Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I would be interested to see if this would have an impact?

The thinking is that the plant may be able to 'smell' the water, and not being any damper than the humidity in the air, it pushes hard to make roots to reach the water.

I will do this test myself one day when 1 clone wont break the bank, but i know yourself and others are in a better position to have the answer in like a week or 2. =)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I would be interested to see if this would have an impact?

The thinking is that the plant may be able to 'smell' the water, and not being any damper than the humidity in the air, it pushes hard to make roots to reach the water.

I will do this test myself one day when 1 clone wont break the bank, but i know yourself and others are in a better position to have the answer in like a week or 2. =)

I think after my clear water cloning tests (next one in 2-3 weeks) I will try this one.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

THE BEGINNINGS OF SUCCESS!! Those that had stalled in the box are starting to come around... BID with his BIG suggestion that caused a DUH moment for me about the SuperThrive foliar spray got my plants heading in the right direction... Although I did cull a PBK from the box because it was just too far gone. Most of SideB plants are now greening up more and pistils are starting to show all around. Even the purple widow has started moving in parts and has put out 1/2" pistils in places. They all got another ST Foliar Spray tonight, and I will check on them tomorrow night to see how we're progressing

BigIrishDoode, I owe you a BigIrishDrink and a BigFatDoob if ever we meet.:thanks:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thats awsome going to write that down. and I'am so happy for your turnaround!
hope my earlier posts havent rubbed you the wrong way. even if they did I'am still happy for you and I'am still going to read your posts:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thats awsome going to write that down. and I'am so happy for your turnaround!
hope my earlier posts havent rubbed you the wrong way. even if they did I'am still happy for you and I'am still going to read your posts:)

Huh? what posts?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Huh? what posts?

Oh I dont know, how about the one where I said that they looked a little CO2 deprived:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Holy Crap!! I was supposed to wait until 45-55day to harvest these, but.... I had noticed a final push of pistils which quickly receded, followed by a swell of about 60% and then it dropped by 40%... They were telling my they were done, so I decided to check triches under the scope, and I'll be damned... THEY'RE DONE!! The Green Fluffy Bunnies are DONE!! Had 7% amber and the rest were all cloudy when I checked today.

GLR veg for 1 month
12/12 for 44 days under 400w HPS
Wet weight was not recorded... I'm calling about 25g total. Maybe 18g smoke, and 7g hash trim. FROM FOUR PLANTS in SOG.

I had neglected to delete two that came out earlier due to space constraints, I think... I had six in the tracker, but only four in the box... Sorry about that guys.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thats awesome! how long did you think you had left on them?

does this boost them in you eyes as a priority grow strain when it comes to your personal needs ;)

They were set as priority because to date they are the most effective strain for severe migraines. I thought I had at least another week or so, but happy-happy! They did get a half flush, so I'm hoping that they will not taste too bad from over nute-ing.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

hey bro, ive had another idea and well, your pretty much the person to talk to about it.

i remember reading somewhere that rooting gel seals the plant around the coated area...ive also seen it wrotten somewhere that some people coat their cuttings with wax to prevent moisture loss.

this one im actually goint to try myself as i will have a spare clone to try (youll see why when i finally get round to my journal update)

(im a soil grower atm so this is a soil idea- im sure it can be evolved)
prepare a pot of soil that is slighly damp (needs to be just damp enough to prevent it trying to suck plant moisture)
take a cutting,
dip the ENTIRE cutting in rooting gel
plant it and leave it.
no dome, no water no nothing till it grows.

depending on the gel's ability to seal the plant it may need nothing or it may need a light misting just to rehydrate the gel.

the theory is that the gel may prevent moisutre loss, avoid rott problems accosiated with to much water and possible allow an overdose of rooting hormone as it can eat it from the leaves.

intresting or obviously flawed in some way?
let me know your thoughts =)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Great to hear about your harvest. Perfect timing! I am sure the plants will taste great. I really can't tell the difference when I flush or not.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

hey bro, ive had another idea and well, your pretty much the person to talk to about it.

i remember reading somewhere that rooting gel seals the plant around the coated area...ive also seen it wrotten somewhere that some people coat their cuttings with wax to prevent moisture loss.

this one im actually goint to try myself as i will have a spare clone to try (youll see why when i finally get round to my journal update)

(im a soil grower atm so this is a soil idea- im sure it can be evolved)
prepare a pot of soil that is slighly damp (needs to be just damp enough to prevent it trying to suck plant moisture)
take a cutting,
dip the ENTIRE cutting in rooting gel
plant it and leave it.
no dome, no water no nothing till it grows.

