Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Very good mate ladies are looking fine!

so nice of SNS to sort you out.

Hope they get into innoculants (if they arnt already) as if brixs does what it says on the tin, they will take a dive in pest reppelent sales.

Innoculants to start the soil bacteria going, mineral shots that are instantly availible in the soil (unlike rocks which takes months to condition the soil) and custom to highbrix foliar sprays.

just some more obvious markets to enter if your following the pulse of the market (and you (SNS) read this post)

As this is not High Brix, nor even a soil grow, (hell it doesn't have anything NEAR soil in it, except for inert Hydrotone clay balls), I haven't even researched SNS or any other company for soil remedies, fixes, additives, inoculations or the like. Hell, I grow in a STERILE ENVIRONMENT, away from anything alive other than the plants themselves. As such, I don't really know if they have anything for you.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

These are the samples you can get:

SNS 203 Soil Drench Spray
SNS 209 Systemic Insect Control
SNS 217 Spider Mite Control
SNS 217C Spider Mite Control Concentrate
SNS 244 Fungicide Spray
SNS 244C Fungicide Spray Concentrate
SNS 604A Vegetation Growth Supplement
SNS 604B Flowering Growth Supplement
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its all good, i had my business head on while stoned. was hoping the sponsor read your post and read my target market heads up.
i have faith that if hbx goes the way i suspect, all of us, tokers, farmers and home veg growers alike will all be moving over.
(its like comparing different types of push bikes, then someone drives in a ferrari...)

It could be huge conciet on my part, but ive always had an eye for opportunities and it was sort of my way of giving something to SNS for their good will.

i cant exactly go buy a load of their products right now (skint), so a business idea or 2 is the best i got ;)

(it wasnt a highbrix hijack of the thread, a one off snip for them)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its all good, i had my business head on while stoned. was hoping the sponsor read your post and read my target market heads up.
i have faith that if hbx goes the way i suspect, all of us, tokers, farmers and home veg growers alike will all be moving over.
(its like comparing different types of push bikes, then someone drives in a ferrari...)

It could be huge conciet on my part, but ive always had an eye for opportunities and it was sort of my way of giving something to SNS for their good will.

i cant exactly go buy a load of their products right now (skint), so a business idea or 2 is the best i got ;)

(it wasnt a highbrix hijack of the thread, a one off snip for them)

I didn't take it as a hijack at all! I was simply lamenting the lack of knowledge of SNS for soil uses.

LOL! I have grown in soil, and ridden all the newest and best waves for soil from this-n-that to fish emulsion, bat guano, and SuperTrive, to a full organic compost and some green sands enriched with volcanic ash sent to me from Hawaii. I've seen many fads come and go, and all of them claim to give better results than this or that. I will never be growing cannabis in soil again, and that's the way I like it. Yes I have some veggies that are in my cannabis trimming compost, but they are less finicky than our medicine to grow and will withstand tons more abuse and still produce well.

No offense is meant to you at all in this. I simply have evolved a liking for the immense control afforded me by hydroponics. The sterile environment I run takes out the guesswork of pouring over bottle labels with their microscopic print to make sure I don't kill off my molds, bacteria, and other beneficial microbes in the process of trying to fix something gone wrong in the soil. This is my version of K.I.S.S. and that's what I do. It doesn't work for all, but it works for me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its good that you have your own way. im growing in plain old soil myself at the moment and wont be changing to anything else till i can afford to do it properly. my passion for brix stems more towards the food we put in our mouths, but it certainly has its uses in our growing culture too.

its the spirit of hbx that counts, just like all the other 'fads' parallel evoloution of ideas, hbx with filter into all other grow methods.

i can see airoponic systems where all that is different is what is sprayed below and above ground, and maybe a few tweaks to deal with "energy of the soil" adaptations e.t.c

to me this is like diesel vs still get all manner of different vehicles, but the way the engine works is altered.

