Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

so Jandre, what do you really think of my computer? you can be blunt I can take it. whats a systray?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

so Jandre, what do you really think of my computer? you can be blunt I can take it. whats a systray?

Well, as I don't know your computer personally, I cannot comment. A systray is that little window with all the icons, and a clock in the bottom right corner, opposite the start button.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I got a little computer and a speaker is that to much?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

There's a little up arrow sort of looks like /_\ to the left of that... tell me what's in there.

dont got none of that,all I have is the> and <
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

oh yeah there is a utorrent icon too
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

id right click on utorrent and close it down, right click then choose exit, utorrent runs all the time, what ever you download using utorrent then keeps been uploaded every time your comp is on and connected to the net, so say you download 10 films, well once they are downloaded you are then uploading the files from your computer to someone elses computer so this will slow your computer down, i always close it when i switch mine on, you can change it to manual start but its a bit long winded to explain
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

i got to admit though, that dells tend to crap out more often than other laptops or comps, my mom has had 3 and the only reason she has had 3 is because it never lasted as long as the warranty, so they replaced it, then that once crapped out so the replaced it again, but on the plus side they let her keep the bust ones, so i had a play with them and found out the cpu chip had over heated due to their crappy venting system, the other the gpu crapped out and the board was warped, so had to reflow the solder to get it working again, but managed to get them working,

the problem is my mom thinks their called laptops because you can have them on your lap or use them in bed, but i went out and bought her a fan that the laptop sites on so it gives it the gap it needs to get the air flowing, the other problem i found with dells is that even when they are sat on a flat surface the air is not circulating enough due to the laptop sitting virtually flat on any surface, this caused problems for the fans sucking the air in, so i added some rubber feet to my moms and told her to use it on a tray to stop it over heating.

she kept telling me she uses it then all of a sudden she would here a loud noise like a jet engine, i told her this was the cpu and gpu getting fried due to lack of cool air, so anyway this 3rd dell has now started playing up, when she plays a game on it the screen turns white, so she has to open and close the screen to get it back on, im thinking the problem is not the data ribbon to the screen but its more likely the gpu crapping out again, her laptop is quick and works fine apart from his, we contacted dell and said even though she has only had it 2 months they wont cover it by warranty due to the warranty running out on the 1st one she bought, so after 2 months her dell has crapped out again even after the extra fans i added and making sure it was raised and used on a flat surface so as they wont replace it i told her to go and buy a compaq or hp. i have had compaq and hp for years and never had a problem, the only thing i ever did was add more ram as the ram you get stock is pretty slow and an upgrade is needed.

sorry about my dell rant, but i repair games consoles and get the odd laptop to do, and i got to admit most of the problems are over heating issues, to many programs running auto at start up, such as torrent and people having 2 or even 3 virus software all working at the same time, they kept downloading free ones and never removed the other so on start up the comp would load all 3,

the only thing id say is a good idea with laptops is to remove the battery when you are using it while plugged in, charge the battery up so its ready for when you dont have it plugged in, but once its fully charged and you are using it plugged in then remove the battery, this will keep the battery lasting a whole lot longer, so when you want to use it you can.

the other thing i have been doing with older laptops is changing the settings to performance and not the option where windows chooses whats best, it makes everything basic but the laptop then works a lot quicker, i say basic but all it does is removes all the fancy stuff that makes the tabs look good, so setting this to performance will speed up any laptop,
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yep. You can shut all the pretty stuff off and look like windoz 95 or 98. You can do it selectively too in case some features you want to keep. I just make sure I have enough CPU, HD, RAM and Video memory to do ANYTHING I want. Laptops are for pussies. LOL, J/K...I have a laptop too. It makes a nice seed starter.....

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

There is a problem somewhere between the monitor and the keyboard.
I think it's an ID 10 T error.

