Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I was a hokey pokey dance master(in my mind) at the local roller skate rink 1965. :goof:

here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus
Now that is a serious improvement over the last one you tried with the toilet seat or whatever that was you used. Maybe it was a peg board just looked like a toilet seat.

The Queen of the Blueberry Hill is loving life right now.:adore:
Thanks, Boo- I think I get it from my maternal grandmother- I was born without hip sockets, and in those days(1953), there was nothing to be done about it, I was probably never going to walk... My grandmother wasn't having any of that, so she invented a splint that I had to wear for 2 years (I learned to walk wearing it) it caused pressure on my pelvis, and forced the ball of my femurs into my pelvis, and formed the sockets that weren't there when I as born.
I can still pop my hips out of joint if I want to- Mrs.C. thinks it's pretty gross... :)
A doctor was going to help her patent it, but he ended up stealing the idea ,and taking the credit (and making the money) from it...
Grandma Carcass Rocks.

Love the Friday update! Oh wait, never mind. :oops:

Plant look terrific, which is entirely normal here after you get past the seedling stage!
maybe a little bit slow, but she's getting there
Is it colder in the box now than it is during the warmer months? That would account for slower growth.
The amount of larf on the last plant convinced me that it's something I need to start doing every time
you will definitely notice it when you see it
I'm sure we will, especially if it's neon green!
this plant seems to be going for some kind of record
Calling Guinness! Oh wait, different company. :oops:
It's actually just a lid off a milk jug...
Oh there it goes...brilliant!
And now, at @Grand Daddy Black 's request, here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus- it may look funny, but it's working great so far.
Again, brilliant!
Mrs.C. thinks it's pretty gross.
Not sure who wouldn't besides your orthopedist.
she was a great lady...
And brilliant!

after you get past the seedling stage!
If they survive the seedling stage, they know they're lucky to be alive...
Is it colder in the box now than it is during the warmer months? That would account for slower growth.
Only about 3 degrees cooler at night, like 65f instead of 68f- day temps are about the same all year, 78-80f except for the really hot days. She's a little pale, I might be going a little light on the mc, because she does seem about a week behind where (I think) she should be.
Or, that's just how this strain grows- slow and steady :hmmmm:
#minimallarf ;)
I'm sure we will, especially if it's neon green!
The next one might be hot pink!

Not sure who wouldn't besides your orthopedist.
Thank You, Boo! Yeah, I'm digging the light, and the B.H. is too!

I will do that Boo! He's headed back to Wa. in the morning, I'll tell him when he stops by before he leaves!

And now, at @Grand Daddy Black 's request, here's my "fabric pot friendly" tie down apparatus- it may look funny, but it's working great so far.
I was at the dollar store, buying some skewers, and I saw their box of "pool noodles"(foam tubing that you play with in the pool)...That got me to thinking... (uh-oh!)
So, I got one, split it down the middle, and voila! my tiedown problem is solved!
noodle 1.jpg

The tiedown wires jam right into it, and it takes a lot of side force to pull them out- that white wire is to keep it tight on the pot so it won't slide "up"when the plant pulls on the wires.
noodle 2.jpg

It's pretty hokey, but it does work, and it only cost 50 cents to make...
I know what you're thinking..."This guy has got waaay too much time on his hands" ;)
Thanks for looking:high-five:
Hello C Inventor :)

Omg what a great idea! I’ll do the marketing!

Behold 420 Mag!

What’s long and green?
I know what you’re all thinking….. The Hulks weiner, but no, I’m talking about the Carnoodle ™️

If you are looking for a hokey that works and you have fitty cent, then the Carnoodle is for you!
Well thank heavens your Grandmother had a mind that could conceive making such a splint for you, awesome that her resolve got you moving. I thought mentioning that first was more important than your Blueberry Hill which is looking totally stunning!
the Carnoodle is for you!
They're also available in orange and hot pink... :)
Well thank heavens your Grandmother had a mind that could conceive making such a splint for you
Thanks, Stunger!
My life sure would have been different without her...she just figured the doctors were full of crap, turned
out she was right!
Thanks for the kind words on the BBH- Cant wait to see how your balcony grow goes this year!
Happy Monday!
It's time for a little Update on the 48 day old Blueberry Hill...
She's plugging right along, not growing real fast, but she's growing...
The SaugaView®:

I bumped her mc up to 5g./gal. a few days ago, since parts of her seem a little complaints from her about that, at least not yet...she seems to be a hungry little plant.

Everything is where it's supposed to be, so now I'm just waiting for her to grow a little taller before I flip to 12/12 in 12 days or so- I usually flip at 50 days, but I'm hoping going 10 more days will get her to end up a little taller than the last 3 17" plants ...(sorry for the crooked pic)
I've removed quite a few little branches that weren't going to amount to much...

She's 8" tall now, hopefully she'll get to 10" tall before the flip...

The @NextLight 420h is doing a great job as the new ceiling in the box...can't get much better coverage than wall to wall!!

Running at 140 watts right now- I had it up to 160 for awhile, but she seemed to get a bit droopy, so I turned it back down to 31k lux at the canopy- that should be plenty until she starts flowering.

