Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

My dad had one in the early '60s in red. I have memories of sleeping in that compartment behind the back seat when I was little enough to fit!
When all the kids were little, the smallest one had to ride in that area if the whole family went somewhere in the bug...
That's why we usually took the (vw) bus :)
He'll probably get another 25 years out of it!
That's actually his plan..he lives on an island, so anywhere he goes in it isn't very far away...
It's funny- his mom (my ex) has a car trailer, so she's going to come down here to get it.
We've always gotten along great.... except for when we were married to each other.... ;)
A different view

Your tight wire loops and hooks made my heart flutter. Looks great! I will be giving this a try for sure.

It also made me realize how shitty my wiring job was in my last run. Thanks for taking a karate chop to what was previously a good idea in my head!
Thanks for the compliment, Baked!
Your tight wire loops and hooks made my heart flutter. Looks great! I will be giving this a try for sure.
22ga. solid core copper wire is the best stuff to use for the hooks (insulated or un-insulated)- thin steel wire will also work, but
it tends to "spring back" when you wrap it on the sticks, so it's a challenge to get the wire tight enough on the skewer..copper wire will wrap nice and tight on the skewer, so it doesn't slide around when you're trying to tie the branches down- but you can still slide it around to adjust the hooks for the height of the branch..
Happy Monday!
It's time for a little Update !
The @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill is coming right along-55 days old today...
She's loving the light from the @NextLight 420h- it's running at 160 watts now...(35k lux @ the canopy)

The SaugaView®:


She's a hungry little plant- she's already getting 6g/gal. of mc, and I think she could use a bit more- some of the leaves are a little pale, and some are half green and half pale, which I'm thinking might indicate a
K deficiency.. I'll start giving her a gram of @Blue Planet Nutrients 1-2-18 "Easy Weed"along with her mc to get a little more K into her...A K def might also explain why she seems to be growing a bit slower than most.

Here's a typical leaf- so far this is the only one that's browning on the edges...not a big problem yet, but I'd like to stop it before it turns into a big problem....I at first thought it might be too much light, but even the leaves at the bottom, in the shade are doing it, so it's not the light.

She's finally 10 inches tall, but I'm still going to wait till day 60 to flip her to 12/12- (Saturday)
I may have to wait a little longer if I don't get the pale leaves problem sorted by then....

One of her branches is a 3-leafer...(triploid)


A different view- I usually don't do any much thinning, but this time, I've removed all the little branches that weren't going to make it up to the canopy...obviously, I haven't removed many leaves yet- but I'll (allegedly) get that done this week, before the flip... :)


One more pic..I'd like to get her a little wider before the flip, but this plant doesn't seem to want to spread out much. Even so, she'll probably fill the box pretty well by the end...or not, we'll see :hmmmm:

And that's about it for today...
Thank You for stopping by, I appreciate your support :love:

Please continue being as safe as you can out there :peace:
Yes. That flag is still to low.

Ha! It might well end up being 70 might take that long to get the leaves the right shade of green...
But, it'll also give her time to get a little wider too...another inch and a half all the way around would be nice...
Here's a typical leaf- so far this is the only one that's browning on the edges...not a big problem yet, but I'd like to stop it before it turns into a big problem....I at first thought it might be too much light, but even the leaves at the bottom, in the shade are doing it, so it's not the light.
Stuff like this helps build my understanding of identifying and managing issues. Thanks for this nugget of wisdom. Blessings
Stuff like this helps build my understanding of identifying and managing issues.
Glad to help, Baked-
I'm sure it's not too much light, but I'm not sure about my low K diagnosis- I'll hopefully have that answer 5 or 6 days from now...The last time I tried to fix low K, I burnt the crap out of my plant...I hope it goes a little better this time. :oops:
Glad to help, Baked-
I'm sure it's not too much light, but I'm not sure about my low K diagnosis- I'll hopefully have that answer 5 or 6 days from now...The last time I tried to fix low K, I burnt the crap out of my plant...I hope it goes a little better this time. :oops:
Learn...get better...learn...get better.

My issue is getting REALLY hard on myself for shit I just really shouldn't be. Shed reminded me of that recently. What does he even know anyway...right?!
Nah, I just post more!
And there's a lot of knowledge in those posts!
Oh Carcass, she is gorgeous!
Thank you, Boo! Once all her leaves are the right color, she'll look a bit better...if I don't ruin her trying to get her fixed....
Is she taking a lot of liquids? She gonna be a monster if you let her. :cheesygrinsmiley:
She drinks a gallon every other day, so she's a fairly thirsty little gal- I don't know if she'll be a monster, but anything over 17" tall will be an improvement over the last 3 ...
She's gorgeous, Mr.C.

The Hill will be 2+ feet tall. Bet on it . (If I were a betting man, I would!). :)
this plant doesn't seem to want to spread out
She is a real head turner and that trunk is huge! Let her keep rising and you will need to add an extension onto the box.

she'll probably fill the box pretty well by the end...or not,
Are you preparing to run for a political office? :adore:
Thanks, GDB!
The Hill will be 2+ feet tall. Bet on it .
10 inches down, 14+ to go :)
What size pot is she in?
I was wondering about that too.
Sorry, I missed this question yesterday- she's in a 3 gallon pot- this is my first time using a fabric pot indoors, But I'll probably stick with them from now on...although, I haven't noticed much difference between them and hard pots, at least not yet...
I hope your plan fixes this.
I watered and fed her last night,including the K boost...and she's not dead or burnt this morning..that's always a good sign...although- I won't really know if it helped or hurt for 5 days or so...:)
Let her keep rising and you will need to add an extension onto the box.
Since the new light, I've got a full 4 feet of headroom in there now- up from 37 inches awhile back, so (if she wants to) she can get 30" tall before she's too close to the light..
She’s a lil beauty ! :morenutes:Been trying to sort mine as well so I can flip soon too!
Thanks for the kind words, candy! :love: I usually flip at day 50, but I'm trying for a bigger plant this time, so I'll flip somewhere around day 60, possibly a bit later, depending on how she recovers from her "pale leaves" problem...
Oh that Blueberry Hill is just gorgeous
Thanks so much, Rexer!
Although she looks a bit like a Blueberry Bush right now... :)
You make it look so easy. If I ever create a plant of that level of awesome, I’m gonna get a pic tattooed on my forehead so everyone I see gets to see it too.
Good Morning, T!
You're already doing it- those are some beautiful ladies you've got growing!
All it takes is plenty of sticks, a little patience, and a touch of ocd...and I think we've both got that covered... :thumb:
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