Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thanks mate, that was my concern, i was thinking the same with glr though, but then i thought im using glr in veg, i might give it a try next time round with 1 plant, the bloke who wrote the book took pics and never mentioned about it going hermie, but im thinking this, if we mess up the lighting in flower by allowing light in during the dark period, this should then give a high chance of hermie, but going from 12-12 to 24-0 should sort of put the plant back in veg, and growers do this when they re-veg a plant after flower, so im wondering if its going to work the same as that, my main concern is bud rot so movement of air would need to be very good, perhaps this double budding is more suited to bigger grow spaces to prevent bud rot,
i suppose if i dont try then ill always wonder if it does actually work as well as the writer says it does, i just wondered if you had come across it due to your vast knowledge of these plants,
all i can do is give it a try next time round and document it, if it works then i should get great results, if it dont work then im left with a hermie that i can collect pollen and have a go at making some fem seeds.

not to worry mate, ill give it a try when i flower my next round of plants and ill document it, the book says the results are more than worth the extra flower time, worse case i lose a plant, best case i end up with some huge buds :)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, you all know about my search for meds... Lilium Inter Spinus, as it were. My docs suggested today something that I already knew, but was today confirmed by the 2 NAYSAYER docs... High CBD strain. Yes, I know what you're thinking.. WE ALL KNEW THAT! My brainfart was that the two docs on "The Team" are now looking at MMJ as a legitimate treatment for all this pain. I was removed from all other pain meds except ibuprofen, and was taken off the nausea and vertigo meds as well. only one to go, for the back, but compared to the slew of pills I WAS taking....I'M FREE!

This one is just a tiny step up from the 0.7% of my Green Fluffy Bunnies. I'm trying to balance the THC and CBD content to my specific back/head pain and nerve pain in my hand.

Please allow me to introduce, Tangerine Dream. She will be joining the Maternity Ward soon and then we will introduce clones into the mix for this box as soon as is possible to do so. She is now in quarantine, and pics will be posted in one month after she comes out and goes into the Maternity Ward. For now, to get a little more info on the strain, please follow the link above.

Plushberry is on her way out. There's no way around it now, she grows well in Veg, but in flower, unfortunately I got a bad pheno. Scraggly, yellow, small buds is not what I want in my grow box, nor do I want to deal with cleaning those off the stems just to get a tiny bit of medication.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

thanks mate, that was my concern, i was thinking the same with glr though, but then i thought im using glr in veg, i might give it a try next time round with 1 plant, the bloke who wrote the book took pics and never mentioned about it going hermie, but im thinking this, if we mess up the lighting in flower by allowing light in during the dark period, this should then give a high chance of hermie, but going from 12-12 to 24-0 should sort of put the plant back in veg, and growers do this when they re-veg a plant after flower, so im wondering if its going to work the same as that, my main concern is bud rot so movement of air would need to be very good, perhaps this double budding is more suited to bigger grow spaces to prevent bud rot,
i suppose if i dont try then ill always wonder if it does actually work as well as the writer says it does, i just wondered if you had come across it due to your vast knowledge of these plants,
all i can do is give it a try next time round and document it, if it works then i should get great results, if it dont work then im left with a hermie that i can collect pollen and have a go at making some fem seeds.

not to worry mate, ill give it a try when i flower my next round of plants and ill document it, the book says the results are more than worth the extra flower time, worse case i lose a plant, best case i end up with some huge buds :)

Yes... they reveg... and let it REVEG COMPLETELY, and don't put it into flower after it makes a partial shift back to veg. My dream diesel hermied because of a veg interruption in flower... soo... just so you know, you may have a bunch of nanners, and seeds if you do.

I'm not telling you not to do it, because it seems interesting, but I'm saying be frikkin vigilant with it and remove any male flowers if they start to hermie.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i hope it all works for you mate, at least its a start, have you noticed any problems since coming off your prescribed meds, im on a load of sleeping and anxiety pills and ive slowly been weening myself off, and i have noticed im sleeping much better and more alert in the day, this has only happened since i been smoking my own home grown meds, but the problem ive got is explaining that to my doctor, its not the done thing here yet, but i wish it was then i wouldnt need to be under the radar so much
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

now if anyone I have ever had faith in growin is you J, and not to jinx you either. but I have seen a lot of folks here have a problems with T.D hope you dont:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i hope it all works for you mate, at least its a start, have you noticed any problems since coming off your prescribed meds, im on a load of sleeping and anxiety pills and ive slowly been weening myself off, and i have noticed im sleeping much better and more alert in the day, this has only happened since i been smoking my own home grown meds, but the problem ive got is explaining that to my doctor, its not the done thing here yet, but i wish it was then i wouldnt need to be under the radar so much

I had a little trouble when coming off most of the others trusting that Cannabis could help. Migraine meds were something I believed didn't work at all for me, so I had no problem with those, but the anti-anxiety, meds... there's another story... Foggy all day, zombified, and listless.

