Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Hi, Boo! It sure is nice to see you around the forum again...:high-five:
Oh my. That’s a nice bump in height for the box.
Now the box is as tall as a short grow tent... :)
But now I've got room for a little more stretch..I hope I'm going to need it!
I took a little time off and have fallen dreadfully behind on everyone's journals, but I'm all caught up here now. Blueberry Hill is looking great, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in flower.
Blueberry Hill is looking great, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in flower.
Thank you, Beez! She might have a few pistils by next Monday...tomorrow is flip day!
Seeing as how it's Monday, you might be here just in time to fall behind again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Although, with only one little plant going, it's pretty easy to get caught up.. :)
Get your update on already!

Coming right up, T!
Had to do a little Christmas shopping today with Mrs.C., so I'm running a bit behind!

Finally, it's time for an Update on the little @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill- she's 62 days old today, she finally reached 11" tall, so tomorrow is flip day...She looks pretty much like she did last week, except she's a little taller, and a little wider..

11" tall now, and 18" wide...being fed 6.5g/gal/mc+ .75 gram of 1-2-18 EasyWeed...some of the leaves are still a bit "splotchy", but, for the most part, they're a good shade of green from the extra K she's been getting for the last week...

I actually did quite a bit of thinning/defoliating in the last few days, but you'd never know it today..

She's going to start the flip with a fairly flat may stay that way once she starts stretching, or it may not, We'll just have to wait and see about that...The @NextLight 420h is running @ 170 watts right now...I'll turn it up some once I see some flowers...probably not much, though- this thing is bright!!

The little 10" marker flag is almost buried-
Quite a few tops on this little lady...


I wish there was more to say, but that's about it for this update- Things should start to get a little more interesting once she starts to flower...

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the support! :love:

And please, stay safe out there...we all know the drill by now... :peace:
Thank you, Beez! She might have a few pistils by next Monday...tomorrow is flip day!

Although, with only one little plant going, it's pretty easy to get caught up.. :)

Coming right up, T!
Had to do a little Christmas shopping today with Mrs.C., so I'm running a bit behind!

Finally, it's time for an Update on the little @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill- she's 62 days old today, she finally reached 11" tall, so tomorrow is flip day...She looks pretty much like she did last week, except she's a little taller, and a little wider..

11" tall now, and 18" wide...being fed 6.5g/gal/mc+ .75 gram of 1-2-18 EasyWeed...some of the leaves are still a bit "splotchy", but, for the most part, they're a good shade of green from the extra K she's been getting for the last week...

I actually did quite a bit of thinning/defoliating in the last few days, but you'd never know it today..

She's going to start the flip with a fairly flat may stay that way once she starts stretching, or it may not, We'll just have to wait and see about that...The @NextLight 420h is running @ 170 watts right now...I'll turn it up some once I see some flowers...probably not much, though- this thing is bright!!

The little 10" marker flag is almost buried-
Quite a few tops on this little lady...


I wish there was more to say, but that's about it for this update- Things should start to get a little more interesting once she starts to flower...

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the support! :love:

And please, stay safe out there...we all know the drill by now... :peace:
Love the shape and the color and I can't wait to see it 18" tall
18" would be an improvement, but I'm hoping for something in the low twenties...22"...24", something like that...
I was going to wait till she starts stretching for the silhouette shot, but since you asked.... :)
She looks good @Carcass looks like a bonsai tree,
Thanks, raziel!
This should be her last week as a bonsai, if everything goes according to plan... ;)
Well, she's 11 inches tall, so if she doubles in height she'll be 5 inches taller than the last 3...
The 13 extra veg days should help with that...maybe ... :hmmmm:
Thank you, Beez! She might have a few pistils by next Monday...tomorrow is flip day!

Although, with only one little plant going, it's pretty easy to get caught up.. :)

Coming right up, T!
Had to do a little Christmas shopping today with Mrs.C., so I'm running a bit behind!

Just an FYI but my favourite colour is red. ;)

11" tall now, and 18" wide...being fed 6.5g/gal/mc+ .75 gram of 1-2-18 EasyWeed...some of the leaves are still a bit "splotchy", but, for the most part, they're a good shade of green from the extra K she's been getting for the last week...

6.5g/gal/mc??? :eek: That seems like a lot especially in veg. The most I've ever fed mine is 5.5g/gal/mc and that was in flower. :hmmmm:

The little 10" marker flag is almost buried-
Quite a few tops on this little lady...


I wish there was more to say, but that's about it for this update- Things should start to get a little more interesting once she starts to flower...

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the support! :love:

And please, stay safe out there...we all know the drill by now... :peace:

She's a beauty and I'm excited to see her get taller than the flag. :battingeyelashes:
I would be overjoyed to grow plants like this. Yes I would absolutely be happy to have “Splotchy”:adore:
Thank you, Nev!'s only a matter of time, and you'll be growing them just like this one:high-five:

Thank you for the kind words, HG!
Just an FYI but my favourite colour is red.
6.5g/gal/mc??? :eek: That seems like a lot especially in veg.
It does seem like quite a bit of food for a plant that size, but she's digging it- I probably won't feed any more than that unless I start seeing deficiencies...I'll keep adding the extra K too, since she'll be flowering soon.
I'm excited to see her get taller than the flag.
It took awhile, but she finally got there...

She is really kicking some arse! Beautiful!
Thanks, NTH! Hopefully, she keeps it up for 9 or 10 more weeks!
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