Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thank You, T! ❤️
And I'll be a trim wizard by the time I get done with this bunch... 😳

And, speaking of this bunch.....
How about a little Update?

Forbidden Fruit, Critical Kush, and Somango..

The 2 big girls have been in the ground since 4/20, and the CK is finally starting to look a bit tired in the middle....but, nothing is ripe enough to harvest yet.
All 3.JPG

Those droopy fan leaves on the big colas perk back up as soon as the sun goes down- never seen (or noticed) that before..even the yellow ones.
The stalks on her 4 biggest,oldest colas are starting to turn yellow, but the buds are still flowering like there's no tomorrow..I'm hoping the yellow stalks mean nothing...🤞😬


This is about how all the big, older colas look on the CK- no amber where it matters, and way too many pistils to think about harvest yet...

On to the Somango- She's very organized compared to the CK- she took the almost-reveg in stride, and just kept getting fatter..the pics really don't capture it, but those colas are about the size of baseball bats...

This Somango cola is as big around as my calf..
I've got skinny legs, but still...😁

A small Somango bud-

94 day old Forbidden Fruit in the big SIP- She's happy plant- a little pale in some spots, but nothing serious..lots of weed on this girl...

Thank goodness she's not going to be ready till waayyy after the big ones...😁

Finally, the 43 day old ABBxW auto💚 in the box is turning in to quite a much for growing a "little" auto in there.😁

Actually, she's still sort of little, but I don't think she'll be that way for much longer...

And that's about it for now...
Thanks for having a look,
I appreciate your support 🙏

Have a great week!
Those girls are looking huge & healthy you're going to have a weighty harvest nice work
Maybe there's something to getting them to flower, reveg, then flower again?
I think so, Stone- since they pretty much picked up where they left off the first time, they both have a pretty good head start on flowering this time... it does make reading the trichomes a bit tricky- lots of old amber on the older sugar leaves...but those don't usually get smoked anyhow, so I'm not worried about that amber, I'm looking for "new" amber, if that makes sense...

I may have figured out another reason why they didn't completely reveg, but instead went on "hold" for about a month-

I'd been thinking it was the random on-off of the kitchen lights between 7 and 11pm that may of had something to do with it...then, (duh!) It occurred to me that my electrician son turns the kitchen light on at 5am, and off at 5:20am when he leaves for work*...(I've never actually seen him up that early... 😁 ) so possibly that, combined with the earlier random on- off of the lights tricked the plants into
just maintaining the status quo, as opposed to starting over...🤔

One other thing- until they stretched, the light didn't shine on them (not tall enough) but I doubt that mattered..

*usually 6 days a week..

you're going to have a weighty harvest nice work
Thanks so much, con.👍 It's going to be weightier than I need it to be, that's for sure!

I don't have any help trimming, but Mrs.C's cousin and my Daughter are going to take the extra (larf) for tinctures, and edibles..the deal is, they take the branches home with them and trim them there....

not quite yet, but pretty soon..⏱️
I think so, Stone- since they pretty much picked up where they left off the first time, they both have a pretty good head start on flowering this time... it does make reading the trichomes a bit tricky- lots of old amber on the older sugar leaves...but those don't usually get smoked anyhow, so I'm not worried about that amber, I'm looking for "new" amber, if that makes sense...

I may have figured out another reason why they didn't completely reveg, but instead went on "hold" for about a month-

I'd been thinking it was the random on-off of the kitchen lights between 7 and 11pm that may of had something to do with it...then, (duh!) It occurred to me that my electrician son turns the kitchen light on at 5am, and off at 5:20am when he leaves for work*...(I've never actually seen him up that early... 😁 ) so possibly that, combined with the earlier random on- off of the lights tricked the plants into
just maintaining the status quo, as opposed to starting over...🤔

One other thing- until they stretched, the light didn't shine on them (not tall enough) but I doubt that mattered..

*usually 6 days a week..

Thanks so much, con.👍 It's going to be weightier than I need it to be, that's for sure!

