I have every two weeks on growing, upgrading, beans, and such. She's my rock, AND my hard place when it comes to spending money.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Phosphoric acid sulfuric acid ether or If ya wouldn't stik ya dik in it I would go sturing your ph meter in the center where you squirted the shit. The probe is as sensitive as ya dik I would imagine.
just tring to save every1's ph meter.

It's only logical to distribute the chemical thoroughly before taking a reading. even the daily checks, I stir and check. I have a bright blue spoon, that my daughter calls a "respoon" because it is only used to stir my res after each ingredient goes in. I stir everything in... ProTek, stir, pH Down, stir, Check pH for 7.0 again, CaliMagic, stir, Micro, stir, Bloom, stir, Grow, stir, Liquid Blue, stir, Balance to 5.8.

ProTek really raises the pH badly so I end up using 6ml DOWN to get it back to 7.0 for 5Gal.

All that stirring really seems like a lot, but I want to be absolutely sure there's nothing falling out of my mix... If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Phosphoric acid sulfuric acid ether or If ya wouldn't stik ya dik in it I would go sturing your ph meter in the center where you squirted the shit. The probe is as sensitive as ya dik I would imagine.
just tring to save every1's ph meter.

heh no worries mate, im thinking more about the human body not the reader...PH Down is 'FOOD GRADE' im not against sulfuric acid in and of itself i just dont think something bought at an outo store for a car is going to be as hygenically pure as something people expect to go into a human.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Believe me, I'm the last that will close my mind to new and innovative ways to do things. I'm like you in that respect. Ask Xlr8, or OldMedMan how I was when I first arrived on the 420Mag scene. I made quite the ripple in the pond, lemme tell you. Yes, I've calmed down, some. I've proven to some that it can be done this way or that, and proven to myself that some things just can't be done. THIS thread, for instance, shows that a fucking CARDBOARD BOX can be used for more than just moving clothes and dishes. With three grows in this box, and no signs of deterioration, I see a nice long future for this thing. And 2x4x4 flower space LITERRALY only cost me time, and some door hinges, and weather stripping for the doors. I could have spent 100 or so on a nice tent, but I was challenged to get my first harvest in for under $200 I came close, but in all it only cost... for the flower box, lights, reses, bins, pumps and everything to make it work:

$165 TOTAL to Flower

3 dollars for hinges
5 dollars for plaster
2 dollars for 2 dozen flour sacs
30 dollars for the pumps
125 dollars for the lights (6x HO T5)
5 dollars for the tubing
5 dollars for the panda film.
0 dollars for all the cardboard used
0 dollars for the reservoirs
0 dollars to build/assemble (had it all on hand)
As a gift, she bought me a fan/can to put in because I had everything else set, and plants were growing. (no idea cost anymore)

And oh the guff I got in PM's and posts saying this and that about water vs. cardboard, the pains I'd have with mold, and on and on...

I've proven now, that with determination, and a little know-how, thinking outside tent can be a good thing.

Yes, I've upgraded the T5 lights to a HPS 400w, but I first had to prove that T5's could not deliver the right amount of power for quality bud, and that cardboard could handle the load of a big hood, and that it could handle the heat of HID. Well, that and I had to spend less than I did on the T5's. So I found a Prop 215 grower that was selling the 400w HPS for $70 on craigslist and she okayed the purchase.

And yes, she has me on a budget, because I'd spend everything I have every two weeks on growing, upgrading, beans, and such. She's my rock, AND my hard place when it comes to spending money.

I feel your pains in trying to prove that a little more $$ can make twice as much. If ya haven't noticed yet I really got my girls eyes to open up and be a little more open minded, and that didn't happen until she realized how much that Northern lights brought in and then she was just do it get R done attitude. I might have went a little over board. Help
any1 Know a good probate? I might bite off a little to much.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I'm the same to and would waiste all my hard earned cash on stuff that is not really needed and what is more pricier. Now she (My Mrs of 12yrs) will help me Google products before i buy and have already been told to use the beans i already got :circle-of-love:
:peace: to all.

howdy mate...sector 9. that near the south coast? ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre you frugal ripple maker you
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre, I am glad that you got your pH meter problem solved. I am currently working on a helpful hints document and pH is the first topic. I get many growers requesting help and that is FIRST thing I ask most of the time. pH meters go haywire all the time which leads to fucked up grows. Typically, I know what the pH should be when I add certain nutrients and if it is off, I immediately calibrate my meter. I also always have a handful of them hand so I can double check. Personally, I now rely on a HM-digital PH-200 which has an accuracy of +/- 0.02 which is very good. I have found that if needs to be calibrated ofter. The electrode storage solution I use has a pH of 4.0 and if I take if out, turn it on, put it back in and the pH is off by +/- .1 or more, I calibrate with calibration solutions 4.0 and 7.0. If I suspect a certain nutrient, I will adjust the pH more in that direction to see if that helps. For phosphorus, I will typicallyup it to about 6.0-6.1. The reason I replied back to you as P deficiency being "odd" is that there is more than enough P in my 3 part using the recommend feed schedule. Phosphorus is usually required at a range of 30 to 50 ppm and using "Crazy Growth" will supply about 75 ppm of P which is more than enough to prevent P deficiency. Mycorrhizae is also VERY efficient at increasing the P uptake in most alll species of plants. The only problem with adding mycorrhizae is that using a sterility product like the DM Zone will kill off that fungus.

Sorry I took so long to get back to you buddy. I called you and left a message but you never got back to me! :)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey Corey do you have anything like this at all?
if i had cash right now i would have bought it as an impulse purchase, but wondering if you have similar or can reverse this one and make your own brand ;)

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

By reading the label, I am sure it has seaweed in it and some sort of organic pesticide. I would have to think about it for a while. I can make something like that but if it put it on my to do list, it would be very low. My next products will most likely be a silica supplement, DM Rootzone clone, and a BPN version of sensizyme or hygrozyme.
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