Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Ha!I meant "growing" tricks..
Oh my mistake ;)

L O L L I N G !

An old bull and a young bull were standing atop a hill, looking down at all the cows in the valley below...

The young bull says "hey, lets run down and f*ck one of those cows"!

The old bull replies "you go ahead...but I think I'm going to walk down...

and f*ck em all"!

I got one for you. So 80 year old bloke was getting a pre wedding check up from the doc. He was due to marry an 18 year old.

Doctor had concerns and said “you need to be careful, a man of your age getting bow chika wowy with an 18 year old, somebody could get hurt…”.

Old bloke shrugs and says “if she dies, she dies”.

Boom tish!
Happy New Year, Carcass! I hope you survived babysitting the granddaughter.
Happy New Year to you and the family Carcass.
HaHaHa.... Happy New Years everyone.
Have a wonderful new year's eve Carcass,
Happy babysitting night carcass ;)
and happy new year too :love:
Happy New Year, Carcass!
Happy New Year Carcass, best wishes for an amazing 2022
Thank you all for the New Years wishes- I hope you are all doing well on this third day of 2022!

And...the third day of the year is also a Monday, so it's time for an Update on the 76 day old @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill-
First up, the SaugaView®:

It's been 13 days since she was flipped to 12/12, and she's slowly starting to look like a flowering plant.
This plant seems to do everything a bit slower than what I'm used to, but it is what it is....she's pretty healthy, so she'll get there eventually...

She's almost 16" tall now, so she's only stretched/grown 3" in 7 days- I don't think her extra 2 weeks of veg is going to make her much taller than the last 3 were...but she does have a 8 more days before she's allegedly done stretching...

I think/hope she'll get a little wider once she gets some buds going...

The canopy isn't as flat as it was last week, but it's not too bad yet.
I really need to thin out her midsection, I'll do that next week- there's quite a few little branches that have to go (and a shitload of leaves :) )
She's being fed 6.5g mc/gal, plus half a gram of BPN's "Easy Weed"as a flowering supplement- she's happy with that so far...


She's really taking her time producing any flowers, but that may end up being a good thing- they don't seem to grow much after I see the actual little "pom-poms" forming... :oops:


There's not much to her yet, but I figured I'd do a silhouette shot anyway...

And, a final parting shot- she has plenty of room in there, I wish she'd start using more of it...we'll see about that :hmmmm:

And that's all for today!
Thanks for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
And please, stay safe out there :peace:
Wow. See what happens when I stay away? You grow some freaking monsters.
Thanks for stopping in, Mr S.!...I wonder there such a thing as a "mini" monster?" :hmmmm:
Look at those tops! Her color is exquisite! Wow. Just wow. :drool:
Thanks for the compliment, Boo!- I'm a little surprised she's only got about 3 yellow leaves, and they're real old ones...I tried another Nute for a couple of plants, but mc is just hard to beat, for me,anyway ..I can't say I'm impressed with the FFOF soil, though- I've got a bale of Promix on the way- too many rocks and sticks in the FF...
Blueberry Hill is looking great so far, Carcass! :thumb: Happy New Year to you and your family!
That plant is just so beautiful.
Thanks, T! - You've got a few real beauties going on too!
Great to see business as usual matey.
Still plugging along....Glad to see you back among us, Vet!
Picture perfect, MrC!
Thanks, GDB...She is turning out pretty well..a little taller would be nice, but I'll take what I can get!
Blueberry Hill is looking great so far, Carcass!
Thanks, Beez! and a Happy New Year to you and yours!
She looks like a perfect specimen!
No matter what you do your plants end up basically the same size! They must have a sense of the size of the space and maybe even a fear of heights. Next time perhaps 90 days of veg just to test the theory? ;)

Stretchy or nah, still a beautiful specimen, and you can get a good idea of the stretch now from that silhouette shot. Oh, and nice work with the heat-mat tube fan thing!
She looks like a perfect specimen!
Thank you, babygirl- I appreciate the compliment- I wish she'd take a lesson from yours, and grow a little!
She’s absolutely beautiful C! I think there can be “mini” monsters! :morenutes:
Thanks, candy!...yeah- she's going to be just like a big plant, only smaller :)
No matter what you do your plants end up basically the same size
Funny- the autos I grew in the box were 20-21 inches tall, but photos...not so much- it's a little odd..and getting odder...
Oh, and nice work with the heat-mat tube fan thing!
Thanks, Shed- She may be short, but she's not going to get cold ..the mat only keeps it 6 degrees above the ambient, so it only does a little, but it's just enough for a 2x2..
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