Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thats some nice colas. :thumb: 🍋
Thanks, Keith! -they'll be the biggest colas I've ever "processed"...and that's a lotta processing...:oops:
You're growing 'em bigly Carcass! :Rasta:
Biglier than I need them to be, actually...My daughter is getting all the larf and small stuff to make some tinctures, so that'll save me some time in trim prison...
I’m surprised the caterpillars haven’t made a temple out of one of those big ladies, but they look tough.
I've been afraid to mention it (don't want to jinx things) but those plants have no bugs at.all.(except the spiders, and I like the spiders.😁🕷️)
I found 4 caterpillars a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen one since...they are getting the BT treatment every 4 or 5 days, but you usually see lots of dead caterpillars after spraying them, but I've got aphids or whiteflies's actually a little weird to not have aphids at this stage of flowering- but I guess I'm actually a few months early...maybe the bugs just aren't around yet?🤔
Auto is growing an inch a day, that’s always nice!
I think she's grown an inch since I took those pics...she's getting serious- and she really doesn't like being "restrained"😁
I thought your thumbs would actually be Greener! Cause you plants are all Thriving! ❤️
Thanks, MedScientist

This "huge plant" stuff is actually new to me....I think the thumbs overdid it just a bit this year..
Damn man giving them palms a run for their money!!!! Everything is looking great over there!
Thank You, Ke0n-!
that palm is home to 25 or 30 Doves...whole lotta "cooing" going on in the evening...:)
That middle bud looks a little airy. How do you think it will smoke? :laughtwo:
Ha! funnier because the CK buds really are a little airy too..

It will be the “palm”, say it out loud, the “palm”
Damn, man- now that's funny!:laugh::rofl:
Sorry, I'm going to need the height flag about now...

Just in time!
I'll need the taller flag tomorrow.. 😁 .
So much for growing a little auto in the box...apparently, they all want to be big this year...
16 inches.JPG
You really are a grow wizard!
Thank You, T! ❤️
And I'll be a trim wizard by the time I get done with this bunch... 😳

And, speaking of this bunch.....
How about a little Update?

Forbidden Fruit, Critical Kush, and Somango..

The 2 big girls have been in the ground since 4/20, and the CK is finally starting to look a bit tired in the middle....but, nothing is ripe enough to harvest yet.
All 3.JPG

Those droopy fan leaves on the big colas perk back up as soon as the sun goes down- never seen (or noticed) that before..even the yellow ones.
The stalks on her 4 biggest,oldest colas are starting to turn yellow, but the buds are still flowering like there's no tomorrow..I'm hoping the yellow stalks mean nothing...🤞😬


This is about how all the big, older colas look on the CK- no amber where it matters, and way too many pistils to think about harvest yet...

On to the Somango- She's very organized compared to the CK- she took the almost-reveg in stride, and just kept getting fatter..the pics really don't capture it, but those colas are about the size of baseball bats...

This Somango cola is as big around as my calf..
I've got skinny legs, but still...😁

A small Somango bud-

94 day old Forbidden Fruit in the big SIP- She's happy plant- a little pale in some spots, but nothing serious..lots of weed on this girl...

Thank goodness she's not going to be ready till waayyy after the big ones...😁

Finally, the 43 day old ABBxW auto💚 in the box is turning in to quite a much for growing a "little" auto in there.😁

Actually, she's still sort of little, but I don't think she'll be that way for much longer...

And that's about it for now...
Thanks for having a look,
I appreciate your support 🙏

Have a great week!
Nice auto and beautiful outdoor girls. 🍋
Thanks, Keith!
Your big girls are gorgeous!...gorgeous and flowering is a great combination
You’ve got a lot of weed incoming. Everything looks great!
Thanks so much, Boo!💚

I've looked the colas over a couple times, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary- yet...
It may be as simple as the plant telling me which ones to harvest first.. 😁

She's old enough- those stalks could be slowly dying of old age..
I hope she finishes the buds first...

Actually, I can't help but watch them close...😁
Thank You, T! ❤️
And I'll be a trim wizard by the time I get done with this bunch... 😳

And, speaking of this bunch.....
How about a little Update?

Forbidden Fruit, Critical Kush, and Somango..

The 2 big girls have been in the ground since 4/20, and the CK is finally starting to look a bit tired in the middle....but, nothing is ripe enough to harvest yet.
All 3.JPG

Those droopy fan leaves on the big colas perk back up as soon as the sun goes down- never seen (or noticed) that before..even the yellow ones.
The stalks on her 4 biggest,oldest colas are starting to turn yellow, but the buds are still flowering like there's no tomorrow..I'm hoping the yellow stalks mean nothing...🤞😬


This is about how all the big, older colas look on the CK- no amber where it matters, and way too many pistils to think about harvest yet...

On to the Somango- She's very organized compared to the CK- she took the almost-reveg in stride, and just kept getting fatter..the pics really don't capture it, but those colas are about the size of baseball bats...

