Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

No, I was answering GDB's question about CBD isolate, which is what I've smoked with regular thc weed.
It really didn't seem to do much in the way of blocking the thc high...but I've also got an incredibly low tolerance to thc, so that may be why I didn't notice any real difference.
I do also smoke the CBG isolate, but I add it to my nightly bowl of CBD weed..
Thanks for the clarification, C. :thanks:

Your How-To post talked about CBG and I didn't catch your shift in referring to GDB's question on CBD.
Sorry- I missed this one, Shed!
! Is that CBG isolate decarbed?
I'm not sure if it is or not- I don't think it's decarbed.
They don't mention decarbing on the site, but that doesn't mean they don't do it.
CBG has a pretty low boiling point (126f) so it'd have to decarb differently than thc (315f boiling point)
Your How-To post talked about CBG and I didn't catch your shift in referring to GDB's question on CBD.
Sorry, I could have been clearer when I answered GDB's question..
Too many CB-whatevers being talked about at the same time... :)
Damn, gents. I've got nothing.

I've been searching for my little jar of isolate for hours without success. :laughtwo:
The only way to find it is to order another soon as the new one ships, you'll find the lost one... :high-five:
Is that CBG isolate decarbed?

I'm not sure if it is or not- I don't think it's decarbed.
I actually reached out to Oregon Hemp Flower (before they went out of business) to answer that question. The isolate is indeed CBG and not CBGa. So no need to decarb, I just add it to my CBD oil after the infusion process.
Tis Monday and ye still has no update!
In my defense, it was barely Monday when you posted this... :)
Ain't that the truth.
Truer words have never been spoken!
Whenever I put something somewhere safe so I don't lose it... when I end up needing it, I can never remember where that "somewhere safe" is... :hmmmm:
The isolate is indeed CBG and not CBGa. So no need to decarb, I just add it to my CBD oil after the infusion process.
I thought it probably wasn't CBGa, or the seller would have pointed that out...there's a place called Rhizo that does sell CBGa isolate-$37.00/gram, so almost ten times as much as straight CBG isolate...but worth it if it actually helps protect you from covid...

Annnnnd- Now it's Monday Update time, @Trala !
Happy MLK Day everyone! :peace:

The 90 day old Blueberry Hill is doing well..not any taller, but things are starting to fatten up a little...
She was flipped to 12/12 27 days ago

The SaugaView®:


She's a hungry little thing- being fed every other day-7g/gal/mc + 1.25g (2 scoops) of @Blue Planet Nutrients "Easy Weed"as a flowering supplement...she's staying nice and green so far- not even any yellow leaves down at the bottom of the plant...

A little different angle:

I've been slowly turning the light it to 240watts on Thursday, and noticed on Saturday that some of the upper leaves didn't like it much, so I turned it back down to 220 watts- that's probably where it'll stay from here on in...
These spots have stopped happening since I turned it back down:
Too much light....jpg

I think she's gonna grow some nice colas- the @NextLight 420h is keeping the node spacing pretty tight.

A silhouette shot:

Got a pic before she went back into the box- she's actually a little darker green than she appears under the white LED:

And, a bud :

It's official- 16.5 inches is as tall as she's gonna get... :straightface:

A pic of the ceiling in the box- I'm pretty happy with how well it's working, even though I can only turn it halfway up...(220 watts- turned up all the way, it draws 437 watts)

And that's about all I've got right now...
I hope everyones week is off to a good start :thumb:

Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support :love:

The Magical Butter Machine is beeping at me, so the infusion is done, I'll try and post up a few pics of the finished product a bit later on...

And please- Stay as safe as possible out there-
Gorgeous plant Carcass and the top and side views really show off how good a thinning job you did: can't see the floor from the top, can see the wall through the sides!

It's quite a skill to be able to turn every variety you grow in there into the exact same shape that fills the box. :nicelydone:

I actually reached out to Oregon Hemp Flower (before they went out of business) to answer that question. The isolate is indeed CBG and not CBGa. So no need to decarb, I just add it to my CBD oil after the infusion process.
the top and side views really show off how good a thinning job you did

Thank You ,Shed, I appreciate the kind words :love:

into the exact same shape that halfway fills the box. :nicelydone:

Looking good Carcass glad to see you still killing it.
Thanks, Don! Great to see you!
Yeah, I'm still at it, still loving growing the weed!
Do you have a journal going? I'll have to check it out if you do...

that Blueberry Hill is looking lovely!
Thank you, Stunger!
Now if I can just keep her that way till the end!
Thanks, NTH!

I only got a couple of pics of the infused oil thing, things got a little greasy after these 2 pics... :oops:

Straining out the residue:

And the finished product- there's 3.5 oz. of good weed in there, so it's some real strong stuff!
The coconut oil is dark brown until it solidifies, then it turns pale green- you can see a little of it in the first pic.

And that's all there is to that! Mrs.C. will be set for gummies for quite awhile!

Thanks for looking!
Just for those who are interested, THC isn't an abbreviation of three different words, so you don't need periods between the letters. It's tetrahydrocannabinol. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I think he was just being creative with the label, putting the little dots under each of the letters.

You know, kinda like the people that dot their "i's" with little hearts.

It's got a certain flair to it. :cool:
I was just getting ready to ask you GrowMeisters for a solid plan for making some oil /edibles and look at this! Muchos Gracias!

I know the potency would differ but from what I remember reading here(so much info to digest) that the trimmings would work for this as well? Hate to waste anything from what I’ve grown. And throwing stuff like that in the trash like normal garbage is a no no in my humble opinion.

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