And finally, one last look through the door...The pool noodle thingy is working great!

And that's about it for today!
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support :love:

Please, stay as safe as possible out there..:high-five:

edit** I'm not sure why this pic ended up here, but it won't go away ...
Thanks, Shed!
What happens if you wait for 70 days before flip and make it a Blueberry Mountain?
I could do that- the 60 day thing is not carved in stone...I'll probably just see how she looks in 12 days or so
before I make a firm decision...she actually may need 70 days, if her growth doesn't speed up a bit... :hmmmm:
Happy Monday!
It's time for a little Update on the 48 day old Blueberry Hill...
She's plugging right along, not growing real fast, but she's growing...
The SaugaView®:

I bumped her mc up to 5g./gal. a few days ago, since parts of her seem a little complaints from her about that, at least not yet...she seems to be a hungry little plant.

Everything is where it's supposed to be, so now I'm just waiting for her to grow a little taller before I flip to 12/12 in 12 days or so- I usually flip at 50 days, but I'm hoping going 10 more days will get her to end up a little taller than the last 3 17" plants ...(sorry for the crooked pic)
I've removed quite a few little branches that weren't going to amount to much...

She's 8" tall now, hopefully she'll get to 10" tall before the flip...

The @NextLight 420h is doing a great job as the new ceiling in the box...can't get much better coverage than wall to wall!!

Running at 140 watts right now- I had it up to 160 for awhile, but she seemed to get a bit droopy, so I turned it back down to 31k lux at the canopy- that should be plenty until she starts flowering.

And finally, one last look through the door...The pool noodle thingy is working great!

And that's about it for today!
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support :love:

Please, stay as safe as possible out there..:high-five:

edit** I'm not sure why this pic ended up here, but it won't go away ...
Omg so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

The neatest and order of your grow makes my heart soar with happiness. And the fact your tape matches your Carnoodle™️ Is not lost on me. I love it when your earrings match your shoes. This is like the grow version of that.

You prove once again it’s what’s on the inside that really counts and true beauty is channeled from within coz mate the outside of that box is as ugly as a hat full of arseholes
I'd need to see the flag before I can comment further.
Oh, that flag- I almost forgot about that one! ya go!

Thanks for the compliment, Trala!
And the fact your tape matches your Carnoodle™️ Is not lost on me.
Actually, the green tape just sticks to the ol' noodle alot better than the blue tape.... :)
Happy Monday!
It's time for a little Update
Wake up call. I wasn’t expecting to see this till maybe Wednesday. :laughtwo:

Just wondering when you water do you release the hooks from the noodle?
At times I’ve found it easier to release most everything when I feed and water them when they’re so low.

she seems to be a hungry little plant.
She may be hungry but she sure is a pretty green.
Happy Monday!
It's time for a little Update on the 48 day old Blueberry Hill...
She's plugging right along, not growing real fast, but she's growing...
The SaugaView®:

I bumped her mc up to 5g./gal. a few days ago, since parts of her seem a little complaints from her about that, at least not yet...she seems to be a hungry little plant.

Everything is where it's supposed to be, so now I'm just waiting for her to grow a little taller before I flip to 12/12 in 12 days or so- I usually flip at 50 days, but I'm hoping going 10 more days will get her to end up a little taller than the last 3 17" plants ...(sorry for the crooked pic)
I've removed quite a few little branches that weren't going to amount to much...

She's 8" tall now, hopefully she'll get to 10" tall before the flip...

The @NextLight 420h is doing a great job as the new ceiling in the box...can't get much better coverage than wall to wall!!

Running at 140 watts right now- I had it up to 160 for awhile, but she seemed to get a bit droopy, so I turned it back down to 31k lux at the canopy- that should be plenty until she starts flowering.

And finally, one last look through the door...The pool noodle thingy is working great!

And that's about it for today!
Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support :love:

Please, stay as safe as possible out there..:high-five:

edit** I'm not sure why this pic ended up here, but it won't go away ...
She is just a beautiful vibrant green. :love:
Something for all of us to strive for.

Stay safe
Wake up call. I wasn’t expecting to see this till maybe Wednesday.
It almost didn't happen today- little Nova and her dad stopped by just as I was starting the update- I thought he was dropping her off, but they were just visiting on their way to the park. They're having a Daddy/Daughter day... :love:
Just wondering when you water do you release the hooks from the noodle?
No, I just water around the wires & hooks- this one has more room than most between the plant and the's not much, but just enough to get the watering spout in there....
She may be hungry but she sure is a pretty green.
In "person" the leaves have some light spots on them- the camera doesn't really see it very well.
Nothing serious, just kind of a mottled appearance on some of the leaves...I think it's getting less pronounced since I boosted her mc a few days ago.

She is just a beautiful vibrant green. :love:
Something for all of us to strive for.
Thank you for the kind words, Bill!:high-five:
She is lovely, @Carcass!

I really like the last pic (the one that won't go away). That pic took a curtain call!

Even if you veg it for 70 days, please don't refer to her as "Blueberry Mountain."

It screws up the song reference and I like to hum the song while looking at your updates.

Try it...

"I found my [what?]
On Blueberry Mountain."
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