Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Your garden is well loved and not just by you Xo
Ha! It was almost loved by a gopher too, but the (useless, up to this point) cat decided to start earning her keep, and she made breakfeast out of that gopher...😼👍
Lovely job on the decapitation!
Thank You, Shed! She was already up to node 8, at 20 days old- she really wants to grow👍

Monday's here, time for an Update...!
First up, the 25 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto- she's doing real well since topping on Thursday...
1 abbxw.JPG

All 10 branches are doing well...I'll start the training as soon as the top 2 branches get just a little bit longer..🤏
2 abbxw.JPG

she's 5" tall, x 13" wide and couldn't be any healthier..I think this one's going to do pretty well- she's already the fastest growing auto that I've ever grown ..💚

And on to the big girls outside...109 day old, 6'3' tall Critical Kush on the left, 107 day old 5'9" tall Somango, on the right...they're both fed 2 gallons of RxBlend, every other day...they're also getting water from 2 bubblers, that come on for 15 minutes every other day..
4 ck-som.JPG

A @CannaPot Somango bud- Somango is Jack Herer x Super Skunk x Big Skunk Korean...
5-somango bud.JPG

A Critical Kush bud- @Barney's Farm Critical Kush is Critical Mass x OG Kush...
6-ck bud.JPG

And then there's the 40" tall 77 day old,(edit-64 days old) @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit (Cherry Pie x Tangie) She's about as tall as she's going to get, and that's actually a good thing...she drinks about a gallon and a half per day...this one is living on GrowDots and Prescription Blend nutes- they actually seem to work real well together...🤔

This is just a pic I got yesterday evening- I thought it looked kinda cool...I think I'm going to have me a bit o' weed when all's said and done...:oops:
9-evening shot.JPG

And here's Woofy, the little Gopher-getter👍 definitely don't want gophers within 50 yards of your plants- they just love them cannabis , I guess she's now part of my IPM?(integrated pest management)

And lastly- Remember I needed a sprayer? Well, this thing should of had my name on it...
It's an actual lazy-man sprayer! The extended handle means you don't have to bend over to pump it up! ( because that's soooo much work😆)
$20 at Ace Hardware...
lazy man sprayer....JPG

And that's where we're at today!
Thanks for looking, and I hope the rest of your week is exceptional!
I appreciate your support..:peace:
Ha! It was almost loved by a gopher too, but the (useless, up to this point) cat decided to start earning her keep, and she made breakfeast out of that gopher...😼👍

Thank You, Shed! She was already up to node 8, at 20 days old- she really wants to grow👍

Monday's here, time for an Update...!
First up, the 25 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto- she's doing real well since topping on Thursday...
1 abbxw.JPG

All 10 branches are doing well...I'll start the training as soon as the top 2 branches get just a little bit longer..🤏
2 abbxw.JPG

she's 5" tall, x 13" wide and couldn't be any healthier..I think this one's going to do pretty well- she's already the fastest growing auto that I've ever grown ..💚

And on to the big girls outside...109 day old, 6'3' tall Critical Kush on the left, 107 day old 5'9" tall Somango, on the right...they're both fed 2 gallons of RxBlend, every other day...they're also getting water from 2 bubblers, that come on for 15 minutes every other day..
4 ck-som.JPG

A @CannaPot Somango bud- Somango is Jack Herer x Super Skunk x Big Skunk Korean...
5-somango bud.JPG

A Critical Kush bud- @Barney's Farm Critical Kush is Critical Mass x OG Kush...
6-ck bud.JPG

And then there's the 40" tall 77 day old, @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit (Cherry Pie x Tangie) She's about as tall as she's going to get, and that's actually a good thing...she drinks about a gallon and a half per day...this one is living on GrowDots and Prescription Blend nutes- they actually seem to work real well together...🤔

This is just a pic I got yesterday evening- I thought it looked kinda cool...I think I'm going to have me a bit o' weed when all's said and done...:oops:
9-evening shot.JPG