most of those fads you mentioned are subsections of N-P-K family of thinking.

but the main relevence in context with my starting post on this matter, is more to do with the fact that hbx is about to blow up as a multi million $ industry, the bubble hasnt even formed yet, never mind popped =D
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

its good that you have your own way. im growing in plain old soil myself at the moment and wont be changing to anything else till i can afford to do it properly. my passion for brix stems more towards the food we put in our mouths, but it certainly has its uses in our growing culture too.

its the spirit of hbx that counts, just like all the other 'fads' parallel evoloution of ideas, hbx with filter into all other grow methods.

i can see airoponic systems where all that is different is what is sprayed below and above ground, and maybe a few tweaks to deal with "energy of the soil" adaptations e.t.c

to me this is like diesel vs still get all manner of different vehicles, but the way the engine works is altered.

most of those fads you mentioned are subsections of N-P-K family of thinking.

but the main relevence in context with my starting post on this matter, is more to do with the fact that hbx is about to blow up as a multi million $ industry, the bubble hasnt even formed yet, never mind popped =D

To remove the mystery, Brix is the amount of carbohydrates available in a plant, correct? Getting those levels of carbohydrates, or sugars, thus brix, is the goal of the High Brix system, yes? Supplying the plant with the correct balance of N-P-K, water, light, air, and love will do that, no?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

To remove the mystery, Brix is the amount of carbohydrates available in a plant, correct? Getting those levels of carbohydrates, or sugars, thus brix, is the goal of the High Brix system, yes? Supplying the plant with the correct balance of N-P-K, water, light, air, and love will do that, no?

you would think so, but it seems the normal N-P-K thing goes out of the window with highbrix. you would far more likely want to put in Ca-P-K and in totally different ratio's

brix is just a measurement system and to be honest a refractometer barely scratches the surface.
its not just about sugars, but being able to infuse them sugars with the right mineral content.

the benefits of brix growing are probably substantially less for smoking bud as it is for eating bud, a high enough brix in a bud you eat may even make it 1 of your 5 a day, lol
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

you would think so, but it seems the normal N-P-K thing goes out of the window with highbrix. you would far more likely want to put in Ca-P-K and in totally different ratio's

brix is just a measurement system and to be honest a refractometer barely scratches the surface.
its not just about sugars, but being able to infuse them sugars with the right mineral content.

the benefits of brix growing are probably substantially less for smoking bud as it is for eating bud, a high enough brix in a bud you eat may even make it 1 of your 5 a day, lol

Very well put! Ca is of über importance, and it's all about feeding the soil instead of the plants. Traditional NPK is (somewhat) out the window, as far as the grower's involvement goes (at least that's what this hydro grower has gleaned from people like yourself, DocBud, Vapedogg, Icemud and others)... ;)

Love your passion for it!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im a better student than a teacher tho =(

took me quite a while to get my head around the concept and it seemed far more work than benefit at first, but then after a while i got the proverbial light bulb turn on above my head..a propper eureka moment!

i just dont have the grasp of the english language to properly explain how this is not like any other line of research.

to me its like a working man that constantly comes home covered in scratches from work,
you can either constantly clean and dress the wounds (npk) or you can alter your diet to boost your rgeneration and immune response and ignore the scratches altogether (Hbx)

i think it has something to do with the way my mind works, but if a new idea enters it, my imagination goes wild, comes up with the most far fetched concepts that can spring from that idea, and then it works backwards to forge a path from concept to reality.
so seeing highbrix in this way..i shit you not i think its the missing link for the eden project to work in space.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Mini update.

Day 22 Light Defoliation (a day late)
With the removal of 2 plants, due to dehydration because of equipment failure, there are now, 24 total plants in the Cardboard Flower Box. That's down from 32 at the start.
Dream Diesel x 1
Lamb's Bread Clone x 6
Purple Widow x 1
Green Fluffy Bunnies x 6
Jandre Kush x 6
Plush Berry Kush x 4

Now for the defoliation pics.

