Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

My wife was pretty livid a couple of winters ago, when I just opened all the windows overnight during coldest time of the year (true story) to see if I could turn a plant purple. She woke up freezing - it got colder inside our part of the house than I thought it would. I did get some purpling, but mostly in the form of bruising (not really). She wasn't happy! ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

My wife was pretty livid a couple of winters ago, when I just opened all the windows overnight during coldest time of the year (true story) to see if I could turn a plant purple. She woke up freezing - it got colder inside our part of the house than I thought it would. I did get some purpling, but mostly in the form of bruising (not really). She wasn't happy! ;)

Yeah... it takes 3 -10 days for the plants to express the purple, lol. And the purpling you got, you deserved, SHAME ON YOU!!, lol.:rofl: Maybe next time, use a space heater in the bedroom and get her a few extra blankets?? Nookie can help her keep warm! I hear the best dreams are when the core drops below 97*.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey J2k3,
What do you know about the health benefits and dosing for raw (non-decarboxylated) cannabis?
Leaves vs. buds dosing?

About the only difference in dosing for inflammation, and dosing for pain is that for inflammation, there is no need to decarb. You're not reliant on the "effect" to get the result. I will say however that to decarb THC, if more anti-inflammatory is needed it will need to be decarbed at least partially. or so I understand... I'll do some research on it and get back to you.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

could i just pick you up on the purple conversation, ive got 2 purple autos growing and they look like normal plants at the moment, both are in flower, i wont be getting much off them but i would like to see some purple buds, so is it best to wait till the plant is say 7 to 10 days before harvest then give it some cool night time temps, i know their autos but i can still give them a few hours of night if needed, so far no colour change but the buds do look different, they dont looks like the normal calyx, they look like a lump with hairs coming off it, even some of the hairs have vanished and its left me a bud forming with no hairs, plus on the one well into flower it has ho trichs what so ever, even when i use my scope i cant see any trichs, so hoping these come soon else the buds wont be much use, not sure why their is no trichs on the one, well on them both but the other is not as far in flower so its still got time.

so for the last 10 to 14 days of flower i need to give them a cool night time temp and this should bring out the purple, the one auto is auto blueberry and the other is bluematic, so ill wait till their coming up to harvest before giving them the cool nights, or can i start the cool nights now, i dont want to slow down growth any more as its pretty slow as it is, ill be very lucky if i get an 1/8th off each, so not much off these autos this time round, my next batch of autos im going to grow them as 2ltr dwc hempies and i wont lolly pop them, ill let them grow as is, i just harvested my afgan skunk 2ltr dwc hempie and the buds are huge, biggest buds ive grown so far, i did lolly pop my last 2ltr dwc hempie and ended up with 20g dry, but i let these grow as they are and its all ready clear im getting more than i did when i lolly popped the last hempie
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

could i just pick you up on the purple conversation, ive got 2 purple autos growing and they look like normal plants at the moment, both are in flower, i wont be getting much off them but i would like to see some purple buds, so is it best to wait till the plant is say 7 to 10 days before harvest then give it some cool night time temps, i know their autos but i can still give them a few hours of night if needed, so far no colour change but the buds do look different, they dont looks like the normal calyx, they look like a lump with hairs coming off it, even some of the hairs have vanished and its left me a bud forming with no hairs, plus on the one well into flower it has ho trichs what so ever, even when i use my scope i cant see any trichs, so hoping these come soon else the buds wont be much use, not sure why their is no trichs on the one, well on them both but the other is not as far in flower so its still got time.

so for the last 10 to 14 days of flower i need to give them a cool night time temp and this should bring out the purple, the one auto is auto blueberry and the other is bluematic, so ill wait till their coming up to harvest before giving them the cool nights, or can i start the cool nights now, i dont want to slow down growth any more as its pretty slow as it is, ill be very lucky if i get an 1/8th off each, so not much off these autos this time round, my next batch of autos im going to grow them as 2ltr dwc hempies and i wont lolly pop them, ill let them grow as is, i just harvested my afgan skunk 2ltr dwc hempie and the buds are huge, biggest buds ive grown so far, i did lolly pop my last 2ltr dwc hempie and ended up with 20g dry, but i let these grow as they are and its all ready clear im getting more than i did when i lolly popped the last hempie
Let me stress this...

