Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

lucky going camping! i wish! instead i get to lug heavy crap around lol, oh damn you got the black cherry! more good fortune! i have always wanted to grow some of subcools stuff he puts such love into it, i was thinking sub is a organic soil grower and you do hydro, the strain/pheno may perform very different in the different methods,maybe its time you got all biological for this lil' treasure get all that boost to turpenes from the organics ,come on you know you want to! lol but i think setting up a special grow profile is a great idea,theres some real magic in that pheno if you get it right,at least thats what i hear from evryone i know thats tried/grown it, :thumb:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Dude that bud is sick with frosting. I've grown afew plants in my past that I figgure I didn't want to waste the space becuase of yield, or look or something, only to kick my ass later because its was the one. You still got it alive, keep it till ya can get a 'real' sample bud of dried and cured pot. Seemed alittle airy, but who knows. I have a ugly ass plant in flower now called Green Posion. She has that real thick leafed airy flowers, but they are starting to pile on the jewely.
Hey it's good looking pot. Could be special,,,,, Congrad's and Keepem Green
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Happy camping Jandre!

Love the frosty bud pics. :yummy:

Also, just want to throw out a huzzah to 420girl. Huzzah! :thumb:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yeah, I still have the mother alive of the Plush Berry. I know Subcool puts out some awesome plants, and I got REALLY lucky getting this phenotype. So I've already put it in the Plush Berry journal that I'm keeping this one... Now I have to expand lighting in the Maternity Ward, and add another bin to accommodate the new mom going in of Tangerine Dream and Jandre Kush, and Moving some of the other mothers around to make better use of light and give more canopy room.

The Purple Mr. Nice is acting like it wants to take over the whole Maternity ward, and I have to keep pruning it back to keep it compact. I performed a bonsai root pruning on it and that only stalled it for 1 week. I'm quite impressed with that strain's vigor and am thinking that I'm going to have to run a scrog with this one to see how well it performs. Close down the nutes on SideB after this run finishes, and just veg a big PMN clone out to fill a 2x4 screen, lollypop everything underneath, flip it and let it go. It sure grows like a wild thing, so that method should work well for maximizing performance of the strain.

In other news:
Purple Cindy is still struggling along, and I'm now thinking that I'll have to take all of her main branches, attempt to clone them, and pick the strongest to re-mother.

Green Fluffy Bunnies has FINALLY slowed down after the bonsai root prune, as has Lambs Bread.

Lamb's Bread will be in the ScrOG vs. LST contest because she just lends herself to both methods so well. This will be the determining factor of her style later.

Purple Widow has made a good comeback after some much needed TLC and is looking for space to put out her leggy stems. This is a good candidate for LST as well as a SOG maybe, so I'll be doing a side-by-side of her as well: LST sv. SOG. Because of her stature, she doesn't really make a good candidate for ScrOG at all... too leggy, and would not fill in the screen very well.

Jandre Kush looks like a pure indica strain... Short, tight compact, but LARGE leaves, and thick secondary stems. SOG definately is an excellent style for this one. Can you imagine bud sticks from hydrotone all the way up an 18" stem? She looks like it could be possible to do just that.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

YEah, we had a great time "Camping" this weekend. I type it like that because it was camping along with working in a fellow gardeners outdoor grow. He brought down some PURPLE TRAINWRECK cuttings, that I am attempting to root right now, and in turn I gave him some PMN, PBK, and Jandre Kush clones to take back up the hill. He invited us out to have a look and to help a bit.

Oh my gawd guys, he has an awesome set of six. 4 Purple Trainwreck, and 2 Mr. Nice Guy(I think). 4 feet tall, and almost as wide. They're doing really well in the Sierra Nevada sun, and cool nights. We helped him put in a frog pond on one end of the garden space to give a fourth prong to insect control. He already has lizards, toads, and birds, so we went down to a pond about a mile away and relocated about 20 frogs to the new frog habitat inside the garden. The new pond also gives the already present reptilian life a much needed water source to encourage them to stay around and continue their work with the bugs. I didn't see any signs of damage on any plants, but I did see an awful lot of bugs around, so this should help. We're not too worried about mosquitoes in the new pond as we've imported two types of frogs, and there were ZERO mosquito larve in the pond from which they came. Of course, the well water that was used to fill the pond, got a generous inoculation of the pond water that housed the frogs to start cycling the newly pumped water to make it stable enough for the frogs to live indefinitely...

Hopefully Next spring we'll see pollywogs, and tadpoles all over the little pond we made and toads and frogs everywhere, so in June when the mosquitoes are at their worst, we can all hang out in the garden and have a grand ole time.

So yes, while it was camping because there was no electricity, and we slept in a tent and had a fire pit to cook over, it was more of a working vacation for me to help improve the property for future visits. He, did all the digging though, so it really wasn't much work, but I did help line the pond, and lug well water, and set rocks and such, so ..... I HELPED DAMMIT!

