Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Cool, glad to see someone testing out the TNB stuff.

Bummer about the fizzy dark period. Congrats on the killer nug jar! :high-five:
I think I'm going to stop N-starving myself finally (I say while gasping for air). I found out that human cloning is illegal anyway. Damnit. One X is plenty anyway, 3 is just... pornographic. Like the Olympics. The XXX Olympics. Oh, yeah baby.
Yeah, they sent it to me, I might as well give my honest thoughts on it, yes?

ROFL N Starving yourself would be disastrous! And yeah, I wish human cloning weren't illegal, I'd clone myself so I'd get more done around here. Not sure on the self love though, but if you're down with some X-on-X action, then it's not my place do judge. Mrs. X might kinda like it though! If one is hurting too much, then the other might not be!

Hey, you brought it up...... :blalol:

Happy for you bro!

Love the nug jar! if i ever get a win i might have to send you mine, i cant get prizes in blightey =/
That... would... be... AWESOME!! I'd engrave your name on it though and send you a high res pic, at least, so you'd at least have that? This little thing fits really well into my Black Med Box, so one more with another strain in it would be most appreciated.

sweet jar!! im jell-ous!!! i so so want one!!!! dammit i must win someday i hope, you suck i love you man,!! that co2 thing looks like what we make with a lable on it lol cool hope they work, i leave my diy co2 run 24/7 i figure the plants will know what to do with it when the find the molecules its up to them lol:thumb:
HAHA!! Something about which you can be jealous of ME for a change... Yeah, I know I suck, but hey, at least there's brotherly love, huh?

Yeah, I just wish the gale force winds that were spewing out of those delivery tubes had gotten used. I did turn off the extraction fan so it got pretty concentrated in there. Hopefully it did some good. It was pretty humid in there when I finally couldn't stand it anymore and got antsy about temps and turned on the fan and opened the doors. Being so humid in there, I know there was a helluva lot of transpiration going on, so maybe they used most of it?

Man, I hope all this work pays off and I get something half as nice as your harvests.
Hehe, follow the gurus on here and do as they suggest, and you'll have much better results than I get! :thumb:

sweet jar Jandre:bravo: dont let alex harvey in there:)
That dude is coming nowhere NEAR this grow, man... He'd smoke it all up, blink off couchlock like it was nothing, and in his Scottish Brogue ask, "Ye got'ny mure?" (you got any more?)

Ahhhhhhh jandre.......that jar looks much better when it's full. I love those 420 jars. :yummy:
OMM!!! I can't wait to get some GFB in there! but that means I won't see the jar for 2 months... Sad, but it'll be well worth it!

i here you on that gigabane, same with me, if i ever won any contest then id donate it to other growers on here, but chances are they will just pass the prizes on to the 2nd place winner, i cant see why they cant send them to us, they have not said anything about not sending them but chances are its a usa prize only, but nothing their is illegal in my country, it can all be used so not sure why its only usa, maybe its cost related, id be more than happy to pay the postage if i ever won, but i dont think its going to happen, their are way to many top growers on here that are more deserving, ive got loads of help and advice from many of them, so i do my best to pass on as much as i can to help other growers,
would love one of them jars though,
They sure have said something about not sending 420 paraphernalia where it is illegal to do so... Please see rule six below. If you lived in a place in the UK that allowed MMJ, then you'd probably be able to get the prize pack. However, sending MJ Cones, rolling Papers, Nug Jars with a MJ leaf on the front, and such is quite frowned upon. Granted in the US, on a FEDERAL level it's illegal, but in 17 states, at least on the state level, it is not, and has been almost decriminalized. Therefore, to further the movement in the US, and in support of those that are doing their best to get it legalized here, the prize packs are sent out. However, please realize that the OTHER 33 States, do not get the prize pack either, so it's not about shipping costs to the UK. It's about keeping legal with local laws.
This contest is for the 420 Member of the Month.

1. Only one nominee per member.

2. Promotion (i.e. campaigning) for yourself or a friend, may disqualify the entry.

3. Contest is open to the first 25 entries.

4. Past winners are ineligible for 6 months from date of win.

5. Any attempt at voting more than one time per person (i.e. multiple user names, etc.) or cheating in any other form will result in a permanent disqualification from all future contests.

