Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

@GiGaBaNe, ive been playing an online game called Grepolis, you have to build up your city and buildings and build troops so you can defend and attack other cities and take them over, im an an alliance and we are doing brilliant in th ocean we are in, its a massive game, very adictive, can be a bit heavy at times as you have to know what the alliance is up to and update on how things are going, its a great conquer type game, i been playing it for a few months now,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre thank you for asking a good natured question to the folks at Tnb. and then asking a reasonable question after. I WOULD ALSO SAY THAT i DIDNT KNOW THAT MITT ROMNEY WORKED FOR TNB. HOLY COW!!! you and gig nailed him to the wall. I believe a P.R. man at best tried to give you the run around. proprietery or not they did not handle your question or I think even OMM's well at all. when you first tried the CO2 system I was very intrested, but now even if it was the mother of all products I think I would have to pass.
sorry TNB but your conduct to jandre and seems to me is your downfall.
I will say that I was so tired of everyone raving about BPN. but he or they are willing to hold a sane conversation and at least listen to their customers. I aint the smartest cookie in the jar but I know the difference of night and day! ok I'am done.
did I ever tell anyone that you know stuff and you can grow:cheer:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Are you saying you wish we would shut up about BPN and how freaking awesome it is? Did I mention it rocks and you should try it immediately?


there is always one in the crowd.. who invited that guy?:rofl::rofl::welldone:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

shut up about bpn??? NNNNEEVVAHHHHH!!! LOL sorry had to chime in, its just that bpn restored my faith in true real care about the customer still existed !:circle-of-love: lets all hug
will you be greased up and wearing your speedo?
and when they send me some free stuff I will be on the band wagon maybe:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

hey, guys, n gals. Thanks so much for your support. I was beginning to think I had phrased the question wrong somehow, or there was some other way I could have posed the question. Now I know, with your confirmation, that my question was easily understood, and intelligent. I guess that whoever they have working their P.R. at TnB needs to go over the job description handbook, and read his manual a bit to figure out how to best approach people when answering questions... It certainly wasn't answered, the way it was danced around. And the arrogance, to boot just finished me off.

I was actually checking prices of these things they sent me for their part of the MOTM package for future purchase. I just hope their actual customer service department, if one exists, isn't as snooty, or I predict things going very poorly for that company. Yes, it's true that a good product will sell itself, but in a burgeoning company such as this, SERVICE is the foremost determiner of a company's success. That is the very place that this TnB rep failed miserably, and I hope to see this resolved soon.

I was starting to feel bad for my outburst, but I realize now, that I was well within the right. Thank you all for helping to ease at least that stress. You are all very appreciated here, and I thank you for riding along, no matter how bumpy the road may be.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

No stress, bud. Here ya go....


I have a feeling that TnB rep didn't understand what exactly you were saying/asking.

There IS a gas of some sort created during the activation phase that causes a burst of sorts. As I understand it, it does release some Co2 during that phase, but very little. It should be approx 9 hrs to kick into full Co2 production. So is the activation 'burst' a sudden release of pure Co2 that trails off then picks up after 8 hours? Or is the burst another gas/mix of gasses? If so what is it?

They state that everything is all natural. That's all fine and dandy. I learned in chemistry 20 years ago how to take all natural ingredients and make some pretty deadly stuff. If there is an off gassing during activation that is not pure Co2, I would like to know what it is. Maybe TnB's 'scientist' could take some time to discuss this??
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Thank you, GiGaBaNE, for the help with this. You said everything I was feeling. And still TnB does not answer the original question: "...if not CO2, then what is it?" If it's in lower concentrations then what else is in the huge volume of gas that escaped the bottle to make up the difference of the "lower concentrations" of CO2? It's simple physics here. If it's not a high volume of CO2, but there is a high volume of gas escaping the bottle, then what else is in that gas? That question is as yet unanswered. As for the time lapse video, they do have a few, but none of which have a sniffer to measure CO2 parts per million.

I can tell you this, TnB, there was almost 4 times more gas escaping the canister for three hours than there is now. I tend to believe this: If the volume of gas escaping for that long was that high, it more than displaced the amount of air left in the bottle and reached high concentration at least after one hour of blowing that much gas. If, as you say, there is nothing other than CO2 created, then that, in fact, was the highest activity of the canister.