SOME strains turn purple with cooler nights... This is not to say, "all." If the strain has it in the genetics to manufacture the "antifreeze" and it is purple, then cooler weather will trigger this response.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

ill give it a try for the last 2 weeks and see what happens, now i got a new job ill be ordering some decent seeds, really would like to try the gdp, plus its not far from winter here now so night time temps will be very cold, so might even need some sort of heater, from what i have picked up it needs a drop of 10 degrees to change colour, so ill try and aim around that, but with the temps dropping a lot lower now its going to be hard to keep it around that mark, without the light on its going to be pretty cool, but i know autos grow in cool climates so it might even benefit them slightly, im just concerned about my other plants, i know the plants wont get to cold but the drop will be pretty bad, so i might need to swap my light around for the next grow, so its on at night and off in the day, either that or i need some sort of heater just in case it gets a bit to cold, im not even sure how the cold will affect the plants, but as long as their is no frost they should be ok, and been in doors they wont suffer as much, but it still gets cold in the place im living, got lots of big windows so it gets pretty cool, so hopefully ill get some colour out of these before they are finished,
im not sure if the hairs change colour or not but on the bigger auto the hairs looked like they was turning brown but its not far enough in flower, but when i looked closer it seems they are not brown but a weird greeny brown colour, so not sure if thats how they start turning purple or even if the pistils change colour,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Night time temps need to get down to 55 F (12.8 C) in order to trigger the response in most purples. If it gets colder than 49 F (9.4), you're risking a loss. At 32 F (0 C) the plant will freeze and die. Keep in mind that these are annuals, not perennials, so they cannot get too cold, or they will shut down, and this will ruin your crop.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

hey jandre2k3
I'm picking up a patient with crippling arthritis in her hands. Any strains in particular that would help her?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

hey jandre2k3
I'm picking up a patient with crippling arthritis in her hands. Any strains in particular that would help her?

With either type of arthritis, and anti inflammatory is called for, as well as a mild pain killer. If there is no other malady, such as sleep disorder, I would recommend something with about 18% THC and below 1% CBD. If your patient needs sleep as well, or appetite stimulant, you could go with a little higher CBD or you could let her CBD plants amber to about 20% before you harvest. The CBN from the amber will intensify the sedative effect of the CBD and will help her sleep, as well as give her the munchies.

I use Green Fluffy Bunnies(in my sig) for migraine and arthritis. It flowers and finishes in 45-55 days from flip.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I just ordered a bunch of seeds
Barneys and most above 20% and revived a bunch of freebies from Hebies :thumb:
witch of these seeds that I have would you get going for her. I hope one of these I have in stock will work for her
Her pain level must be off the charts as the arthritis has mangled her hand to about useless

Vanilla Kush
Critical Kush
Tangerine Dream
Pineapple Chunk

Thc Bomb
Royal Queen Fruit Spirit
Seestack X Skunk
Royal Queen Power Flower
Royal Queen Critical

And thx dude.

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I just ordered a bunch of seeds
Barneys and most above 20% and revived a bunch of freebies from Hebies :thumb:
witch of these seeds that I have would you get going for her. I hope one of these I have in stock will work for her
Her pain level must be off the charts as the arthritis has mangled her hand to about useless

Vanilla Kush
Critical Kush
Tangerine Dream
Pineapple Chunk

Thc Bomb
Royal Queen Fruit Spirit
Seestack X Skunk
Royal Queen Power Flower
Royal Queen Critical

And thx dude.


