Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Man they look nice!!!:bravo:
I'am not an expert but they look a little deprived of CO2.
but that could just be me:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Plants are looking great! Those buds are going to bulk up!! Looks like You, Fish and I are going to have harvests around the same time. I am exactly at 41 days too!!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

very nice mate well done, ive been reading about these purple strains as i have started growing a couple, what i have read a few times is that they dont take well to high levels of nute and they prefer to be watered more often, the strain i got says be careful when feeding nutes as it dont need as much as other plants, and to make sure the grow medium is watered well and not let it dry out, if you let it dry out then it badly affects growth and the plant will stop growing or grow very slow, the same with the nutes, they dont take well to nutes, so something that works for other plants will be way to strong for the purple strains, so im wondering if the strain you are having problems with has the same traits, im no expert and not in anyway telling you what to do or try, but i just thought id pass on some info i have been reading around the net,

so from what i have picked up it seems that some strains prefer a weaker nute mix through the whole grow and some need the grow medium a lot wetter than normal strains
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

your having a bid-esque event, it happens no judging here, i wish i could read your titles but they are to small and plain for my old eyes to manage, but i dont think it really looks all that bad brother:thumb:

CLick the pic you want to see.. it'll get BIG, BID!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Plants are looking great! Those buds are going to bulk up!! Looks like You, Fish and I are going to have harvests around the same time. I am exactly at 41 days too!!

First up at 45-55 Days will be the Green Fluffy Bunnies...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Thoughts of the day:
Either my previous co-op screwed me on Plushberry, or I got a bad cut. Either way, I will test smoke it, just to see if it's any good. Below you will see Green Fluffy Bunnies and Jandre Kush flourishing like mad, and plushberry... Not so much. Everything in the same for the three strains. Light, air, water, nutrients... everything. But both cuts of Plushberry are growing sparsely and are yellowed and barely flowering.

Culling may be in order for this strain/mother plant, but I'll let them finish, and smoke them to see if they're worth keeping even with the poor vigor. It seems to me that the purple strains are a bit more finicky that the other two strains in Side A. So the test smoke will decide if this one is worth holding onto for Mrs. jandre's needs. If not, I'll move onto other strains for this box.

Side B is fookt... That pump not working, I'm guessing now it was for 2+ days, really harmed those plants. Dream Diesel is NOT growing with the vigor of its previous 2 grows. Lambs bread is bouncing back, as I expected of a landrace... Hardy that one is.

And purple widow... damn... it isn't going to make it. It's not even flowering... I don't see any growth progress at all. It's staying green, but isn't making any flowers. It started, but was damaged with the dehydration and it has now stalled and going nowhere.

So for right now, I'm sorry to say, until I can get the problems with this box sorted better, I am scrubbing the 41-week perpetual SOG, unless I can get some good cuts of GFB going by the time this box is empty again. I also, had not estimated correctly the amount of veg space needed to support as many clones that this box needs in order to have good yields.

Maybe everything shouldnt be the same?
since joining this site and forcibly trying to stick my hands in the green till my thumbs stay green ;) , i have been watching an English series that been goin since the stone age called gardeners world. and we are trying to grow all sorts of crap now...a blackcurrent bush is our latest aquisition(yesterday).

Im still trying to get my head around why some plants PREFER shit conditions oO i mean come on, are they dumb plants or what...why do they want shitty gravel instead of compost, what the hell is with plants that want to be near freezing in order to sprout and not liking lots of sunlight...its counter intuitive if you ask me...stupid plants..

anyway point is, maybe that plush is getting sick from eating too much good food?


is there any way you can macguyver bot tanks using the 1 pump? till you get it sorted anyway.


Purple sounds like its in serious shock...i know you have all these levels pre natal, k-456 and you have a small area called intensive care, or emergency ward? lol. thinking maybe it just needs a little time to recover- maybe force it back into veg lights for a bit then try again?

thats about all i can offer to someone of your level...just a skewed perspective on things..i do hope you get it sorted tho mate...not nice when bad things happen to good ppl/plants ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

where is that unrep button? :thedoubletake:

lmao just kiddig bro!!
you have a special place in these always know how to make people laugh, even in the most dire circumstances. =)


Man they look nice!!!:bravo:
I'am not an expert but they look a little deprived of CO2.
but that could just be me:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

j, i was thinking bout the stunted?shocked plant and i have a couple tricks up my sleeve you might try, superthrive on plants that have been shocked to the point of no growth i have mixed up a strong st spray and misted the retarded plant a couple times a day i use 1 ml to a 16oz spray bottle of ro water, it seems to jumpstart them after a couple days, and another one is that "tomato &blossom set spray "it has the growth horomone cytokinin as kinetin ,made by bonide ,i hear many growers use it to increase yield and speed of harvest, i had a clone that had roots but was just sitting in the soil for weeks staying green and healthy in a red solo, i gave it 2 quick sprays and 2 days later it had grown an inch,1 week later it was a foot tall! so just though i would mention those to you.:high-five:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

j, i was thinking bout the stunted?shocked plant and i have a couple tricks up my sleeve you might try, superthrive on plants that have been shocked to the point of no growth i have mixed up a strong st spray and misted the retarded plant a couple times a day i use 1 ml to a 16oz spray bottle of ro water, it seems to jumpstart them after a couple days, and another one is that "tomato &blossom set spray "it has the growth horomone cytokinin as kinetin ,made by bonide ,i hear many growers use it to increase yield and speed of harvest, i had a clone that had roots but was just sitting in the soil for weeks staying green and healthy in a red solo, i gave it 2 quick sprays and 2 days later it had grown an inch,1 week later it was a foot tall! so just though i would mention those to you.:high-five:

Oh my GAWD!! I can't believe I haven't done that yet. Thank you, my purple brother.