Lmao i call it a Pick error, (problem inbetween chair and keyboard)

a sinclair spectrum was the first computer i had my hands in, a dx4 120 was my first real PC i got inside ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

wow that sucks I've only had this computer for 6 years, was hoping to get acouple more out. but now you guys got me scared:(
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

if its lasted 6 years then you should be ok, isnt it getting a bit slow though after all that time, all i can say really is make sure you keep the air vents free from dust. i would like to see some sort of removable filter on laptops but they still dont fit them, this would save a lot of repair time, the dust blocks the heat sinks and covers the fan and this reduces the cooling by loads, so some sort of push fit filter would solve a lot of problems, but then you could clean it yourself and this would mean not paying to have it repaired, so they just dont fit them,

i fitted an filter to my ps3 and its easy to clean, its amazing how much dust builds up even in a short amount of time, all this dust ends up inside the laptop or console and causes problems when it clogs up, so preventing the dust getting in helps reduce the downtime in repairs
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

wow that sucks I've only had this computer for 6 years, was hoping to get acouple more out. but now you guys got me scared:(

Six years? That's damn good for a Dell. I wouldn't doubt you have taken very good care of it. Laptops as a whole lot less capable of doing things a desktop can, for instance Diablo 3 at higer than 20FPS... I run 62FPS on my desktop for D3 and WoW, but then again, I built it specifically with very high performance in mind.

I have the framerates hardlocked to 62 because the LCD monitor I have only has a refresh rate of 59htz so, much higher than that is wasted CPU and GPU power. Hell the lowerst I've seen in WoW was a 25-man raid, lots of spellcasts, big monsters and the like, was 51 FPS. I love my 'puter... did I say that already? I'm still thinking of upgrading it so I'll have a 3 gig video card and HDMI to the TV rather than just s-video. and more mem, of course.... and maybe a new SATA 2TB Hard Drive...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG


Flower Day 38

So I know I'm late, but getting all my tweaks back onto my computer took longer than I thought. I actually had to wipe and reinstall (after imaging the drive of course). Did you know a 1.5TB HD takes almost a DAY to reimage?

Anyway, I got my photo editing software installed finally, and here they are.

First out f the box will be GREEN FLUFFY BUNNIES as they are 45-55 day strain. Fast as hell is good when I'm out of migraine meds. Trying to kill a migraine with a SKUNK is not working... Oh by the way... Sweet Island Skunk is an AWESOME STRAIN, just not for headaches. I need to get my hands on some of that!

Anyway... Side B sux ass. It seems that while I thought I caught the pump in a reasonable amount of time, it caused some stress in the whole bin. So, everything is lagging, and I'm about to pull it all.

Side A is doing okay with the exception of Subcool's Plushberry. You'll see that in a bit. Everything in that bin is nice, lush, full and flowering well... Plushberry, on the other hand, is not. Tiny, airy nugs, and barely flowering at all.

This whole experiment is about to be scrubbed. if that happens, I'll restart it again later when I have some good performing strains other than what I have now... Maybe just a shitload of GFB clones, a clone army, if you will. Then on the other side, a whole bunch of Jandre Kush... WHICH ARE DOING AWESOME!! Nice big flowers really starting to show off! and a really nice lush green... you'll see that in the pics, too.

Okay, enough talking about it... here they are!!

Jandre Kush... Those pistils are over an inch long!!

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im sorry to hear the grow is not going according to plan =(, whats the next step for you if you do scrap this batch?
or you just going to go straight into the jandre kush clone army?
1 inch pistils!! man you should hermie one of them and get some seeds made and stored, just in case

actually, I'm hoping to get a male out of this next batch popping now... I'll take clones straight to flower for sexing (properly labeled, of course) and veg the male till I'm ready to run a brothel for the Jandre Kush. Hell I may cross this strain with my Purple Mr. Nice to give that strain a bit more vigor.

And the Clone army I'm thinking of would be of my Green Fluffy Bunnies.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Its not hat bad. Its got 32 bites or gigs or something and its silver with a blue power button and a little blue light that flashes at random times:)

I really like that you have a blue light that goes on and off.....something to stare at! :cheesygrinsmiley:
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