I don't have any help trimming, but Mrs.C's cousin and my Daughter are going to take the extra (larf) for tinctures, and edibles..the deal is, they take the branches home with them and trim them there....

not quite yet, but pretty soon..⏱️
Giving away branches is great… Helps all parties involved! Gonna be an assload there, any rough guesses yet on weight?
Sorry, GDB -missed this one...
My stock answer: "Cause I ain't in no hurry." :)
I was evidently too quiet last night- Mrs.C. says "is something wrong?"
I say "Yes...I think the cookies are wearing off"...
"what cookies?"
"the ones from GDB"
"wait, those were weed cookies!?"😳

Gonna be an assload there, any rough guesses yet on weight?
Not really, but I do think the smaller Somango is going to outweigh the Critical Kush- those buds are like rocks...CK's are arier.... least 2 lb each probably..:hmmmm:

You got this Carcass. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Thanks for that Keith!💚
All it really takes is time, and I've got plenty of that...👍
I was evidently too quiet last night- Mrs.C. says "is something wrong?"
I say "Yes...I think the cookies are wearing off"...
"what cookies?"
"the ones from GDB"
"wait, those were weed cookies!?"
Huh? I would think she would have known when she saw the cookie in your hand! 😁
Not really, but I do think the smaller Somango is going to outweigh the Critical Kush- those buds are like rocks...CK's are arier.... least 2 lb each probably..:hmmmm:
I can send you the finishing weights of each plant (within the margin of error) if you like! Just submit your plant info. along with a payment of two cents to :Rasta:
All it really takes is time, and I've got plenty of that...👍
And you're gonna' need it! 🌳
I would think she would have known when she saw the cookie in your hand! 😁
I know, right? , After all these years,she still likes to look me in the eye at random times and say (in a stern voice) "you're stoned, aren't you?"......bless her heart... 😁
I must not mind, though- 8 more days and it's 48 years together, 47 married...💞
Just submit your plant info. along with a payment of two cents to :Rasta:
I used to do that, but now I just make my own!

And you're gonna' need it! 🌳
I am! the "processing" is going to be tricky on these 2....

like Mrs.C said on our wedding night:
"Where the hell am I going to put all that?"😆

(I hope everyone knows I'm kidding.😜)
She doesn't get much attention, but the Forbidden Fruit is no slouch in the cola dep't...
I removed a bunch of leaves from her middle...not enough, but some...I'll do more tomorrow...🤏
FF 8-20.JPG
Amazing summer grow up there.
Thank you, Shed!
They're all just soo happy out there..👍
Sure but try duplicating those details every spring!
That son moved out, but my youngest son is now an electricians apprentice, on the same schedule..and he's living here now, so it may not be that difficult to replicate...
and you know, I'm going to have to try it...🫣
Thank you, Shed!
They're all just soo happy out there..👍

That son moved out, but my youngest son is now an electricians apprentice, on the same schedule..and he's living here now, so it may not be that difficult to replicate...
and you know, I'm going to have to try it...🫣
By chance, Carcass, were you an electrician?
I think you moved that FF in front of the other window because Mrs Carcass said "Don't go blocking both windows with those monsters." Amazing summer grow up there. :adore:

Sure but try duplicating those details every spring!
Right? After reading the list of things that brought them this far I knew it was a recipe that may happen once!
By chance, Carcass, were you an electrician?
Ha!- No, I was an RV Tech for 30 years, then an HVAC Dispatcher/parts guy for 18 years- I hated the HVAC job, but the benefits were something the family needed at the time...

About 12 years ago, I got both my youngest sons jobs at an electrical parts house, next door to the HVAC place- they both dug it, so they decided to make it a lifelong thing...I wish I had that much gumption back when I was their age...
I knew it was a recipe that may happen once!
I also think it's probably a one-off thing, but it won't hurt to try again next year- what's the worse that could happen?
- they'll reveg like these should have.....👍

Doing a little prep for the upcoming harvests- these will help a little...
My personal stash gets dried in my drying box, everything else will dry in these..
Drying racks.JPG
Serious racks for a serious grow!
I had to do something, since I've been pretty much banned from drying weed in the empty back room...:straightface:...and, we do occasionally need to open the big garage door, and I didn't want to have weed hanging everywhere in there when we do...
Let's hope they don't all ripen at once.
Of course, it's looking like they will.🤦‍♂️..(both get done at once) but, I'm planning on Somango first, then the CK...the Forbidden Fruit probably has another month, so she's not figuring in to this...
Harvest will start sometime next week- although, I've taken testers from both, and they're both ready enough right now...but I'm not ready enough right now... 😆
Could you do me a favor when you chop these plants, Carcass?

Count the number of snips it takes. 😁
Yeah, they are just starting to lean a little- and once they start leaning, they don't stop...
I've got a pack of 4 foot bamboo poles around here somewhere, guess I better track 'em down..🤔.
I think you're gonna need EIGHT foot poles!
Thanks, Man!

I've got these...👍

My son's Whey Protein comes in them- so a new one every 45 days or so...

I even ordered drying racks, because my old
drying box is going to look like a toy next to all that weed...📦
I'm gonna need a couple of those myself this year too!
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