EDIT: Just sprayed ALL SIDE B with SuperThrive 0.5ml/8oz water and the two Plushberry got some of that love as well... Hell they ALL GOT IT IN THE BOX... I figured they all could use a little pick-me-up. Even the ones performing well got some. Going to start "The Flush" soon, so I figured I boost them right before, lol. And while I was at it, I hit K-8 with it as well. I a couple of plants in there had stalled for some reason.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Im still trying to get my head around why some plants PREFER shit conditions oO i mean come on, are they dumb plants or what...why do they want shitty gravel instead of compost, what the hell is with plants that want to be near freezing in order to sprout and not liking lots of sunlight...its counter intuitive if you ask me...stupid plants..

Genetics. Some time in the past those genetics had to adapt to crappy conditions in order to survive, Now it doesn't matter what we give them, they are programmed to deal with conditions differently (until they adapt over XX?? generations). Same thing for the Ruderalis species for example. Probably originally adapted to short light hours to survive. Another example is New Yorkers. I'm pretty sure they are a species all their own adapted to the local environment. Put them in the rich wholesome country and they don't know what to do, they'll whither and die too!

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG



  • Lighting: 2x 6500K CFL Grow lights under reflective hood, 24/0 cycle, 8" above tops
  • Humidity: 95% - 98%
  • Temp: 85F
  • Nutrients: None
  • Rooting Hormone: None
  • Rooting Medium: Prepared Rockwool
  • Strains Used:

  1. [*=1]Green Fluffy Bunnies
    [*=1]Lamb's Bread
    [*=1]Purple Mr. Nice
    [*=1]Purple Widow

Initial condition of mother plants in this test was judged as healthy. Conditions were not optimal for the procedure but were deemed favorable, and it was decided that the test would continue. There were no infestations, infections, or other signs of poor health. Mother plants were Nitrogen starved before the beginning of this test, so there were signs that N was needed quickly. This observation in the mother plants coupled with favorable atmospheric conditions for cloning, led to the decision that the experiment would begin.

Test cuttings were taken on 08-04-2012 at 9:17pm. The only variable for this test is that rooting hormone was not used when placing the cuttings in prepared rockwool. This was done in order to find if rooting time had been lengthened by the rooting hormone itself.

Cuttings made: 36
  • 10 Lamb's Bread
  • 07 Purple Mr. Nice
  • 07 Purple Widow
  • 06 Plushberry
  • 06 Green Fluffy Bunnies

The purpose of this test was to find the fastest means of rooting in rockwool, and this test is one part of that end goal.


The prediction was that many would fail to root, if any, and this would be after the given 7-day limit.

Everything was sterilized to give the clones the best possible chance of survival and to keep infection to a minimum. Cloning tray and dome were treated with a sanitizer at 100ppm chlorine solution. All cutting, storing, and other contact surfaces were also treated with the same. The jandre2k3 process for cloning was followed as in Cloning: Mad Simple - A Beginner's Guide with the exception of the rooting hormone.

Initial condition of cuttings was very good and no problems arose during the processing of cutting, preparing, and placing in rockwool, and those rockwool cubes placed into a humidity dome.

Although precautions were taken to avoid infection and infestation, 1 of the Purple Mr. Nice cuttings was covered in fungus on the stem, from plant base above the rockwool (not below) and to about halfway up, and all nodules in between becoming involved.

Cuttings were checked on 08-12-2012 at 8:19am.
Total time of test: 7 days, 11 hours, 2 minutes

Rooting was observed in some of the cuttings, but not all for them. Although some rooting was achieved within the time limit, most failed to root at all, or even show nodules, or beginnings of roots. Even the lenticels present on some of the cuttings, failed to form even the beginnings of roots. Of the original 36 cuttings made, only 9 formed roots, and will become plants themselves, ending in only 25% rooting success. The biggest surprise was that all of the Purple Mr. Nice clones not infected with fungus rooted, ending in 85% rooting success. All of the Lamb's Bread cuttings failed to root at all ending in 100% loss.

Rooting Success:
  • 1 Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
  • 1 Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
  • 6 Purple Mr Nice Clone - PMN
  • 1 Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid
  • 0 Lamb's Bread Clone - LamBrd

With the failures in mind, it was proven that rooting can be achieved in rockwool with limited success. To the contrary, in previous tests, rooting hormone, has been proven to reduce losses in rooting when attempted in rockwool, as compared to this test. Whether it lengthens the time for rooting has been shown here that it does not. Rather, the presence of the hormone improves the success rate of cuttings that would not have rooted in the given time of seven days. Furthermore, those cuttings that would not have grown roots at all from 7 to 10 days, it seems that rooting hormone helps reduce those losses as well.

Further testing is required on the strains that failed to root in 7 days to find if they would indeed root within a 7-14 day window.

The question, now, is would those cuttings that are encouraged to grow roots by rooting hormone be as strong as those cuttings that grow roots themselves without the help of a hormone?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

failure is by no means the end. it is just another question to answer.
thank you I just made that up:lot-o-toke:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hehehe. I believe the same axiom! doublepseak? yes

While this test proved to me that rooting hormone was not what was slowing the rooting, but it was the strains themselves, now I wonder how long it would actually take for a clean-water root of the same strains that seemingly failed the 7-day test.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

well you got a week left right?
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