This Somango cola is as big around as my calf..
I've got skinny legs, but still...😁

A small Somango bud-

94 day old Forbidden Fruit in the big SIP- She's happy plant- a little pale in some spots, but nothing serious..lots of weed on this girl...

Thank goodness she's not going to be ready till waayyy after the big ones...😁

Finally, the 43 day old ABBxW auto💚 in the box is turning in to quite a much for growing a "little" auto in there.😁

Actually, she's still sort of little, but I don't think she'll be that way for much longer...

And that's about it for now...
Thanks for having a look,
I appreciate your support 🙏

Have a great week!

Your lower buds are Amazing! ❤️
Your Tops... Holy Crap! ❤️
They're looking great!
Is that some purple starting on the Somango?
Thank You, Mel!
No, she's always had purple striped stalks and purple petioles, and I thought she might get a little more color as flowering progressed...but no- it hasn't been very cold at night, so she's staying green...but I smoked some of her yesterday, and the green parts smoke fine... 😁
Your lower buds are Amazing! ❤️
Your Tops... Holy Crap! ❤️
Thanks, MedSci-👍
Those are the biggest ones I've ever grown...I've grown a few other plants out there, and they sure didn't do that 😳
Something is just "right" out there this year..(in the pet cemetery😁)
Thank You, T! ❤️
And I'll be a trim wizard by the time I get done with this bunch... 😳

And, speaking of this bunch.....
How about a little Update?

Forbidden Fruit, Critical Kush, and Somango..

The 2 big girls have been in the ground since 4/20, and the CK is finally starting to look a bit tired in the middle....but, nothing is ripe enough to harvest yet.
All 3.JPG

Those droopy fan leaves on the big colas perk back up as soon as the sun goes down- never seen (or noticed) that before..even the yellow ones.
The stalks on her 4 biggest,oldest colas are starting to turn yellow, but the buds are still flowering like there's no tomorrow..I'm hoping the yellow stalks mean nothing...🤞😬


This is about how all the big, older colas look on the CK- no amber where it matters, and way too many pistils to think about harvest yet...

On to the Somango- She's very organized compared to the CK- she took the almost-reveg in stride, and just kept getting fatter..the pics really don't capture it, but those colas are about the size of baseball bats...

This Somango cola is as big around as my calf..
I've got skinny legs, but still...😁

A small Somango bud-

94 day old Forbidden Fruit in the big SIP- She's happy plant- a little pale in some spots, but nothing serious..lots of weed on this girl...

Thank goodness she's not going to be ready till waayyy after the big ones...😁

Finally, the 43 day old ABBxW auto💚 in the box is turning in to quite a much for growing a "little" auto in there.😁

Actually, she's still sort of little, but I don't think she'll be that way for much longer...

And that's about it for now...
Thanks for having a look,
I appreciate your support 🙏

Have a great week!
Wow man those are looking great!!! Fuck the jars, your going for full buckets I see!!
Thanks, Man!
Fuck the jars, your going for full buckets I see!!
I've got these...👍

My son's Whey Protein comes in them- so a new one every 45 days or so...

I even ordered drying racks, because my old
drying box is going to look like a toy next to all that weed...📦
Wow, wow, wow and wow! (I'm at a loss for words this evening.) :)
Thank You, GDB
I ate 2 cookies a few hours ago, and I'm headed that way too.😁.. :thanks:
Ha! Two, huh? That should be fun.

Everytime I do 2 the wife notices. She's guaranteed to ask, "Why are you moving so slow?"

My stock answer: "Cause I ain't in no hurry." :)
Thank You, T! ❤️
And I'll be a trim wizard by the time I get done with this bunch... 😳

And, speaking of this bunch.....
How about a little Update?

Forbidden Fruit, Critical Kush, and Somango..

The 2 big girls have been in the ground since 4/20, and the CK is finally starting to look a bit tired in the middle....but, nothing is ripe enough to harvest yet.
All 3.JPG

Those droopy fan leaves on the big colas perk back up as soon as the sun goes down- never seen (or noticed) that before..even the yellow ones.
The stalks on her 4 biggest,oldest colas are starting to turn yellow, but the buds are still flowering like there's no tomorrow..I'm hoping the yellow stalks mean nothing...🤞😬


This is about how all the big, older colas look on the CK- no amber where it matters, and way too many pistils to think about harvest yet...

On to the Somango- She's very organized compared to the CK- she took the almost-reveg in stride, and just kept getting fatter..the pics really don't capture it, but those colas are about the size of baseball bats...

This Somango cola is as big around as my calf..
I've got skinny legs, but still...😁

A small Somango bud-

94 day old Forbidden Fruit in the big SIP- She's happy plant- a little pale in some spots, but nothing serious..lots of weed on this girl...

Thank goodness she's not going to be ready till waayyy after the big ones...😁

Finally, the 43 day old ABBxW auto💚 in the box is turning in to quite a much for growing a "little" auto in there.😁

Actually, she's still sort of little, but I don't think she'll be that way for much longer...

And that's about it for now...
Thanks for having a look,
I appreciate your support 🙏

Have a great week!
Maybe there's something to getting them to flower, reveg, then flower again?
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