I know cannabis can cause this as well, but I am proud to report that even with the fear of getting off the "scaredy-cat drugs", I am able to leave the house and not snap at random individuals for invading my personal space, or general inconsiderate nature. This was a big one for me to overcome, and that's why I had the anti-anxiety meds in the first place because of a moderate social phobia. But I am now free of those little green money sucking bar pills from hell. All for the use of Sativas, in particular, Agent Orange, Blue Dream, and since about a week ago, Tangerine Dream.

That last strain in particular, seemed to relieve head and back pain pretty well, too, so here's hoping I've gotten a good cut of that one today.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I can relate to getting off the anti anxiety meds. I had a hard time with them little bar pills from hell! Even though I was listless it was still hard to stop taking them. Only Cannabis worked.

Just curious. I noticed you had some Tangerine Dream. Mine really did taste like tangerines. Did yours too. To me the high was ok. Not great.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

all the way back to page 47 for images!!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I am sorry I am delinquent in checking out your journal. I wish I could grow like that but each "stalk" :cheesygrinsmiley: would be considered a "flowering plant"

Very cool as always ... sorry for the losses
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

all the way back to page 47 for images!!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I am sorry I am delinquent in checking out your journal. I wish I could grow like that but each "stalk" :cheesygrinsmiley: would be considered a "flowering plant"

Very cool as always ... sorry for the losses

Yeah, I was told this morning by one of the Docs that I need to reduce #'s . . . So no more SOG for me... ScrOGs and LST's however....
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, you all know about my search for meds... Lilium Inter Spinus, as it were. My docs suggested today something that I already knew, but was today confirmed by the 2 NAYSAYER docs... High CBD strain. Yes, I know what you're thinking.. WE ALL KNEW THAT! My brainfart was that the two docs on "The Team" are now looking at MMJ as a legitimate treatment for all this pain. I was removed from all other pain meds except ibuprofen, and was taken off the nausea and vertigo meds as well. only one to go, for the back, but compared to the slew of pills I WAS taking....I'M FREE!

This one is just a tiny step up from the 0.7% of my Green Fluffy Bunnies. I'm trying to balance the THC and CBD content to my specific back/head pain and nerve pain in my hand.

Please allow me to introduce, Tangerine Dream. She will be joining the Maternity Ward soon and then we will introduce clones into the mix for this box as soon as is possible to do so. She is now in quarantine, and pics will be posted in one month after she comes out and goes into the Maternity Ward. For now, to get a little more info on the strain, please follow the link above.

Plushberry is on her way out. There's no way around it now, she grows well in Veg, but in flower, unfortunately I got a bad pheno. Scraggly, yellow, small buds is not what I want in my grow box, nor do I want to deal with cleaning those off the stems just to get a tiny bit of medication.

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I can relate to getting off the anti anxiety meds. I had a hard time with them little bar pills from hell! Even though I was listless it was still hard to stop taking them. Only Cannabis worked.

Just curious. I noticed you had some Tangerine Dream. Mine really did taste like tangerines. Did yours too. To me the high was ok. Not great.

It smelled devine! Very citrusy to the nose, however the TASTE!! That was out of the Tangerine peel! extremely citrus and right on the money with the name. Take a tangerine peel, squeeze it right under your chin and inhale slowly... HOLD IT!!! Now exhale and while you do, take a wedge and place it on the back of your tongue...

That's the actual flavor of the Tangerine Dream I had. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really (yes that much)

hope This clone performs as well as that.

And the strength was better than average. I liked it a lot. Left me sitting in my fishing chair watching my two lines with a smile on my face.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Lmao i call it a Pick error, (problem inbetween chair and keyboard)
a sinclair spectrum was the first computer i had my hands in, a dx4 120 was my first real PC i got inside ;)
LOL, classic, I'll have to use that one :) I remember mom had a commodore 64 I used to play lode runner on but didn't dig into em till they were already x386

wow that sucks I've only had this computer for 6 years, was hoping to get acouple more out. but now you guys got me scared:(
6 years! a miracle these days... they make the guarantee 1 year for a reason.

