Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thank you, babygirl- I appreciate the compliment- I wish she'd take a lesson from yours, and grow a little!
Be careful what you wish for! I never thought this lady would become the heifer she is! Made me have to go buy a bugger tent AND reconfigure the spare bedroom so it would fit! (And now the damn furniture is not placed in a balanced location which I find irritating as all hell!)
What are the temps in there?
Hi, Azimuth- good question....
We turn the furnace down at night, so the house gets down to 65f or so, and so does the box (lights are out from 5:30pm to 5:30am)...with the fan&mat on, the box temps stay around 71f, which the plant seems to like better than the cooler temps. The warmer temps at night also keeps the soil from cooling off while the lights are off for 12 hours. The lights-on temps are 79-82f

Be careful what you wish for!
I'd like to have at least one try and outgrow the box, but that hasn't happened so far...
Hey Brother C...Happy New Year all I'm wishing for is that the new year 2022, doesn't turn into 2020 too. Your BH is beautiful, I'm running into the same problem you had a while back, can't get my seeds to pop and when they do they don't thrive long enough to even get into the seeding stage. But I'll solve that problem soon enough.

But tell me how tall is your pot???
Thank you all for the New Years wishes- I hope you are all doing well on this third day of 2022!

And...the third day of the year is also a Monday, so it's time for an Update on the 76 day old @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill-
First up, the SaugaView®:

It's been 13 days since she was flipped to 12/12, and she's slowly starting to look like a flowering plant.
This plant seems to do everything a bit slower than what I'm used to, but it is what it is....she's pretty healthy, so she'll get there eventually...

She's almost 16" tall now, so she's only stretched/grown 3" in 7 days- I don't think her extra 2 weeks of veg is going to make her much taller than the last 3 were...but she does have a 8 more days before she's allegedly done stretching...

I think/hope she'll get a little wider once she gets some buds going...

The canopy isn't as flat as it was last week, but it's not too bad yet.
I really need to thin out her midsection, I'll do that next week- there's quite a few little branches that have to go (and a shitload of leaves :) )
She's being fed 6.5g mc/gal, plus half a gram of BPN's "Easy Weed"as a flowering supplement- she's happy with that so far...


She's really taking her time producing any flowers, but that may end up being a good thing- they don't seem to grow much after I see the actual little "pom-poms" forming... :oops:


There's not much to her yet, but I figured I'd do a silhouette shot anyway...

And, a final parting shot- she has plenty of room in there, I wish she'd start using more of it...we'll see about that :hmmmm:

And that's all for today!
Thanks for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
And please, stay safe out there :peace:
Nice plant I love the little box that you made....
Nice plant I love the little box that you made....
I have a question for you I see your humidity is at 32% temperature about 82 mine's the same but really dry here right now sometimes humidity gets to 28%. Even with my humidifier in there I'm just playing wondering if that will have any ill effects on the plant what do you think any?
can't get my seeds to pop and when they do they don't thrive long enough to even get into the seeding stage.
If they're sprouting, then dying, they may be doing what's called "damping off , which is caused by a fungus in the soil. I had the same problem off and on in the past, so I sterilize my seedling soil in the oven for an hour @ 300f now, which kills the fungus so I shouldn't have the damping off problem anymore...

But tell me how tall is your pot???
You mean the plant?...looks like this one's going to top out at 16-16.5" tall....25" from floor to the top of the plant, 23" from the light@230 watts...
Nice plant I love the little box that you made....
Thanks, marcus!- yeah that little box has produced a lot of weed since I started using it close to 3 years ago
Even with my humidifier in there I'm just helping(hoping) you don't have any ill effects on the plant what do you think any?
I have no control over the humidity, so it just is what it is in usually sits around 42, but the humidity has been pretty low lately- 35 today. I would much rather have it too low than too high, which is a good thing, since it's too low most of the time ;)
So you're saying the stretch usually last about 2 weeks?

I usually figure 3 weeks, but very little, if any, stretching goes on in the third week.
Some plants stretch more, and for longer, but the last 4 I've grown have stretched very little...maybe someday I'll figure out why that is ... :hmmmm:
If they're sprouting, then dying, they may be doing what's called "damping off , which is caused by a fungus in the soil. I had the same problem off and on in the past, so I sterilize my seedling soil in the oven for an hour @ 300f now, which kills the fungus so I shouldn't have the damping off problem anymore...

You mean the plant?...looks like this one's going to top out at 16-16.5" tall....25" from floor to the top of the plant, 23" from the light@230 watts...

Thanks, marcus!- yeah that little box has produced a lot of weed since I started using it close to 3 years ago

I have no control over the humidity, so it just is what it is in usually sits around 42, but the humidity has been pretty low lately- 35 today. I would much rather have it too low than too high, which is a good thing, since it's too low most of the time ;)

I usually figure 3 weeks, but very little, if any, stretching goes on in the third week.
Some plants stretch more, and for longer, but the last 4 I've grown have stretched very little...maybe someday I'll figure out why that is ... :hmmmm:
You and me both brother maybe we'll both figure it out. Haha. I guess I really don't have to worry about my humidity since I'm already in the flower stage and it needs to be lower anyways. Because and I know this from experience when you lower humidity mid to late flower it increases trichome production dramatically I usually keep mine at about 30%. Although I was worried about the low humidity in the veg stage. But since I'm out of that stage now I guess there's no worries. Mine is second week flower tomorrow will be 14 days

If they're sprouting, then dying, they may be doing what's called "damping off , which is caused by a fungus in the soil. I had the same problem off and on in the past, so I sterilize my seedling soil in the oven for an hour @ 300f now, which kills the fungus so I shouldn't have the damping off problem anymore...
A tea made from fresh worm castings has proven to be very effective at warding off damping off disease. Not sure if dried castings from a bag would work, but the fresh ones work great.

