Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

It smelled devine! Very citrusy to the nose, however the TASTE!! That was out of the Tangerine peel! extremely citrus and right on the money with the name. Take a tangerine peel, squeeze it right under your chin and inhale slowly... HOLD IT!!! Now exhale and while you do, take a wedge and place it on the back of your tongue...

That's the actual flavor of the Tangerine Dream I had. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really (yes that much)

hope This clone performs as well as that.

And the strength was better than average. I liked it a lot. Left me sitting in my fishing chair watching my two lines with a smile on my face.

I have a TD growing now that will be harvesting in a few weeks from clone. Mine has a very strong tangerine taste. It is so noticable anyone would say without even knowing the strain name....that tastes like tangerines. My wife loves the taste. Your TD sounds like it is stronger than mine. I did harvest at about 60% amber. This time I am going for 10%. I am sure that will make a difference.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I have a TD growing now that will be harvesting in a few weeks from clone. Mine has a very strong tangerine taste. It is so noticable anyone would say without even knowing the strain name....that tastes like tangerines. My wife loves the taste. Your TD sounds like it is stronger than mine. I did harvest at about 60% amber. This time I am going for 10%. I am sure that will make a difference.

The grower of that strain at the co-op harvests at 1%-2% amber. Just so you know.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, so when pouring the used solution out of the bottle, it came out a very milky, translucent blue color Almost the color of that type... And it smelled very much like a yeast fermented whatever was inside. I understand that other chemicals were inside, that's what made the water that light blue, but, it seems that the base of it all is yeast. Now, there did seem to be a smell of alcohol present, and not just the yeast smell, so that tells me that possible there was a wine, or beer yeast that can stand the higher alcohol levels than bread yeast can endure. The blue chemical might have also been some sort of reactant to neutralize some of the alcohol the yeast creates to keep it active for longer.

In the bottle was still something solid, so I looked inside. There were what looked like BLACK AQUARIUM ROCKS inside. Possibly just a mechanical means of helping to mix the contents of the bottle on the 2-day shaking they suggest when using these bottles. Another possibility is to provide a rough surface for a chemical CO2 reaction like that of the surface of a Mentos in Diet Coke.

Straight into the strainer.

Onto the white paper for contrast. I let them dry here.

Dried Macro pic oblique lighting.

Dry with microscope

Dry with microscope

Dry with microscope

On further inspection of the bottle itself I noticed something odd. Some of the grey had flaked off and light could shine through to the inside of the bottle, as well as through the bottom. I examined the outside and found that it is a regular crystal clear plastic 2L bottle with grey spray paint coating the outside that is easily scratched off and is only thinly coating the bottom...

I think I'll be opening up one of the other bottles before water goes in next time to further explore what is inside.

On further thought, there might also have been an anti-foaming agent because yeast makes a LOT of foam right from the start.
Also, the blue tint could have been an OXIDISER for the water so the yeast would have oxygen-rich water in which to carry out their life processes.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

The grower of that strain at the co-op harvests at 1%-2% amber. Just so you know.

Sounds like I will be harvesting even sooner! Great info! Thanks!:thumb:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Opened a dry bottle of The Enhancer.

2 to 2.5 cups of sugar, and something else I cannot identify right now.
2.75 Tbsp Rounded Yeast pellets that contain something else as well.
5 Shiny Black Pebbles.

Yet another example of the pain on a clear plastic bottle. Paint on a bottle in my area is NOT RECYCLABLE as the company suggests.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yeah, I see the sugar in there... the cubical crystals... But there are hexagonal crystals as well.

I saw it after I added the lot to 1L water into a CLEAR bottle, so I could see the reactions at work. So I'll have to break another bottle to get at the hexagonal crystals to get a better look as to which of the seven hexagon crystalline structures they are. I'm too high right now, treating a migraine to be squinting into a pile of crystals to separate them out.

More breakdown later.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Well, the 30 minute reaction time was not a fluke and only happened on the last one.

Exactly 30 minutes in, this bottle started as well. It's bubbling away and getting faster as we speak. No foam is forming, so there are two options here.

US05 yeast is a low foaming, high alcohol resistant strain of yeast, used in making ales, so this is a possibility.

Another possibility, is that those little yeast spheres contain an anti-foaming agent.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

great stuff Jandre!
have you cracked open a black bit yet?

also might be an idea to burn a few things, as you probably know a lot of compounds can give off distinct flame signatures ;)

i am inclined to agree that the blu is either an alcohol neutraliser or an anti foaming.

maybe distil one and burn the residue, brobably need to burn some of the yeast as well as a control test on flame colour.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

great stuff Jandre!
have you cracked open a black bit yet?

also might be an idea to burn a few things, as you probably know a lot of compounds can give off distinct flame signatures ;)

i am inclined to agree that the blu is either an alcohol neutraliser or an anti foaming.

maybe distil one and burn the residue, brobably need to burn some of the yeast as well as a control test on flame colour.

Actually, I'm looking at a few Gas Chromatography labs for definite results.

