Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I would be honored to smell your finger!! Everything is looking great Jandre. Great timing to pull the plants. You really helped me change my attitude about harvesting. Last grow I pulled when the trichs were much less amber than I did in the past and the weed is so much more potent with less couchlock. Your advise really helped me and I am greatful.

Smell O Vision is in the future!! Imagine the possibilities. :rofl:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I would be honored to smell your finger!! Everything is looking great Jandre. Great timing to pull the plants. You really helped me change my attitude about harvesting. Last grow I pulled when the trichs were much less amber than I did in the past and the weed is so much more potent with less couchlock. Your advise really helped me and I am greatful.

Smell O Vision is in the future!! Imagine the possibilities. :rofl:

I think of it like this:

THC is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in MMJ. Amber triches denote an ever-increasing level of CBN. CBN is the degraded THC. Why would anyone want to harvest at 50% amber and have a 50% less potent toke?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I think of it like this:

THC is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in MMJ. Amber triches denote an ever-increasing level of CBN. CBN is the degraded THC. Why would anyone want to harvest at 50% amber and have a 50% less potent toke?

Why? Mainly, because they blew it! Looking great jandre!:high-five:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I think of it like this:

THC is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in MMJ. Amber triches denote an ever-increasing level of CBN. CBN is the degraded THC. Why would anyone want to harvest at 50% amber and have a 50% less potent toke?

dont know about the rest of the world, but in the UK. uncultured comercial growers or more worryingly smokers tend to equate couch lock as synonimous with being stoned, ergo the more couch the stronger the weed...oh how im glad my education is improving =)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i got to agree GiGa, the more stoned you are the better the weed, most smokers here dont even know their are different strains, its all skunk or cheese to them, and none have ever seen purple buds or even heard of them, so glad i know a whole lot more than they do,

@jandre, nice entrie mate in the contest, all ready some good entries in the contests
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG


Flower Day 63 - Week 9

Here we are end of week 9 and I haven't given an actual BOX update since Day 41 or something like that.

So, we have Purple Widow finally showing out.

Dream Diesel is about a week from done.

Lamb's Bread (second half) are just about done... maybe 5 days left.

jandre Kush is getting REALLY big and is doing what a kush does... still waiting for any color that might appear.

Looks a little ragged in there from the group shot, but these flowers are basically done, and the plants are just about at the end of their life cycle, so this is to be expected. Do not be alarmed.

As Always: Click the pic for full size.

Group Shot

Dream Diesel

Purple Widow

Lambs Bread

And The jandre Kush

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

THE JK looks sweet:thumb: on the amber vs cloudy trichs i have to say i like the amber at times because im a lightweight and some of the strains i have grown i cant enjoy because they are just to much for me when 1 hit is to much! couch locky weed kills more of my pain, and helps me sleep, i have a tendency to get paranoid and anxiety with sativas and early harvests, the cbn,cbd helps with that, so i guess im the rare one that likes less potent/couchlock effect, not that i dont enjoy the upness of the sativa and earlier harvest but im not a day time smoker anyway, on rare occasion yes, but in general i just need nighttime sleepy meds that put me down at night
im looking for a painkiller daytime smoke that does not stop me from functioning still i hope one of the new strains is it !:thumb:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im with you on that BID, im not much of a day time smoker, i prefer to get everything done in the day then when i settle down on the night watching some tv ill roll a spliff or 2 and have a good nights sleep, for years ive been on heavy meds from the docs for depresion and anxiety and insomnia, its all related to the insomnia so getting sleep is the real issue, the meds the docs give me a highly addictive yet they dont tell you this when the prescribe them, i never forget the time i stopped at my moms and never had my meds with me, i got to admit it was the worse night ive ever had, i was getting bad cramps, i was sweating one minute then freezing cold the next, my whole body ached from top to bottom, it was to much to handle, i was really withdrawing from the meds the docs give me, crazy how your body gets addictive to meds like that, it really did have a huge hold over me, i could not go anywhere without my meds, so had to carry some pills with me just in case i stayed anywhere over night un planned,
but the best thing i ever did was start smoking weed again, i managed to control the meds the docs gave me and over a few weeks i had reduced the amount of tablets i was on and even managed to stop some all together, and im getting the best sleep i have ever had in years,
i just wish my government would wake up and see how this plant benefits people who take it for medical reasons, when i was younger i used to smoke to get high, but now i smoke to relax my body and mind, it makes me feel calm and at ease with everything and i find myself falling to sleep without even noticing, before i used to lie their for hours waiting to go to sleep and it just never happened, then by 8 or 9am it was pointless due to the light and noise from outside so i used to just get up with no sleep, then after 3 or 4 days of no sleep the mind starts to mess up, you see things that are not their, ive had full blown conversations with people standing in front of me only to be told their is no one their, its crazy when it gets like that, but since smoking mj again ive not had anything like that happen, im sleeping every night and getting a good nights sleep as well, its the best thing i ever did. it has truely helped me feel better and i have lots more energy in the day time to get out and do stuff, before id feel like a zombie and it got to the point where i couldnt tell if i was awake of asleep, the longest i went without sleep was 6 days with not even an hours sleep, after 5 days the brain cant take it anymore, things get really weird around day 5, in the end my body just crashed when i was out and i woke up in hospital, thats the worst its ever got, but normally i could go 3 days solid without even 30min of sleep, now im sleeping every night and ive cut my meds right down, well down to the point where im only taking one lot of tablets instead of 5 different pills, so clearly im better off and clearly my body is better off
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hello, hello, hello, my 420 Family.

Thanks for all the comments while I was out. I know what you mean by wanting the insomnia aid with the amber, and I will be harvesting jK in stages to find the best ratio of amber for pain/sleep remedy.

This LB, on the other hand, was strictly for anxiety, stress, and depression. And I must say that LB has that, hands down. VERY clean high, introspective, creative, comes on slow, gentle as a lamb, then it just keeps coming like a soft gentle spring rain. At its peak, it had me singing out loud, belting "Turn The Page" (Bob Seger's) in front of 12 people sitting around the campfire. Later, I picked up the bongos and started a drum circle, laughing at the kids dancing around the campfire under the waning full moon. Good times were had by all. When it left, it was as if Lady Lamb's Bread had never visited: No crash, no burn-out, just a feeling of bliss.

On inquiry the next morning, no one had any bad results to share, at all, and I even had some compliments. Even during the day, this one makes a good stress-off, and mood lift, without the racy, screaming, panic usually associated with a strong sativa. 2 hours later everyone was clear enough to drive to their respective places, leaving us there with the owner of the property, and silence.

A word of caution:
I quick-dried 3.5g so we would have something to share when we arrived and had the rest in a paper bag. The quick dry is something that should NEVER be done on this lovely lady. When you force her to perform before she's ready, she is very harsh in what she does, and it is over quickly, leaving you a bit disappointed. But the 3-day dry was much better, and had a good smooth smoke, and a little of a creeper high.

This mother is definitely going to stay with me for a long while, as she did exactly what I groomed her for... Depression was nil, stress melted away, and as you can tell from my singing outburst, anxiety was non-existent.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Looking really good man. Had a bad sinus head cold for a week. Not really paying attn to anybodies journal with my head all stuffed up. But looks good!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Do not be alarmed.


DO NOT BE ALARMED! ... keep your hands up and back away from buds :rofl:

You crack me up! All your ladies are fine but this one stands out ... :bravo:

Edit - that was not my favorite shot but it is the plant ... my fav was the side shot, sweet
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