That place is gonna be so frikkin awesome when he/we get it fully improved and the house is built.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

MY JANDRE KUSH MALE POPPED!! So I painted some lower buds of the jandre kush female for future seed and strain stabilization. So glad I've finally....FINALLY gotten into the very thing I wanted to do... breeding for my beloved, to get her a strain that is tailored to her specific needs.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hey Jandre! That sounds like an awesome place you have going there! Must be beautiful! Setting up a natural pest defense is really cool.
I am going to have to start making my own seeds too. It sounds like it would be a very rewarding thing to do!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Y'know, it's amazing what even 3 days away from a grow can make you see clearly. The lights cam on right on schedule tonight and I looked in on the girls and noticed something a little out-of-whack.

Here we are at day 58 of flower and I noticed that ALL of the plants, save one, in SideB are about a week from harvest... Maybe two. The "one" is the stalled Purple Widow, that has actually bounced back and has begun a vigorous flowering campaign, but is still too far behind everything else in that bin to be ready in time.

The good news is, that the jandre kush in SideA, being seeded into flower, are just about the same progress into flower as the purple widow.

Who here can guess what comes next?

HEHEHE! If you said, "Move the purple widow in with jandre kush and flush SideB" you are correct. I have started "The Flush" on sideB and will continue Monster Bloom with SideA until they tell me they're about two weeks out. The end of a scheduling nightmare!

The end for SideB is nigh... Here's where I get all jittery with excitement. Someone hold my hand and jitter with me!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre, I'm glad to see that things are coming together for you Brother! Also glad to see that LambsBread is still going, and possibly variations thereof. Making a very few quick rounds here, and felt the need to drop some love over on your end of town...cuz yer pretty cool:smokin:. Love me some camping too...Y'all might hate me but I enjoy the sh!t out of dirt bike riding and camping...I'll be getting some of that in this weekend and the next...Blah blah blah...
Anyway, I hope all is well in your world my friend:Namaste:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

lucky going camping! i wish! instead i get to lug heavy crap around lol, oh damn you got the black cherry! more good fortune! i have always wanted to grow some of subcools stuff he puts such love into it, i was thinking sub is a organic soil grower and you do hydro, the strain/pheno may perform very different in the different methods,maybe its time you got all biological for this lil' treasure get all that boost to turpenes from the organics ,come on you know you want to! lol but i think setting up a special grow profile is a great idea,theres some real magic in that pheno if you get it right,at least thats what i hear from evryone i know thats tried/grown it, :thumb:
Hey, now, while I was sleeping in a tent at night, I was also lugging heavy shit too... Remember the whole lugging water, rocks, and crap? well... I did also get to go crystal hunting, long walks, and got to sit around the fire for hours and bullshit.

Actually I had a really great time.

Happy camping Jandre!

Love the frosty bud pics. :yummy:

Also, just want to throw out a huzzah to 420girl. Huzzah! :thumb:

Hey X! Thanks! I was happy with the results. Did a quick dry on the Plush Berry, and Holy frikkin crap fellas! Mild smoke, and mellow high that left you wishing you could smoke it all just for the taste, all the while knowing if you did you'd pass out long before you reached the bottom of the bag.

Hey Jandre! That sounds like an awesome place you have going there! Must be beautiful! Setting up a natural pest defense is really cool.
I am going to have to start making my own seeds too. It sounds like it would be a very rewarding thing to do!
It's not mine, but there is a standing invitation to come back "any time" Of course I'd call first instead of just dropping by, but it's good to know I can elevate(2100 feet) and meditate.
Jandre, I'm glad to see that things are coming together for you Brother! Also glad to see that LambsBread is still going, and possibly variations thereof. Making a very few quick rounds here, and felt the need to drop some love over on your end of town...cuz yer pretty cool:smokin:. Love me some camping too...Y'all might hate me but I enjoy the sh!t out of dirt bike riding and camping...I'll be getting some of that in this weekend and the next...Blah blah blah...
Anyway, I hope all is well in your world my friend:Namaste:
QUIX!!! Welcome back, even if it is just for a short visit. Heheh, I knew you were looking at the Lamb's Bread. She's doing pretty well considering the pump failure I suffered. Bulking up nicely, and it's going to be nice little 1 gram nugs, I think... perfect for the vape nail!

im excited for you bro! wish i was there, lol.
YAY! Thank you!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Glad you had time to be one with nature again....I know how much you love it my friend! :thumb:

Hey there, OldMedMan!I had a great, yet exhausting time. My knees hurt like hell most of the time walking on the side of a mountain most of the time, but it was a great trip... I'm going back next weekend.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

this is a hard one to contain, man... if you are having problems with height this is not a good one to try. However, if you are going for filling every square inch of a screen, or something like that, this is your plant.

In that case...send a cutting this way too! :high-five:
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