depending on the gel's ability to seal the plant it may need nothing or it may need a light misting just to rehydrate the gel.

the theory is that the gel may prevent moisutre loss, avoid rott problems accosiated with to much water and possible allow an overdose of rooting hormone as it can eat it from the leaves.

intresting or obviously flawed in some way?
let me know your thoughts =)

The whole cutting? Leaves and all? Flawed: Plants transpire through the leaves. If it is covered in gel, effectively sealing the stomata, there is no way for the plant to take in CO2 and release O2. It would be like putting a plastic bag tightly over your face and asking how you're feeling.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i can understand what your saying bro, but im not stupid lol ;)

there is enough traffic out there on the web about using wax and recently i discovered something called wilt-pruf to warrant some real research despite it being counter intuitive.

apparently you want to stop the transpiration to prevent water loss, im guessing a tiny clone in shock and preparing to make roots doesnt need to breath much...

this one isnt as obvious as it first appears. i would also think you dont want to suffocate them at first glance (remember im the one trying to learn how a plant 'feels' lol), but if something like wilt-pruf became a commercial success, there HAS to be something in it.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

@jandre, hows it mate, have you ever come across this double budding technique, i been reading my european cannabis cultivation book, and it contains pictures of someone who has done this double budding, the 2 main buds where as fat as a persons head and about 1 ft long, basically what it says is this, when you flip the plants to flower let them flower for 5 weeks, then at the end of week 5 flip the lights back to 24-0 and keep it like that for a further 4 weeks, the book says as the buds where well developed when you flip it back to veg it then keeps the buds growing but it also makes new buds grow out of the buds as your forcing it back into veg, but than at week 4 of 24-0 flip it back to flower, then when it flowers and you harvest the buds they are pretty big, it says it increases yield by at least 25%, i know it would take an extra 4 weeks or slightly more, but i wondered if you had come across this or seen anyone do it before,

i was thinking about giving it a go next time round as my plants are nearly finished now, so i was thinking of trying it with 1 plant next time i put my plants in flower, do you think its something that can work, the book says the extra flower time is more than worth it, but my concerns are bud rot, is this something worth trying mate or is it best if i leave it in the book and dribble over the huge buds in the pics
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

@jandre, hows it mate, have you ever come across this double budding technique, i been reading my european cannabis cultivation book, and it contains pictures of someone who has done this double budding, the 2 main buds where as fat as a persons head and about 1 ft long, basically what it says is this, when you flip the plants to flower let them flower for 5 weeks, then at the end of week 5 flip the lights back to 24-0 and keep it like that for a further 4 weeks, the book says as the buds where well developed when you flip it back to veg it then keeps the buds growing but it also makes new buds grow out of the buds as your forcing it back into veg, but than at week 4 of 24-0 flip it back to flower, then when it flowers and you harvest the buds they are pretty big, it says it increases yield by at least 25%, i know it would take an extra 4 weeks or slightly more, but i wondered if you had come across this or seen anyone do it before,

i was thinking about giving it a go next time round as my plants are nearly finished now, so i was thinking of trying it with 1 plant next time i put my plants in flower, do you think its something that can work, the book says the extra flower time is more than worth it, but my concerns are bud rot, is this something worth trying mate or is it best if i leave it in the book and dribble over the huge buds in the pics

Hmmm... Never heard of it, but I'd be careful trying it. Things like this have been known to light-stress them and produce hermie.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i can understand what your saying bro, but im not stupid lol ;)

there is enough traffic out there on the web about using wax and recently i discovered something called wilt-pruf to warrant some real research despite it being counter intuitive.

apparently you want to stop the transpiration to prevent water loss, im guessing a tiny clone in shock and preparing to make roots doesnt need to breath much...

this one isnt as obvious as it first appears. i would also think you dont want to suffocate them at first glance (remember im the one trying to learn how a plant 'feels' lol), but if something like wilt-pruf became a commercial success, there HAS to be something in it.

ROFL! I know you're not stupid. You asked for my thoughts... ROFL! As for actually seeing it, I never have, nor heard of the wilt-pruf. I'd be a little leery of a procedure like this, and wouldn't do it for a production run, just in case the experiment failed miserably. Maybe on 6-10 clones only. I'd be interested in reading your write up on it when you try it.

You know... I just had a thought...

When I buy rose plants the entire plant is coated in wax. This is done to put them in stasis for transportation and shelving in the stores. It halts growth, but keeps the plant alive for months without water, or really a lot of soil. However, once that wax coating is cracked off, and air gets to the pores on the stems, it starts growing again.

Not really sure about how this would help rooting though.
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