The black bit was some caked together crystals binding the black aquarium rocks together.

Finally we got some foam... it only hit about 3/4" head on top of the water/yeast solution.
The gas release has slowed considerably, as well.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

holy buckets Jandre, If you keep this up freakin NASA is going to send you to mars with Closet Farmer! and if you dont find water to go with the CO2 there you wont be able to grow while your there!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Well, I would rep ya for diving in, but I guess I need to spread my love around.

Funny, the police hate it when I do that!
Just dont charge for it and they will leave you alone:;):
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its shocking the makers fobbed you off then didnt reply, what are they hiding, if this was something edible or drinkable then id question how safe it is, but as its not added to the water when you feed the plants and it only produces co2 then it dont matter if its safe or not, but dont you think its a bit strange that they wont give any details, they know you have their product, they know its only a matter of time before its been tested and you find out exactly what it is, but to me it really looks like they are trying to hide something, and i might be wrong here but didnt they say the bottle itself and its content where patented, so by painting a bottle grey they can get it protected.

clearly their is some reason why they fobbed you off, it wasnt like you was asking anything dodgy, you need to know how safe it is as you will be breathing in small amounts, so if i made the product id be more than happy to say whats in it, it would put people minds at rest and would stop people trying to reverse engineer it, it might be something basic but why wont they explain what it is,

it sounds odd to me mate, is the product designed for these plants or is it for growing in general, id want to know what it was as id be breathing it in, is it safe and why did they just stop answering your questions and disapear, it seems all strange to me.

i might of missed something you explained but you know the used bottle had those big black things and the other had the small black things, do you think the small black things get bigger and absorb the alcohol so it keeps the yeast alive, i think if it was used to mix it up then they would just use ball bearings the same as spray paint, i may be miles off the mark so sorry if i am mate,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its shocking the makers fobbed you off then didnt reply, what are they hiding, if this was something edible or drinkable then id question how safe it is, but as its not added to the water when you feed the plants and it only produces co2 then it dont matter if its safe or not, but dont you think its a bit strange that they wont give any details, they know you have their product, they know its only a matter of time before its been tested and you find out exactly what it is, but to me it really looks like they are trying to hide something, and i might be wrong here but didnt they say the bottle itself and its content where patented, so by painting a bottle grey they can get it protected.

clearly their is some reason why they fobbed you off, it wasnt like you was asking anything dodgy, you need to know how safe it is as you will be breathing in small amounts, so if i made the product id be more than happy to say whats in it, it would put people minds at rest and would stop people trying to reverse engineer it, it might be something basic but why wont they explain what it is,

it sounds odd to me mate, is the product designed for these plants or is it for growing in general, id want to know what it was as id be breathing it in, is it safe and why did they just stop answering your questions and disapear, it seems all strange to me.

i might of missed something you explained but you know the used bottle had those big black things and the other had the small black things, do you think the small black things get bigger and absorb the alcohol so it keeps the yeast alive, i think if it was used to mix it up then they would just use ball bearings the same as spray paint, i may be miles off the mark so sorry if i am mate,

no, no, no... there was no big black thing.... it was caked crystals holding the 5 little black things together... I said that already.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

very interesting reversing, im wondering if the yeast is a brewing strain too, there might be some yeast nutrient in there, i have some from when i was brewing and there are some crystals among it, have you crushed a black piece yet? i bet its just a mixture of stuff to amp up the typical yeast diy co2 generator, im going to start a new mix using champagne yeast,and nutrient, and possibly honey, mead anyone? maybe i'll just make a small batch of mead and ferment it in the tent:thumb: i have a 3 gallon carboy and normal airlocks, well everything you need to make beer/wine etc
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

very interesting reversing, im wondering if the yeast is a brewing strain too, there might be some yeast nutrient in there, i have some from when i was brewing and there are some crystals among it, have you crushed a black piece yet? i bet its just a mixture of stuff to amp up the typical yeast diy co2 generator, im going to start a new mix using champagne yeast,and nutrient, and possibly honey, mead anyone? maybe i'll just make a small batch of mead and ferment it in the tent:thumb: i have a 3 gallon carboy and normal airlocks, well everything you need to make beer/wine etc

CANNA MEAD! do you have a yeast strain in mind?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

yup gonna use red star co^te des blancs its a dry white wine strain :§

Hehe, that's a good 14% strain! And enhances aromas and flavors while keeping SO2 at a minimum. Nice. have you looked at mead/ale strains like Lalvin DV-10 for a dry or Lalvin D-47 for a sweeter mead?

What about base? What are you thinking for additives to the honey?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

well not really i usually just add some spice and citrus, i have not brewed anything in a couple yrs, its just stuff leftover from then, the nutrient i use bumps it up another 3-4% from whats predicted, at least with the hydrometer i have,, its made by wyeast great for propagation too, i usually run the same strain yeast thru several brews i build a starter and pitch half then build it up again, i can get a 5gal batch of ipa to finish in 5 days ready for secondary, i think all that co2 would be great for my plants :thumb:
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