Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Happy Monday everyone, and Thanks for the kind Christmas wishes- I hope Santa was good to you, and you all had a great Christmas weekend!

And that brings me to the Monday Update!
The little @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill is doing real good this week- she's 69 days old, flipped to 12/12 6 days ago...

She seems to be a bit of a slow grower, she is stretching, but only 2" since the flip, so she's 13" tall now, and apx. 20" wide ...

The @NextLight 420h is set to 190 watts, and the plant is loving it! (39k lux @ the canopy)
In case you're wondering, that black thing in the lower left is a rolled up seedling mat with a fan blowing through it...the fan runs all the time, but the seedling mat is on a timer, and when the light goes off, the seedling mat comes on to act as a little keeps it at a nice 71f in there at night. (up from 65f without it) When the light is on, it runs at about 78-81f in the box.


Here's one of her soon-to-be buds- only a few pistils so far, but she's gettin' there...
There's about 40 of these on her...

She's being fed 6.5g/gal. of mc every other day- she's still not quite as green as I'd like her to be, but she's close enough...

You can see she's a smidge above the 13" mark- the canopy is still pretty flat, so that's a good thing-
6-13 inches.jpg

And a silhouette shot- not much there yet, but that should change in the coming weeks...

And that's about all I've got today...
Thank You for looking, I really appreciate the support :love:

Have a safe and happy new years, I'll see you back in here in 2023!
Dang - she has got the perfect shape and color!
She's beautiful Carcass! With a good stretch to go she's heading to be giant! Hey, the seat of your pants engineering heat pad/fan rig is genius!
Thanks, Stone! That seedling mat is only 20 watts, so heating the box a little won't break the bank- it really doesn't do very much, but it does just enough....
Dang - she has got the perfect shape and color!
Thanks, babygirl!
Now if she'll just stretch another foot or so, I'll be happy... :hmmmm:
Well, I think your last grow of '21 is going great and that BH will be the bomb but,

Have a safe and happy new years, I'll see you back in here in 2023!
Do I really have to wait until '23 to find out how everything turns out??? :ganjamon:
Do I really have to wait until '23 to find out how everything turns out???
Ha! yeah, I'm just going to skip 2022... :)
j/k -Thanks for pointing that out raziel, I went back and fixed it...not sure what I was thinking about when I typed that... :hmmmm:
She sure is a beauty Carcass!
Thanks, candy, I appreciate the compliment!
40+ buds on the flattop and no larf. What a beautiful sight that is becoming.
Thank you, Nev! I doubt if she'll have that flat top much longer...but she might, you just never know what the stretch is gonna do...
Everything looks wonderful, Carcass. I hope you had a nice holiday and I hope the stretch on the BH doesn't ruin your lovely canopy. :battingeyelashes:
I hope the stretch on the BH doesn't ruin your lovely canopy.
Thanks, HashGirl! She's grown another inch today, and the canopy is still pretty flat, so all she has to do is keep that stuff up for another 2 weeks... :oops:
Nice work using that heating mat to heat up the box.
Thanks, NTH! I was actually a little surprised when it did what I hoped it would do...
Am I the only person who sees hair?
Ha!...Hopefully, she's sporting some big fat dreadlocks in a month or so.. :)
Just as pretty as can be, MrC.

That is all! :ganjamon:
Thanks for your friendship, guidance and laughs in 2021. If you’re not too busy, wanna do it again in 2022?!
Hell Yes, T! I've enjoyed every minute of it :hug:
Shit, by the end of 2022, you'll probably be teaching me some tricks!
Hell Yes, T! I've enjoyed every minute of it :hug:
Shit, by the end of 2022, you'll probably be teaching me some tricks!
Me too :)

Awww C Legend, I love your enthusiasm, but we both know neither your heart nor your osteo ridden hips could take it…

L O L L I N G !

but we both know neither your heart nor your osteo ridden hips could take it…
Ha!I meant "growing" tricks, but that brings an old joke to mind.....

An old bull and a young bull were standing atop a hill, looking down at all the cows in the valley below...

The young bull says "hey, lets run down and f*ck one of those cows"!

The old bull replies "you go ahead...but I think I'm going to walk down...

and f*ck em all"!
Ha!I meant "growing" tricks, but that brings an old joke to mind.....

An old bull and a young bull were standing atop a hill, looking down at all the cows in the valley below...

The young bull says "hey, lets run down and f*ck one of those cows"!

The old bull replies "you go ahead...but I think I'm going to walk down...

and f*ck em all"!
Well Played Sir.

Ha!I meant "growing" tricks, but that brings an old joke to mind.....

An old bull and a young bull were standing atop a hill, looking down at all the cows in the valley below...

The young bull says "hey, lets run down and f*ck one of those cows"!

The old bull replies "you go ahead...but I think I'm going to walk down...

and f*ck em all"!
Yup - heard that one from hubby a few times! *lol*
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