SideA Before:

SideA After:

SideA Bud Pic:

SideB Before:

SideB After:

SideB Bud Pic:

Yeah brotha! Makes you want to stick your face in there and start motor boating those biatches! :yummy:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im a better student than a teacher tho =(

took me quite a while to get my head around the concept and it seemed far more work than benefit at first, but then after a while i got the proverbial light bulb turn on above my head..a propper eureka moment!

i just dont have the grasp of the english language to properly explain how this is not like any other line of research.

to me its like a working man that constantly comes home covered in scratches from work,
you can either constantly clean and dress the wounds (npk) or you can alter your diet to boost your rgeneration and immune response and ignore the scratches altogether (Hbx)

i think it has something to do with the way my mind works, but if a new idea enters it, my imagination goes wild, comes up with the most far fetched concepts that can spring from that idea, and then it works backwards to forge a path from concept to reality.
so seeing highbrix in this way..i shit you not i think its the missing link for the eden project to work in space.

Well put! I'll have to do some research, and maybe a small HBX grow in my veggies to see what happens. As far as the Eden Project, you might be right.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yeah brotha! Makes you want to stick your face in there and start motor boating those biatches! :yummy:

ROFL! YEAH! **deep breath... sigh** Wow, I haven't ever laughed about this grow like that. You've certainly put to words what I was feeling over here. I'm quite impressed with the difference from last grow.

And just to let you know... I have been sticking my head in the box, rustling the plants and inhaling deply... Not a motorboat, per se, but same effect!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Well put! I'll have to do some research, and maybe a small HBX grow in my veggies to see what happens. As far as the Eden Project, you might be right.

Thanks man..your suppose to feel more alive, healthier and more energy if your on a high brix diet, humans may even live longer because of it too...we just dont know yet, but as far as i can see there are a ton of reasons to eat hbx and nothing but the time and effort to get your head aound it against it ;)

oh and as far as bud is concerned, there might be some improvements in taste/high i dont know, but the significant upgrade from a commercial seller of bud's point of view would be the much improved gramms per sq ft ratio caused by all the minerals in there...less is more, quite litterally.

Edit: the thing about the brix reading. lots of sugar is good of course, but its a bit like the way they detect if a sun has planets in its orbit by measuring its gravitational wobble, the actual brix reading cant tell us how well we have mineralised our plant, but its a good benchmark
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Thanks man..your suppose to feel more alive, healthier and more energy if your on a high brix diet, humans may even live longer because of it too...we just dont know yet, but as far as i can see there are a ton of reasons to eat hbx and nothing but the time and effort to get your head aound it against it ;)

oh and as far as bud is concerned, there might be some improvements in taste/high i dont know, but the significant upgrade from a commercial seller of bud's point of view would be the much improved gramms per sq ft ratio caused by all the minerals in there...less is more, quite litterally.

Edit: the thing about the brix reading. lots of sugar is good of course, but its a bit like the way they detect if a sun has planets in its orbit by measuring its gravitational wobble, the actual brix reading cant tell us how well we have mineralised our plant, but its a good benchmark

In that case it is much like using a PPM stick to measure nutrient content of a hydroponic nutirent solution: We can approximately tell how much, but not what is in the solution. Likewise, a good benchmark for feeding the plants.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

exactly so. so now it just boils down to understanding what ppm of each element the plant likes inside it ad have them produced by the mix of minerals and the life to catylize it. a healthy soil life will just about produce all the N you need and carbon.

to be honest this can evolve faster than i can learn about it at the moment

for example this whole energy of the soil, when i started i had no idea that it actually meant electricity..and that certain foods we feed the soil can increase output...who knows, when that subsection of research hits pinnacle, maybe we could even power our fans from the soil or even the lights...wouldn't that be something.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

looking sweet J
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