Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, MrC! :Rasta:
Wowza! Such a beautiful light and Blueberry Hill! Congrats on all and the added head room too! :slide:
:woohoo: I hope you and everyone here that celebrates is having or had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :peace::love::Namaste:
Your Blueberry Hill is really starting to take on a pleasing form. It’s like combing a grow with art.
It should start looking more like a pot plant and less like a cabbage real soon..
you better hope that Miss Piggy isn't a member here at 420 or she'd be gunnin for you....
In my defense, putting lipstick on a pig isn't necessarily a bad thing...but, you still can't take her to the dance.... :)
Great adapting for the Nextlight! Happy Thanksgiving Carcass!
Thanks, Stone...I'll probably see a few burnt leaves till I get the wattage dialed in...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, NTH- I hope you and yours had a great one too!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Carcass! Hope you all have a wonderful day and make some great memories!
It was a great day..watching all my kids get along so well gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling :love:
Happy Thanksgiving Carcii! Enjoy the new holiday digs.
I hope it becomes a yearly thing- I knew my daughter in law was a good cook, but till yesterday, I didn't know just how good she was at it!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, MrC!
Thank You, GDB- it was a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who share here.
Wowza! Such a beautiful light and Blueberry Hill! Congrats on all and the added head room too! :slide:
:woohoo: I hope you and everyone here that celebrates is having or had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :peace::love:
Thank You, Candy! Now I should be able to grow an "almost big" plant in there... ;)
I hope everyone had a pleasant Holiday, and if it wasn't a holiday for you,I hope you had a nice weekend!
Well, it's time for a little Update on what's going on in the old box...

The little @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill is doing pretty well...maybe a little bit slow, but she's getting there.
She's 41 days old today- lots o tops on this little lady...
The SaugaView:

She's being fed 4g/gal. mc every third day, and seems pretty happy with that for now...
the more budsites, the more sticks I've got to use to put things where I want 'em, and this plant seems to be going for some kind of record... :oops:

The main branches just reached the edge of the pot, so I need to train her out about 3 inches past the edge to get her nice 'n wide before I flip her to 12/12 in 18 days or so- I was going to use sticks and binder clips to train her beyond the pot edge, but I thought of something else that's a bit less "fiddly".

I'm going to try it for a few days to make sure it'll work...It's one of those McGuyver things that might work great...or,it might not work at all...we will see...It's not in these pics, but you will definitely notice it when you see it... :oops:


A different shot so you can see her undercarriage a little bit- I've gotten rid of some of the older leaves that were laying in the dirt, and I'm planning on doing some more trimming after the stretch- something I always say I'm going to do , but I seldom actually do it...The amount of larf on the last plant convinced me that it's something I need to start doing every time..

Just one of the tops...

The new light (@NextLight 420h) is dimmed down to 150 watts, (35,000 lux at the canopy) and the plant is loving it! It also doesn't add any heat to the box, because most of the light is technically outside the box.

One little thing about the light- the dimmer has a tiny little knob on it, and the adjustment is super sensitive when dialing in the lower wattages. It seemed to me that a bigger knob would make that a lot easier to I came up with this one, and it really does make the adjusting a lot easier...
I just double-sticky taped it to the existing knob.(and added a little decoration :) )
It's actually just a lid off a milk jug...


And that's about all that's going on right now!
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support.. :love:

And please, stay safe out there- it's too bad we're still having to talk
about covid 19 over a year and a half later, but it is what it is... :peace:
Ha! It was always about "cheap" more than it was about stealth, and that milk jug knob sticks with the cheap theme pretty well... :)
She's very pretty, MrC. Even though you show me how you do it, I don't know how you do it. :Rasta:

Now about this...
I was going to use sticks and binder clips to train her beyond the pot edge, but I thought of something else that's a bit less "fiddly".
Okay. I want to see it. But is sounds like I going to have to "piddle" around for a bit before that happens.
I'm going to try it for a few days to make sure it'll work
You might want to consider doing this before the piddle part the next time. :laughtwo:
Thanks, GDB!-
Okay. I want to see it. But is sounds like I going to have to "piddle" around for a bit before that happens.
It looks like it's going to work fine, so I'll post up some pics a bit later on- Justin and I are going to go to the nursing home to visit my Mom in a few minutes, I'll post when I get back home. :)
It looks a bit silly, but it's working like a charm...
Thank You, Boo! Yeah, I'm digging the light, and the B.H. is too!
Say hi to Justin for me. I miss him around here…
I will do that Boo! He's headed back to Wa. in the morning, I'll tell him when he stops by before he leaves!

