Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I'm glad you finally got your hooks into the Albanizard to give you a shot at not having to move it out of the box and into a spare tent! It's gonna be fun to see what it still has in store for you. 👀

Outside is going gangbusters and that massive node 1 cola is massive! Is it compact inside or more on the airy side? And I'm glad the FF is living up to my expectations. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Carcass, you know what I think of this grow. I'm not going to keep repeating myself. :yummy:

I really liked the late afternoon pic! 📸
I’m also noticing no haze, or orange hue coming from the sky,
Things have calmed down a little locally, and, the wind is blowing the right direction to keep the smoke away
That’s one MASSIVE cola!!!
Thanks, Ke0n- and I think she's still got over a month to go...😳
Good job!

PS How’s Mrs Boat?
Thank You, T!
She's griping about how I do the dishes, so she's evidently feeling better... 😁
It's gonna be fun to see what it still has in store for you. 👀
Thanks, Shed!
it's going to be a fun one to watch..
I'm curious about the stretch....
or is she already stretching?
We'll see...🤔
node 1 cola is massive! Is it compact inside or more on the airy side? And I'm glad the FF is living up to my expectations. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sort of in-between- not rock hard, but not fluffy either...the Somango is the one with the rock hard buds...
Carcass, you know what I think of this grow. I'm not going to keep repeating myself.
I understand...but,
If you see me about to step in a pile of dog shit, please say something!😁👍

I really liked the late afternoon pic! 📸
Thank You, GDB- It's like the outdoor equivalent of the silhouette shot...:)
Wow looking great and if oinky thinks so then no more needs to be said
Thanks, Keith!
He's pretty happy about finally having some shade, too.🐷
Your plants are all gorgeous…..and you have a biggie auto!
Thank You, Boo!- Yeah, that auto sure seems to be heading in that direction...and she's a branchy one, too.. 😁
ABBxW 8-6-24.JPG

Could you please elaborate on the water bubblers?

I sure can, Boo!- they're just regular adjustable bubblers- You remove the sprinkler head, and screw these on. I set them to what I think would flow about half gal. per minute, so they give each plant apx 7or 8 gallons every other day (there's 2 of 'em)
plus, every other day they both get 2 gallons of RxBlend
The bubblers are about 2 bucks @ Home Depot...👍

Thank You, Boo!- Yeah, that auto sure seems to be heading in that direction...and she's a branchy one, too.. 😁
ABBxW 8-6-24.JPG

I sure can, Boo!- they're just regular adjustable bubblers- You remove the sprinkler head, and screw these on. I set them to what I think would flow about half gal. per minute, so they give each plant apx 7or 8 gallons every other day (there's 2 of 'em)
plus, every other day they both get 2 gallons of RxBlend
The bubblers are about 2 bucks @ Home Depot...👍

Thanks for that Carcass. I didn’t realize they were part of the sprinkler system. I have a friend who was recently gifted a beautiful Gelato in flower (in a 3 gal pot!) and he put it in the ground. The problem is that he’s a teacher and with school getting started in the next 2 weeks he needs to figure out a way to water it while he’s working. I suggested a slow drip from the hose but have been trying to think of a better way to do it
They just happened to be in (almost) the right spots to irrigate the plants..😁
to figure out a way to water it while he’s working
He may have to just give her a good watering either before or after's hard to over water something in the ground, so if her soil is a little damp all the time, she probably won't mind
They do make a mechanical timer that goes right on the end of the hose, but I don't know if it would do what he wants to do- I think you'd still need to be there to turn the water on..🤔
Google "mechanical hose timer"- there's a ton of 'em👍
I thought this was interesting- the biggest, fattest cola on the CK is the branch from node 1-
that's why I don't trim node 1 off....sometimes it works out pretty well..
I find my outdoor ladies going all node one too Carcass! 6 maybe 7 feet sometimes they get and full! Indoors may be different.
That one will make up about an eighth of the harvest...if the caterpillars leave it alone...🤞
Indoors may be different.
I'll let them go about 2 weeks indoors- if they do ok, they get to stay....:)

I took a few pics of the girls this morning, thought I'd post a little Update...

The 32 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto is doing pretty well, she seems to like the training- I haven't adjusted any tiedowns yet today, but that's next on the list...

She's about 7" tall now, 18" wide..

I'm not going to train her any wider- I want to try and keep this
one off the walls (if she gets that big) 🤔

Outside to the Critical Kush-119 days old, she's been out there since 4/20 (which was waayy too early, but it worked out ok)
She's looking a little hungry lately, so she got 2 cups of GeoFlora Veg sprinkled around and watered in on Tuesday- I can't tell yet if it's going to help or not...this is in addition to her RxBlend ...

The 117 day old Somango also got the GeoFlora treatment...I used the 5-3-4 "Veg" instead of the 3-5-5 "Bloom"- they don't really need any more flowering nutes, but they obviously could use a little nitrogen, so we'll see if this helps...🤞

The 83 day old Forbidden Fruit is doing pretty well- she's got a few yellow leaves, but other than that, she's good to go..drinking about a gallon and a half a day, even more if it's over 90f...😅

And here's the outdoor trio...I hope both big girls don't finish at the same time...✂️😬

That's about it for now,
Thanks for looking,
I appreciate your support..💚
All looking stellar Carcass!

Let me know if you want me to tell you when each one will finish. 🤓
I hope all four don't finish at the same time. ;)
It's sort of looking like the CK will get 2 harvests...those "original" tall colas are considerably farther along than the colas from the second amber yet, but all cloudy trichs..actually, those are about 5 or 6 weeks older than the smaller ones...

Looking stellar inside and out. GDB's one looks stella, but just outside.
Thanks, Shed!
I think Stella is finally ready to make her big move..🚀

All looking stellar Carcass!

Let me know if you want me to tell you when each one will finish. 🤓
Thank You, GDB👍
Ha! I can figure the other 3 out, but feel free to make predictions about the CK!😁
Ha! I can figure the other 3 out, but feel free to make predictions about the CK!😁
The CK it is!

Let's see....(reading)....Right (reading) Okay....(reading).....Uh huh.....(reading).....Hmm.

Let me get back to you on that.
Let me get back to you on that.
Meanwhile, I'll take a few samples of the "old growth" CK .....for research...:lot-o-toke:

actually, I took one yesterday, but it's not dry enough yet...😁
While I have too many plants, I'm going to do a Sunday Update on the indoor girl, then I can post a few more pics of the 3 big girls on Monday.. least that's how I'm doing it this week.. 😁

The 36 day old ABBxW auto is doing well in the box- she's about 21" wide now, with plenty of potential budsites...
abbxw 1.JPG

She's 8'5" tall now, up 1.5" since Thursday...the Grow Dots are still keeping her happy, but it will be time to switch over to RxBlend in apx. 3 more weeks- that's when the Grow Dots start to fizzle out...
abbxw 2.JPG

She's taking her time with the flowering, and that's always a good thing with an auto...
abbxw 3.JPG

A closer look- she is flowering, but slowly...
abbxw 4.JPG

Something you don't see very often in my grows- a plant with no larf!...
...give her time, she'll get there...😁
abbxw 5.JPG

That's about it for that one today-

I'll be back in here tomorrow with an update on these 3 gals..⬇️
Thanks for looking, I hope to see you then!👍
3 amigos.JPG

Lovely plant Carcass!

Kinda' looks like Oinky poops a rainbow. :)
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