And here's Woofy, the little Gopher-getter👍 definitely don't want gophers within 50 yards of your plants- they just love them cannabis , I guess she's now part of my IPM?(integrated pest management)

And lastly- Remember I needed a sprayer? Well, this thing should of had my name on it...
It's an actual lazy-man sprayer! The extended handle means you don't have to bend over to pump it up! ( because that's soooo much work😆)
$20 at Ace Hardware...
lazy man sprayer....JPG

And that's where we're at today!
Thanks for looking, and I hope the rest of your week is exceptional!
I appreciate your support..:peace:
plants are looking great ton of buds thanks to woofy he deserves extra treats
plants are looking great ton of buds thanks to woofy he deserves extra treats
Thanks, con!
There's a big ol Skunk that prowls around my backyard in the wee hours- I
can only hope that Woofy doesn't ever tangle with that thing...
She's actually buddies with a little possum that comes through and finishes her food every evening....
That auto might have superpowers! I'll remind you of my recommendation to give her "the talk."

The outdoor crew is thriving as well!

A brave cat and a new pump. Life is good! :Rasta:
I'll remind you of my recommendation to give her "the talk."
I spoke to her, all she said was "you ain't seen nothin' yet!"

The outdoor crew is thriving as well!

A brave cat and a new pump. Life is good! :Rasta:
Thanks, GDB- Yeah, I've got gophers and caterpillars I just wait for the aphids to show up...I use vape juice nicotine on them- it biodegrades in a day or 2, so it's not poison for long- just long enough to kill 'em...☠️
Fantastic looking plants Carcass.
Thank You, Keith!- everything's doing better than I expected it to, so that's a change from previous years...👍
she's already the fastest growing auto that I've ever grown
Might challenge the big photos you've grown in there!
That auto might have superpowers! I'll remind you of my recommendation to give her "the talk."
Indeed...they're never too young. :thumb:
the big girls outside...109 day old, 6'3' tall Critical Kush on the left, 107 day old 5'9" tall Somango, on the right...they're both fed 2 gallons of RxBlend, every other day...they're also getting water from 2 bubblers, that come on for 15 minutes every other day..
They sure are liking the combo of the bottle and the bubblers. That's gotta help with the heat up there.
This is just a pic I got yesterday evening- I thought it looked kinda cool
You thought correctly! Noice.
I guess she's now part of my IPM?(integrated pest management)
And lastly- Remember I needed a sprayer? Well, this thing should of had my name on it...It's an actual lazy-man sprayer!
That's hysterical, and if GDB's design department wasn't lazy AF then they would have come up with it!
Those are some HugeMongous Budz!!
Thanks, MS! those are definitely already some biggies- and they've got at least 6 weeks to go.. :oops:
Might challenge the big photos you've grown in there!
She's kind of acting like one of those rare autos that want to get big!
The branches from node 1 are almost to the edge of the pot already- that usually happens about 2 weeks down the road...
They sure are liking the combo of the bottle and the bubblers.
That is working out nice---Initially, I thought the bubblers might be a problem (too much water) but in this heat, they're just what those girls need...I can turn them off if I have to, but I don't think I'll need to this year..
You thought correctly! Noice.
Thank You, Shed👍
The whole lot look so beautiful 😻
Thank You, T.!
And I will have a weight today! I’ve just not had time to count her out.
No problem, T- Somehow, mine is about 2 oz less than it was 2 weeks ago..:hmmmm: :lot-o-toke:
Flowering up a storm, killer cat on duty, the garden looks great!
Thank You, Stone!-
Fortunately, that cat isn't interested in the lizards (they're my ground-level IPM😁)..If she were, I'd have to give her another talking-to...😾

And how about a look at the girls?