And now, at @Grand Daddy Black 's request, here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus- it may look funny, but it's working great so far.
I was at the dollar store, buying some skewers, and I saw their box of "pool noodles"(foam tubing that you play with in the pool)...That got me to thinking... (uh-oh!)
So, I got one, split it down the middle, and voila! my tiedown problem is solved!
noodle 1.jpg

The tiedown wires jam right into it, and it takes a lot of side force to pull them out- that white wire is to keep it tight on the pot so it won't slide "up"when the plant pulls on the wires.
noodle 2.jpg

It's pretty hokey, but it does work, and it only cost 50 cents to make...
I know what you're thinking..."This guy has got waaay too much time on his hands" ;)
Thanks for looking:high-five:
Thank You, Boo! Yeah, I'm digging the light, and the B.H. is too!

I will do that Boo! He's headed back to Wa. in the morning, I'll tell him when he stops by before he leaves!

And now, at @Grand Daddy Black 's request, here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus- it may look funny, but it's working great so far.
I was at the dollar store, buying some skewers, and I saw their box of "pool noodles"(foam tubing that you play with in the pool)...That got me to thinking... (uh-oh!)
So, I got one, split it down the middle, and voila! my tiedown problem is solved!
noodle 1.jpg

The tiedown wires jam right into it, and it takes a lot of side force to pull them out- that white wire is to keep it tight on the pot so it won't slide "up"when the plant pulls on the wires.
noodle 2.jpg

It's pretty hokey, but it does work, and it only cost 50 cents to make...
I know what you're thinking..."This guy has got waaay too much time on his hands" ;)
Thanks for looking:high-five:
Well Played.

Thank You, Boo! Yeah, I'm digging the light, and the B.H. is too!

I will do that Boo! He's headed back to Wa. in the morning, I'll tell him when he stops by before he leaves!

And now, at @Grand Daddy Black 's request, here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus- it may look funny, but it's working great so far.
I was at the dollar store, buying some skewers, and I saw their box of "pool noodles"(foam tubing that you play with in the pool)...That got me to thinking... (uh-oh!)
So, I got one, split it down the middle, and voila! my tiedown problem is solved!
noodle 1.jpg

The tiedown wires jam right into it, and it takes a lot of side force to pull them out- that white wire is to keep it tight on the pot so it won't slide "up"when the plant pulls on the wires.
noodle 2.jpg

It's pretty hokey, but it does work, and it only cost 50 cents to make...
I know what you're thinking..."This guy has got waaay too much time on his hands" ;)
Thanks for looking:high-five:
I'm impressed. :Rasta:

A man who grows in a box but thinks outside of one!

Of course, it can be improved upon and thanks for asking, I'll get right on it. :laughtwo:
You did have to buy the entire noodle after all...
True, it's not like I'm going to take the other half back to the store and say "this one's broken, can I get a refund?" :rofl:
Well Played.
Thanks, NTH!
Of course, it can be improved upon and thanks for asking, I'll get right on it.
I'll expect your proposal on my desk in the morning!
wait a minute...I don't have a desk...nevermind! :)
You Are so McGyver-ish Carcass.
Thanks, Boo- I think I get it from my maternal grandmother- I was born without hip sockets, and in those days(1953), there was nothing to be done about it, I was probably never going to walk... My grandmother wasn't having any of that, so she invented a splint that I had to wear for 2 years (I learned to walk wearing it) it caused pressure on my pelvis, and forced the ball of my femurs into my pelvis, and formed the sockets that weren't there when I as born.
I can still pop my hips out of joint if I want to- Mrs.C. thinks it's pretty gross... :)
A doctor was going to help her patent it, but he ended up stealing the idea ,and taking the credit (and making the money) from it...
Ha!... it's the same thing as my singing, nobody wants to see (or hear) that shit... :cheesygrinsmiley:
(they're both pretty gross...)
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