Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

:ciao: I would be losing my mind if my daughter, son in law and grand daughter had COVID. Just sayin’. I’m so sorry they are sick and thankful it isn’t too bad so far. Here in VA it is rampant and we are doing our best to stay safe, but it is hard. This is really, really getting old. I hope they recover quickly. :love:

Your Blueberry is gorgeous, as usual. I’m wondering if it’s the height of your box that is keeping them at that 17” size? Everything else seems to be on point, is it possible to add a foot or so to it? Just a completely uneducated thought…. :cheesygrinsmiley:
This is really, really getting old. I hope they recover quickly.
Yeah, I know I'm plenty tired of it, but them getting it is a good reminder not to get complacent about being safe....
I’m wondering if it’s the height of your box that is keeping them at that 17”
Thanks, Boo-I'd considered that, but the box is 13" taller now that I've installed the @NextLight- it was 37", floor to light originally, with the cheap light...then, with the @Atreum Lighting Hydra-1000, it went to 44", now, it's a full 4 feet from floor to light. So, I don't think that's it.
I guess it would be worse if they got too tall in there- that would get old real fast...although I'd like to try it at least once.....
I have to wander over here more often… your plant is gorgeous. I’m using your hooks on my latest grow. They work so well!
You mean the plant?...looks like this one's going to top out at 16-16.5" tall....25" from floor to the top of the plant, 23" from the light@230 watts...

Well, no deficiencies at the moment, so rootbound isn't the answer...I think I will try the early thinning
on the next she can dedicate more resources to getting a little taller... :hmmmm:

Your Blueberry is gorgeous, as usual. I’m wondering if it’s the height of your box that is keeping them at that 17” size? Everything else seems to be on point, is it possible to add a foot or so to it? Just a completely uneducated thought…. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I was thinking that it has a lot to do with the height of the pot. Try increasing the height of your pot by 3 to 4 inches and see what happens. :ganjamon:
I’m using your hooks on my latest grow. They work so well!
Cool, DeeBoy! - and welcome to my little journal! I'm glad the hooks are working for you- they're about the easiest way to do it, imo..:high-five:
Try increasing the height of your pot by 3 to 4 inches and see what happens.
Thanks for the suggestion, raziel! I'm considering using a 5 gallon fabric pot next grow...that might be a little taller than the 3's- quite a bit more soil either way...not sure where I'd find a tall plastic pot- they all seem about the same height in the stores around here..
Whenever I look at your plants, I feel like a noob.....

I'll get to your level someday, with any luck. :laughtwo:

Hope the fam recovers quickly. :green_heart:
Whenever I look at your plants, I feel like a noob.....

I'll get to your level someday, with any luck. :laughtwo:

Hope the fam recovers quickly. :green_heart:
Oh good it's not just me. But, who am I kidding .... I am a noob!
Nice thinning work on the Blueberry Hill. :thumb: Considering how well your plants yield, I wouldn't worry about their height at all.
Either that, or get a shorter flag... :)
:laughtwo: I was going to suggest that!
even though her mom has had it for a week or so, in fact, she (mom) tested positive for it again this morning,
When I had it, the doctor said not to even bother getting tested again once the symptoms go away because I would still test positive for several weeks.
Whenever I look at your plants, I feel like a noob.....
Thank You for the kind words, VG! I've got sort of an unfair advantage though- Only growing 1 plant, I can focus all my attention on it...if I grew 5 or 6 plants, I don't think they'd do nearly as well as just the 1..
But, who am I kidding .... I am a noob!
Remember ...we were all noobs at one time...
Considering how well your plants yield, I wouldn't worry about their height at all
That's true- even though they're a bit stubby, they seem to produce pretty well...
A bit off topic, but I'm gonna post it anyway...Here's what I've been doing today-filling it with spare parts, and tying it down to the trailer.

My son’s "new" 60 year old car is ready to roll! (1962 VW Sunroof Bug)
It leaves for Washington state in the morning- his mom (My ex-wife) is picking it up...

It was my daily driver for 25 years, still runs good, but I upgraded to a Honda 5 or 6 years ago....
I'm gonna miss the ol' girl after 30 years...

And, to keep this cannabis-related, here's a couple purple nugs, for no apparent reason... :)
2 purple.jpg

Thanks for looking!
A bit off topic, but I'm gonna post it anyway...Here's what I've been doing today-filling it with spare parts, and tying it down to the trailer.

My son’s "new" 60 year old car is ready to roll! (1962 VW Sunroof Bug)
It leaves for Washington state in the morning- his mom (My ex-wife) is picking it up...

It was my daily driver for 25 years, still runs good, but I upgraded to a Honda 5 or 6 years ago....
I'm gonna miss the ol' girl after 30 years...

And, to keep this cannabis-related, here's a couple purple nugs, for no apparent reason... :)
2 purple.jpg

Thanks for looking!
Hey @Carcass looks like a great old girl
Hope you are well my friend.
Are the doors as thin as cardboard on her?
My buddy had one in my youth he kept giving me heck for closing the dam door too hard.
I said your worried about the door.
I can see the road going by under my feet and your bitchen about the door.
He bought new floor mats , that's his idea of a fix. :laugh:
How did he double the value of his Volkswagen?
Filled it with gas. :rofl:
Do you know why he had heated rear windows installed?
To keep our hands warm while we were pushing. :rofl:
But we got high A.F. in that thing.
Can't believe we didn't crash, crazy shit we did as kids.
Beautiful car my friend. :love:

Stay safe
But we got high A.F. in that thing.
Yes..I may have gotten high in that old girl a few times too :oops: ...or one of the other 13 that I've owned over the years...this one is by far the best one, probably why I kept it for so long....
When I was in high School, you could buy a bug for $50 if it didn't run, $100 if it did....
Prices have gone up considerably since then....
Happy Monday! It's time for an Update on the little Blueberry Hill...