I soak my seeds in it for 24-48 hours and then pour it on the medium after I plant the seed which has (hopefully) sprung a bit of a tail.
Nice looking plants, marcus- :thumb: gonna get a little tight in there in a month or so, but that's part of the fun!

I guess I really don't have to worry about my humidity since I'm already in the flower stage and it needs to be lower anyways.
I grew for a few years before I knew humidity was really a "thing" I needed to worry, I don't worry about it since I can't change it anyway...I can bring it up a few points with a wet towel in there, but I'm not sure what the benefit would be, so I don't bother with it...

A tea made from fresh worm casting has proven to be very effective at warding off damping off disease.
Thanks, Azimuth- that's good to know, especially since I just bought a big ol bag o' worm castings for my next grow (along with perlite and a bale of HP Promix.)
Damping off is a real pisser- you think you're on your way...then a few hours later, you find out you're going to have to start over...I hate that....:(
Happy Monday! It's time for an Update on the little Blueberry Hill...

She's 83 days old today, 20 days since the flip to 12/12
The SaugaView®: (all pics are after thinning)

A look in through the door:

And another- the canopy isn't as flat as it was, but it's not too crazy tall branches or anything

I was going to wait to trim her up till 3 full weeks had passed since the flip, but I went ahead and trimmed her up on Saturday (day 18), since it's apparent that she's done getting any taller...this one stopped growing at 16.5" , that means she only stretched 4.5"in 20 days... so much for this one being a little taller than the last 3... :straightface:
Here's what got trimmed off- lots of little branches, and a crapload of leaves...

So here's her new, lean"look"...Sorry I didn't get any "before" pics

Here's a couple of her little buds:


And, a silhouette shot- this will give you a better idea of how much of her midsection got trimmed off...she was pretty thick in the middle before her haircut...

And, one last look- she's being fed 7g/gal. mc every other day, and the @NextLight 420h is @ 230 watts
She also gets half a gram of @Blue Planet Nutrients "Easy Weed"with her mc, as a flowering supplement.

In other happenings this last week, my youngest son, his wife, and my daughter, all 3 have covid right now... They're all vaxed and boosted, so it isn't turning into anything life- threatening, they've just been feeling like shit for the last 5 days or so...they all consider that a fair alternative to dying from it...:thumb:

And that's it for this update!
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:

And please, stay as safe as you can out there!
She’s a beauty Carcass! Soon to be filled with some fat colas! :morenutes:
Sorry to hear about your family but happy to hear it hasn’t been life threatening! :love:
Nice job giving her a "clean bottom". (I love that Charmin is using bears to promote wiping your funky ass!)

She could have been taller. But I don't see how you expect to achieve more height with the way you stretch them out.

This time you added a big donut. What's next? :laugh:
Thanks, Shed!
but it might something as simple as doing a good thinning in veg to move the grown up top.
It's worth a try, that's for sure....13 extra days of veg sure didn't do anything for her, height wise...
Soon to be filled with some fat colas!
Thanks, candy!, she's a short little thing, but she's got lotsa buds on her...
Sorry to hear about your family but happy to hear it hasn’t been life threatening!
I'd of had it too, but I opted out of the New Years eve party!
But I don't see how you expect to achieve more height with the way you stretch them out.
Yeah, all that spreading them out does seem to mess with the stretch a bit- I may have to lighten up on the training next time around....
This time you added a big donut. What's next?
Possibly a 5 gallon geopot for the next one, instead of the usual 3 gallon - they get pretty root bound in the 3's
You might as well get that energy going to the top of the plant to make your flag vanish right quick!
Either that, or get a shorter flag... :)
And my experience with small pots is they create rootbound deficiencies rather than limiting plant size.
Well, no deficiencies at the moment, so rootbound isn't the answer...I think I will try the early thinning
on the next she can dedicate more resources to getting a little taller... :hmmmm:
Thank You, Shed!
Sorry to hear about the family affected with Covid but I'm happy it's mild.

Your Blueberry Hill looks wonderfully green. :love:
Sorry to hear about the family affected with Covid but I'm happy it's mild.
Thank you for the kind words, HG!
Mrs.C. and I got exposed on new years day, when Lydian's (the 5 year old) mom came to pick her up
at our house, but we apparently dodged that bullet...and oddly enough, the 5 year old did not get covid, at least not yet, even though her mom has had it for a week or so, in fact, she (mom) tested positive for it again this morning, although, out of the 3 that have it, hers is the mildest case.
Your Blueberry Hill looks wonderfully green.
I'd settle for more yellow and crispy, and a little more height, if I had a choice! ;)
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