6. Prize packages are sent to legal MMJ states only.
420 Girl, if there's anything you'd like to add on this, please do so.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

wow im really glad im legal then,mr icemud threw my name in the hat,fingers crossed and hoping i have been helping enough,i try but i always feel like i could have done more anwser at least one more post before passing out ,more pics more diy etc. but really just the fact that even 1 member thinks i should be there makes me feel fantastic,! yeah jealous of you buddy and not just over the "oscar" you won(420mag version) but plenty of things,more admiration tho, i cant be jealous of something you deserve and earned, proud too i see all you contribute and how hard you work despite disability i KNOW it aint easy brother, i have had days i thought i might stop but its just a thought on a particularly hard day i could never leave here its my home in cyberspace ! i bet they sucked up plenty of the co2 twister you started, i know my girls are loving the new enviros since i got things to run under 80 f full time now they are growing again,loving the new light and more space, its nice not to open up and be horrified at the temps and seeing heat damage ! good times!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Lots of writing since my last visit, lol

Putting my name on the nug jar would be worth more to me than getting the jar!
there would be at least one person out there that had something tangible that they want merely as a benefit of knowing me...thats kudos imho!

i would happily give it all away every time. hell, if i do start getting *of the month regularly i will donate it to 2nd place myself =D

but you gt the first JD =)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

maybe if a person from a none mmj state won then they should at least let us decide who to give it to, im sure their are many growers who would benefit from the prizes, or would it be possible to do a prize package for people from none mmj states, i mean all the bug stuff and nutrients could be used for organic food, its only a couple of the prizes that are mmj based so all the others would be totally legal,

in the shops by me they legally sell cones,scales,grinders,stash cans,bongs,pipes,vapes, etc etc, they have these on display in the shops so it is possible to walk into most corner shops and buy these legally, its like seeds, their totally legal to buy and sell, its just the germination thats a problam, but when you can walk into most corner shops and market stalls and buy equipment used for smoking then surely the prizes would be allowed, i can go into any shop within a 15min walk and purchase bongs and grinders, deal bags, stash cans and can buy these over the counter with out breaking the law, so surely even non mmj states should be allowed the prizes, its not the prizes themselves that are illegal its what you do with them.

but when i can walk into my shop and buy a grinder with a big weed leaf on it then everyone knows what its for, even if the smoking of bud is illegal, we have shops that sell only cannabis related stuff, everything you can think of, all sorts of curing jars and vapes, and these are sold totally legally, like i said its like buying seeds, all are sold as souvineers, surely this rule could apply for prizes,.

if i can walk into shops and buy all the items i like for cannabis then the prizes would not be a problem, its what you do with them that becomes a problem, but a collector like me would treasure them for ever and not use them, its like the beanz i buy, all souvineers and i keep them all in a big display case, honest, its the only way i can buy seeds, its the same for everyone living in a none mmj state or country
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I have giant Afghan Poppy seeds that are 'souvenir'.....

like i said its like buying seeds, all are sold as souvineers, surely this rule could apply for prizes,.

if i can walk into shops and buy all the items i like for cannabis then the prizes would not be a problem, its what you do with them that becomes a problem, but a collector like me would treasure them for ever and not use them, its like the beanz i buy, all souvineers and i keep them all in a big display case, honest, its the only way i can buy seeds, its the same for everyone living in a none mmj state or country
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Drive bye. Looking back I seen someone else talking about your errr geekynish program. I know I'm at a loss smetimes. But now 28 days into flower works for me. They look great and like they are loving life. Got to remember I can't read and just look at pictures. Well I do the Evenlyn Wood's speed reading. Yea I know you get into it alot deeper than me. Least in the recording aspects. Looking back you sure can see the difference at the speed them Kush's are packing on flowers compaired to side A. Congradulations on scoring the Bud Jar. You are one of them people that put's out that little extra here that earned you that MOTM thingie. I Hope it stays topped off with frosty nuggets for a long long time. Hopefully soon all states will have MMJ. It WILL happen in my life time. The laws have come along ways so, even tho I feel for all that don't have MMJ, it's on the ways. Keep your heads up 'High'. Vote when you can, and do what you can to promote good will toward MMJ, and Keepem Green
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Drive bye. Looking back I seen someone else talking about your errr geekynish program. I know I'm at a loss smetimes. But now 28 days into flower works for me. They look great and like they are loving life. Got to remember I can't read and just look at pictures. Well I do the Evenlyn Wood's speed reading. Yea I know you get into it alot deeper than me. Least in the recording aspects. Looking back you sure can see the difference at the speed them Kush's are packing on flowers compaired to side A. Congradulations on scoring the Bud Jar. You are one of them people that put's out that little extra here that earned you that MOTM thingie. I Hope it stays topped off with frosty nuggets for a long long time. Hopefully soon all states will have MMJ. It WILL happen in my life time. The laws have come along ways so, even tho I feel for all that don't have MMJ, it's on the ways. Keep your heads up 'High'. Vote when you can, and do what you can to promote good will toward MMJ, and Keepem Green