She's 83 days old today, 20 days since the flip to 12/12
The SaugaView®: (all pics are after thinning)

A look in through the door:

And another- the canopy isn't as flat as it was, but it's not too crazy tall branches or anything

I was going to wait to trim her up till 3 full weeks had passed since the flip, but I went ahead and trimmed her up on Saturday (day 18), since it's apparent that she's done getting any taller...this one stopped growing at 16.5" , that means she only stretched 4.5"in 20 days... so much for this one being a little taller than the last 3... :straightface:
Here's what got trimmed off- lots of little branches, and a crapload of leaves...

So here's her new, lean"look"...Sorry I didn't get any "before" pics

Here's a couple of her little buds:


And, a silhouette shot- this will give you a better idea of how much of her midsection got trimmed off...she was pretty thick in the middle before her haircut...

And, one last look- she's being fed 7g/gal. mc every other day, and the @NextLight 420h is @ 230 watts
She also gets half a gram of @Blue Planet Nutrients "Easy Weed"with her mc, as a flowering supplement.

In other happenings this last week, my youngest son, his wife, and my daughter, all 3 have covid right now... They're all vaxed and boosted, so it isn't turning into anything life- threatening, they've just been feeling like shit for the last 5 days or so...they all consider that a fair alternative to dying from it...:thumb:

And that's it for this update!
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:

And please, stay as safe as you can out there!
That plant is just exquisite!

You really are my grow messiah. I still see hair! Lolllll

And I’m so sorry to hear about the Familam covidy sickness. Are your lungs good?
Love that old car and love those nuggets. Are they Blackberry?
Yes, they're Blackberry :love: - best smelling weed I've ever grown- doesn't really smell like berries, but it does smell real gets around too- there's some in Az., and a goodly portion in Washington State...
That plant is just exquisite!
Thank You,T! I've got to admit, she is a pretty little thing!
And I’m so sorry to hear about the Familam covidy sickness. Are your lungs good?
Well, my lungs work ok, although after smoking cigs for 45 years, they're
probably not that good...(I quit apx. 6 years ago)
The Family are handling covid pretty well, mild cases, I daughter's boyfriend, however, is in the hospital- his case is a bit more serious, although he's not on a ventilator...not yet, anyway :oops:
Yes, they're Blackberry :love: - best smelling weed I've ever grown- doesn't really smell like berries, but it does smell real gets around too- there's some in Az., and a goodly portion in Washington State...

Thank You,T! I've got to admit, she is a pretty little thing!

Well, my lungs work ok, although after smoking cigs for 45 years, they're
probably not that good...(I quit apx. 6 years ago)
The Family are handling covid pretty well, mild cases, I daughter's boyfriend, however, is in the hospital- his case is a bit more serious, although he's not on a ventilator...not yet, anyway :oops:
Get one of those lung exercisers. I mean once your lungs are fucked they’re fucked, but it will help strengthen what is working effectively. With some variants of covid, once it digs into your lungs you are in trouble. Particularly the Delta variant.

I work with a nurse, her son is 27 and a conspiracy loving anti government free thinker. He was diagnosed 3 days ago, and he is just getting worse, Temp 39.9. He was for a televisit with his GP yesterday, but my friend said she’s expecting the GP to call the ambulance given his resp rate and the sound of his cough.

I really hope your boy in law is okay.
Hey carcass, that blueberry hill is lovely indeed. So sorry to hear about the kids getting covid, I’m glad you were on babysitting duty that night. Hopefully they’ll be feeling better soon. My bro in law, his wife and two kids (under 5) caught it in AZ. Pretty worrisome, until they are better. Sending you all loves! :love::love::love:
Yes..I may have gotten high in that old girl a few times too :oops: ...or one of the other 13 that I've owned over the years...this one is by far the best one, probably why I kept it for so long....
When I was in high School, you could buy a bug for $50 if it didn't run, $100 if it did....
Prices have gone up considerably since then....
My 1st car was a 64 bug. It had that old car smell.... I think I did get $50 for it!
I really hope your boy in law is okay.
Thanks, Trala! He's getting better, as are the other 3 kids that came down with it...thanks to the vax and the booster, no doubt!
So sorry to hear about the kids getting covid, I’m glad you were on babysitting duty that night. Hopefully they’ll be feeling better soon.
That is great for me, but the little girl we were babysitting went home with her mom on Saturday, and mom is one of the ones with covid...So far, Lydian (the 5 year old) hasn't caught it, or if she did, she's had no symptoms yet, and I think she's just about out of the danger zone...
Absolutely stunning plant that will be oozing with resin soon!!!
Just noticed the first trichomes this morning, so it won't be long till she's doing that oozing thing :)
My 1st car was a 64 bug. It had that old car smell.
When I re-did the interior on it a few years ago, I saved the old horsehair padding from the seats, and zip-tied chunks of it under the rebuilt seats, to make sure the interior always retains that distinctive "old volkswagen smell". ;)
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