You and I are a lot alike!
And I too :)

I "do" computers for a living, but just can't be bothered to have a high powered beast for myself, I just get whatever $350-$400 laptop is on sale and drop more Ram in. When it dies in two years, I get another. I'd rather get 6 of those than one mac or suped up gaming laptop. I can't game either, already spend too much time in front of a screen. :(

hey, guys, n gals. Thanks so much for your support. I was beginning to think I had phrased the question wrong somehow, or there was some other way I could have posed the question. Now I know, with your confirmation, that my question was easily understood, and intelligent. I guess that whoever they have working their P.R. at TnB needs to go over the job description handbook, and read his manual a bit to figure out how to best approach people when answering questions... It certainly wasn't answered, the way it was danced around. And the arrogance, to boot just finished me off.

I was actually checking prices of these things they sent me for their part of the MOTM package for future purchase. I just hope their actual customer service department, if one exists, isn't as snooty, or I predict things going very poorly for that company. Yes, it's true that a good product will sell itself, but in a burgeoning company such as this, SERVICE is the foremost determiner of a company's success. That is the very place that this TnB rep failed miserably, and I hope to see this resolved soon.

I was starting to feel bad for my outburst, but I realize now, that I was well within the right. Thank you all for helping to ease at least that stress. You are all very appreciated here, and I thank you for riding along, no matter how bumpy the road may be.

I can't believe that guy dropped off the thread, didn't get his science guys to help him answer the, IMHO, simple question, "If not CO2, then what is all that extra gas the first few hours?" I know this was days ago and I missed it (was working out of town) but WTFO? Is that the same guy I called out for Semi_SPAM? You done good jandre... did you open up that other bottle yet?

Anyway, sorry your 41 perp sog is going down, I hope you get it going with a bolder, stronger army, and at least you have your GFB's drying and your migraines running for cover soon.

And Congratulations on the TDream!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

LOL, classic, I'll have to use that one :) I remember mom had a commodore 64 I used to play lode runner on but didn't dig into em till they were already x386

6 years! a miracle these days... they make the guarantee 1 year for a reason.

And I too :)

I "do" computers for a living, but just can't be bothered to have a high powered beast for myself, I just get whatever $350-$400 laptop is on sale and drop more Ram in. When it dies in two years, I get another. I'd rather get 6 of those than one mac or suped up gaming laptop. I can't game either, already spend too much time in front of a screen. :(

I can't believe that guy dropped off the thread, didn't get his science guys to help him answer the, IMHO, simple question, "If not CO2, then what is all that extra gas the first few hours?" I know this was days ago and I missed it (was working out of town) but WTFO? Is that the same guy I called out for Semi_SPAM? You done good jandre... did you open up that other bottle yet?

Anyway, sorry your 41 perp sog is going down, I hope you get it going with a bolder, stronger army, and at least you have your GFB's drying and your migraines running for cover soon.

And Congratulations on the TDream!
Oh, on the price checking... 1 bottle for $35.00...

I raise an eyebrow at the price for something that much that only lasts 2 weeks.

y'know, I've decided to open one of these, I just haven't gotten to it yet. It seems some investigation is in order for what the hell they're charging THIRTY-FIVE dollars for. He said it's more than just yeast, and I know that to be a fact from what I've seen in the bottles so far, but what the hell?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, so when pouring the used solution out of the bottle, it came out a very milky, translucent blue color Almost the color of that type... And it smelled very much like a yeast fermented whatever was inside. I understand that other chemicals were inside, that's what made the water that light blue, but, it seems that the base of it all is yeast. Now, there did seem to be a smell of alcohol present, and not just the yeast smell, so that tells me that possible there was a wine, or beer yeast that can stand the higher alcohol levels than bread yeast can endure. The blue chemical might have also been some sort of reactant to neutralize some of the alcohol the yeast creates to keep it active for longer.

In the bottle was still something solid, so I looked inside. There were what looked like BLACK AQUARIUM ROCKS inside. Possibly just a mechanical means of helping to mix the contents of the bottle on the 2-day shaking they suggest when using these bottles. Another possibility is to provide a rough surface for a chemical CO2 reaction like that of the surface of a Mentos in Diet Coke.

Straight into the strainer.

Onto the white paper for contrast. I let them dry here.

Dried Macro pic oblique lighting.

Dry with microscope

Dry with microscope

Dry with microscope

On further inspection of the bottle itself I noticed something odd. Some of the grey had flaked off and light could shine through to the inside of the bottle, as well as through the bottom. I examined the outside and found that it is a regular crystal clear plastic 2L bottle with grey spray paint coating the outside that is easily scratched off and is only thinly coating the bottom...

I think I'll be opening up one of the other bottles before water goes in next time to further explore what is inside.
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