Tangerine Dream is one I'm current'y getting ready to flower for testing for this exact condition. As to its effects, and results, I have no report. I think just according to my research I would start this one off first for her to see how effective it is at relieving her pain. Grow a mother out, and flower a few clones as a tester, that way if this one works for her and she likes it, you have the genetics. I will tell you that Tangerine Dream is a fussy plant that you MUST grow absolutely perfectly in order for it to remain happy, and produce well.

My second choice would be the Pinapple Chunk, although the 25% THC might be a little much. But it grows a lot easier, and gets VERY frosty, it's such a joy to grow. Try them both, and see which she likes. Just make sure that you keep at least a cutting or three so you can save the genetics.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Tangerine Dream is one I'm current'y getting ready to flower for testing for this exact condition. As to its effects, and results, I have no report. I think just according to my research I would start this one off first for her to see how effective it is at relieving her pain. Grow a mother out, and flower a few clones as a tester, that way if this one works for her and she likes it, you have the genetics. I will tell you that Tangerine Dream is a fussy plant that you MUST grow absolutely perfectly in order for it to remain happy, and produce well.

My second choice would be the Pinapple Chunk, although the 25% THC might be a little much. But it grows a lot easier, and gets VERY frosty, it's such a joy to grow. Try them both, and see which she likes. Just make sure that you keep at least a cutting or three so you can save the genetics.

I think with starting a new grow room I will try the easier, Pineapple chunk, as I have no ideer whats going to happen in there and a real finicky plant isn't what I need to start it off.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

About the only difference in dosing for inflammation, and dosing for pain is that for inflammation, there is no need to decarb. You're not reliant on the "effect" to get the result. I will say however that to decarb THC, if more anti-inflammatory is needed it will need to be decarbed at least partially. or so I understand... I'll do some research on it and get back to you.

Cool. Thanks for the info. I'm curious to see what you find. re: dosing, what I meant was more like how much should I be giving her... the LEAF video was suggesting 15-20 Fan leaves per day, but what about mature buds? Wouldn't there be a higher concentration in the nugs/trichs? Or is the CBD more resident in the leaves? I don't think a sticky fresh kola would go through my juicer very well, would likely clog it permanently lol. But dried buds I could coffee grind and put into capsules... and if so, what size capsules?

Thanks as always for your knowledgeable input.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

have I ever told anyone that Jandre is awsome!
And he knows stuff too!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

have I ever told anyone that Jandre is awsome!
And he knows stuff too!

He is already an attention HO, now your going to make his head swell lol

Who loves ya Jandre! :Namaste:

Your're a good dude and very helpful and I'm glad you take my shit for what it is...a good ribbing of a good friend.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

He is already an attention HO, now your going to make his head swell lol

Who loves ya Jandre! :Namaste:

Your're a good dude and very helpful and I'm glad you take my shit for what it is...a good ribbing of a good friend.

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

J is a great guy all round know it all! lol ok know it alot! and has been putting up with my obnoxious ass for a couple yrs now! can take and give it as good as he gets it:high-five::circle-of-love:
instead o juicing i have been putting my fresh trimming from veg and flower in a blender (ninja to be exact) with water ,ice,some tampico and frozen fruit to make a slushy a lil raw sugar or honey to taste, i didnt know where my juicer was, and a nice fiber boost comes with this, so far so good everyone likes my green drink,and no wad of fiberous mush to deal with, but be sure to avoid any stems if you like your blender:thumb:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay... I went to sleep finally, and was actually surprised not to have a cacophony of bovine excrement spewing all over the place.

I think I have to go with BID's idea of ninja smoothie. Just don't mix it too long in a ninja, or it really starts to heat up just from the friction, and energy from the blades. Juicing, I think is a disaster in the making.

As far as where on a plant to get the most CBD (fans/buds) I would think that it should be the leaves. From every thing I know about the plant, the reason the fans are not used is simply that there is such a low amount of THC, so low that it's barely measurable. I would use the fans from around the buds though, instead of mature fans from around the base. That way you'd have a chance of at least having some THC within the tissues.
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