That, in my opinion, makes you the stand-up guy you are. One day, we will all sit at the local Starschmucks and grin at the guy in the business suit finally brave enough to smoke openly, and know we helped in doing our part. Everyone needs to vote when it comes up...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

That, in my opinion, makes you the stand-up guy you are. One day, we will all sit at the local Starschmucks and grin at the guy in the business suit finally brave enough to smoke openly, and know we helped in doing our part. Everyone needs to vote when it comes up...

thats all i want in life. i had to go to live and run my business from holland just to do exactly that. =(
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre, where ya been hiding?? Hopefully NO migrane
Well, first my puter crapped, so I had to fix that

And then.....?

I went to go fill the nug jar... and then I had to test out the new Raw rolling papers I got... then I had a big crash... Ate some indica candy thinking it was really a sativa. Can you say, "Beddie-bye time?"
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Well, first my puter crapped, so I had to fix that

And then.....?

I went to go fill the nug jar... and then I had to test out the new Raw rolling papers I got... then I had a big crash... Ate some indica candy thinking it was really a sativa. Can you say, "Beddie-bye time?"

LOL well, least you got some sleep finally!!!
I love me my indica. Just about all I smoke. Well, vape!
Luckily I have 5 computers here so if one craps out I have something I can use until I fix it. Glad you got yours up and going though.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

LOL well, least you got some sleep finally!!!
I love me my indica. Just about all I smoke. Well, vape!
Luckily I have 5 computers here so if one craps out I have something I can use until I fix it. Glad you got yours up and going though.

Hehehe, this hippie knows how to build computers... fixing them is something that just comes naturally for me. Weird, huh?

Took apart the first computer I ever got my hands on. Then, remember the Tandy?? yeah. 8086's...... ugh, glad we're not stuck in those days... I loved when the Bigfoot was replaced by a well, smaller size, but bigger capacity HD. Then the AT board was replaced by the ATX! w00h00!! good times, and, no worry about hooking up the power to the board reversed... "red and red and you are dead" remember that?!?

I so love my computer, now; All lucite case and chassis. Blue lights inside and all.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hehehe, this hippie knows how to build computers... fixing them is something that just comes naturally for me. Weird, huh?

Took apart the first computer I ever got my hands on. Then, remember the Tandy?? yeah. 8086's...... ugh, glad we're not stuck in those days... I loved when the Bigfoot was replaced by a well, smaller size, but bigger capacity HD. Then the AT board was replaced by the ATX! w00h00!! good times, and, no worry about hooking up the power to the board reversed... "red and red and you are dead" remember that?!?

I so love my computer, now; All lucite case and chassis. Blue lights inside and all.

Both of mine are black, big, and yes, they have blue lights. Just like you, I build my own. Was love at first type
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Glad your back up & running. I went with four 80mm fans with red and blue LEDs and a black light with round glowing IDE cables and the first new fast 2 gig CPU . Cool to hear I'm not the only tech/hippy. Built me my first when ME was released to get off my windows 95 monster with a HUGE 30 G hard drive. That old knowledge helped me land the job fixing all the traffic light in RI, good times. :peace:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

dude I got a DELL and windows vista:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I got 14 chanels of shit on the tv to choose from!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I'm so sorry fish cake.:passitleft:
Its not hat bad. Its got 32 bites or gigs or something and its silver with a blue power button and a little blue light that flashes at random times:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

dude I got a DELL and windows vista:)

ROFL! Loved those commercials... "Dude you're gettin' a Dell!"

I also loved it when people got Dells.... I knew I'd be seeing them in a few months to repair those sorry pieces of shit.

Smoke a doob, and get the screwdriver. I gotta fix this shit? Ummm... why the hell did you install that? What so you mean Norton doesn't make your computer run slow? Holy CRAP! When was the last time you cleaned this thing... I mean you DO have it sitting on the CARPET!! You didn't write the error down? Umm... you have to turn the power strip on. No... It's not really floppy, but that's what they call it... They used to be though, and a lot bigger. A modem... You can't use Compuserve/AOL without it. Well of course it won't come on, it's not plugged in! What do you mean "Running slow"? You only have 19 icons in your systray! Acting wierd? Can do describe it a little better? No, if you stick a screwdriver in your heat sink fan it's not covered under warranty... Why the hell did you take the cover off anyway? No, memory upgrades won't help you remember things better... it will only work for computers.

There is a problem somewhere between the monitor and the keyboard.

I think it's an ID 10 T error.
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