I'm that geek of which GiGaBaNE spoke. And now I'm just frustrated enough to do as he said just to prove to you that it can be done, contrary to you claim of immunity... Not to sell it, or make a profit, as that would violate patent laws, but to knock you off your pedestal, and show you that you are not above the world, but part of it. Arrogance is not a very good way to handle questions. I realize that your company has been doing this for 15 years, however, to smear that name with arrogance, treating other people like they are beneath you just for asking a question, is poor service, and will only do your company harm.

You are very welcome!

I do feel i have to play devils advocate and make a few points. especially since at the time of writing this post, TnB hasnt responded.

1. it IS entirely possible that the poster didnt know the answer and got flustered, weve all walked out of a conversation where we know we meant 1 thing but said another ;)

2. It is also possible that some other trace gas is released, methane, oxygen or some other mix of proprietry elements. and either the poster is forbidden to talk about it as it may lead to hints of composion or just didnt have a clue.

3. Just because Jandre posted what could be interpreted as a simple question that doesnt always mean it would have been read as such, especially as the response was under growing pressure.

4. we can never underestimate the possibility that both people were speaking gospel, but the specific canister or batch was malfunctioning, lol

thats why the video with co2 reader, it claifies things immensly, and a plant doing hi speed dancing is always a selling point, especially if it shows any growth!

on other quick test would be to just dump the cannister in a big bag and measure how quick it fills, then do another every 30 mins....then put a co2 meter in each bag ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

All good points GiG, but for one thing... everyone keeps saying "quick bursts" This is not what was observed. It was a constant, and building flow of gas for 2.5 hours which slowly decreased over the next .5 hour to a little more than it is now.

Understand this: It was not quick bursts, rather more like that of a strong aquarium air pump with a broken nozzle... Constantly releasing, and not intermittent at all. So strong in fact, that I had water from the treatment tank coming out of the tubing inside the box... the bubbles created in the treatment tank were actually splashing and hitting the top of that green bottle and getting blown out by the pressure added from The Enhancer bottle. THAT'S the volume of gas I was describing. Not little bursts here and there. It went on for 2.5 hours.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

No stress, bud. Here ya go....


I have a feeling that TnB rep didn't understand what exactly you were saying/asking.

There IS a gas of some sort created during the activation phase that causes a burst of sorts. As I understand it, it does release some Co2 during that phase, but very little. It should be approx 9 hrs to kick into full Co2 production. So is the activation 'burst' a sudden release of pure Co2 that trails off then picks up after 8 hours? Or is the burst another gas/mix of gasses? If so what is it?

They state that everything is all natural. That's all fine and dandy. I learned in chemistry 20 years ago how to take all natural ingredients and make some pretty deadly stuff. If there is an off gassing during activation that is not pure Co2, I would like to know what it is. Maybe TnB's 'scientist' could take some time to discuss this??

I'm with you there! I've created some pretty noxious gasses, both in the lab, and on the couch! But in the lab, there were some things that by themselves were GRAS chemicals, but, when combined, were anything but. Funny how a mad scientist can take chemicals that are pretty much harmless, combine the right ones, and make a solution that is so very harmful...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

OK, sorry I miss understood. But none the less there was a period of vigorous activity that trailed off. What was released so vigorously for 2.5 hours?

THAT!! RIGHT THERE!! That was my question. The general round-about answer was CO2, but in low concentrations. My further question was if in low concentration, what other gas made up that volume of released gasses?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

could it be that it may just have been defective? if someone else has asked this(my bad) you can buy a new car and it can break as soon as you turn the key. just saying in defence of TnB. a week one tho:)
on another note I worked as a dishwasher when I was young. I had this great Idea to clean the kitchen floor. so I took the acid to clean the dishwasher(hydrochloric) and added bleach and amoinia. it started making little bubbles and when they popped puffs of smoke would come out.
it took less then 10 minutes to evacuate the resturaunt after I mixed it together lol
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay... Lets recap the answer... Other elements consumed... Chemical reaction... This points to, as the TnB rep said, more than just yeast. But what? I will disassemble one of the 4 remaining bottles later to get to the bottom of this.

From what I saw, there was about 4/5Cup of sugar and maybe 1TSP of yeast... what strain, I don't know. I assume some sort of wine/beer yeast as these can withstand more alcohol content than bread yeast.

But there was something else... and it caught my eye right off... a black clump of some sort. I couldn't see it very well, but now that it's been said that it can't be done, I think I will. No matter the case.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

maybe a piece of celated carbon?
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