On Monday, I said the ABBxW auto was 25 days old, but she was actually 21 days...and today is her day 26
6" tall x apx. 14" wide- she's a fast one!
ABBxW Day 26b.JPG

A look under the leaves...her "trunk" is already 1/2" thick..
the zone.JPG

A SaugaView- all 10 branches are doing fine..this auto got to this point way faster than what I'm used to...
She is flowering, but just getting started...
ABBxW day 26.JPG

And the outside ladies are chuggin' right taller, but both a little fatter..

A Critical Kush bud with a tall can for comparison...

Same can, different plant...a Somango bud...
Somango bud.JPG

And the Forbidden Fruit in the SIP is doing pretty well too...41" tall, living on Grow Dots and a little RxBlend..

I sprayed the plants with Thuricide (same as Safers caterpillar killer) on Tuesday, and today I'm seeing quite a few dead takes a few days- they have to eat a little of the plant to ingest the fungus, then the fungus has to grow in their gut to finally kill them...

this one's still a little bit alive, so now he's lizard food! yum...
The only good caterpillar....JPG

And I want to give a shout out to @Grand Daddy Black for his triple OtM win!💚:welldone:

And that's about all for today!
Thanks for looking,
I appreciate your support :peace:
See you next time..
The auto has a mob to protect her, Carcass! Did they just happen to be in the neighborhood?

The outdoor trio just keeps getting better and, in CK's case, fatter too! :Rasta:

Thanks for the shout out. Honestly, I'm still a bit dazed. 🥹
On Monday, I said the ABBxW auto was 25 days old, but she was actually 21 days...and today is her day 26
6" tall x apx. 14" wide- she's a fast one!
ABBxW Day 26b.JPG
She’s gonna be a stunner at that rate, damn!
The auto has a mob to protect her, Carcass! Did they just happen to be in the neighborhood?
Yeah, they're all excited about the new youngster... 😁
Thanks for the shout out. Honestly, I'm still a bit dazed. 🥹
You've got to face it, GDB- When you're as good a person/grower as you are, sooner or later folks are going to notice...👍
She’s gonna be a stunner at that rate, damn!
She actually already is! - 4 of her branches have already grown past the edge of the pot- great progress for day 27...and still barely flowering, so that's another good thing..👍
She actually already is! - 4 of her branches have already grown past the edge of the pot- great progress for day 27...and still barely flowering, so that's another good thing..👍
Well, I know your original plan was that the auto would have NO problem fitting in the box …she may have other ideas!
I’m just as excited as you, seeing all the variations in these F1’s, there’s no telling how big she might actually get. Her leaves appear much more indica leaning than the 3 I’ve grown so far, too.
Whatever it is, she likes it in there.
Well, I know your original plan was that the auto would have NO problem fitting in the box

You may be right- this one seems to have been born stretching, so the branches are all growing at least an inch a day, and it's almost time to let them start growing "up"😬
Happy Monday, folks!
It's about time for an Update, don't you think?

First up is the 29 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto-
She's been in her SIP for 22 days now, and she evidently likes it in there..
she's starting to flower, so now she's stretching a bit ..
(like she wasn't growing fast enough already:oops:)

She's a short little thing (6") but that's part of the plan.
She's 14" wide, and that's also part of the plan👍
She drinks apx half a gallon per day- the only thing
I'm adding to the water so far is Bio-Si (silica)
The Grow Dots are feeding her right so far...

The training is way more organized than it looks like plant torture right now..😈

Oinky gives her undercarriage the squeal of approval...🐷😁

And, the big girls..116 day old Critical Kush on the left, 114 day old Somango on the right...they're both mainly just getting fatter.
They're about an inch taller than last week, still fed RxBlend every other day..they're both dropping some lower leaves now, which is pretty much normal for their age...

All 3...funny how the Somango sort of disappears in this pic..
All 3.JPG

Forbidden Fruit is 79 days old, she's been in her SIP for 69 of those days..
She's still growing a little- 44" tall now, and drinking apx a gallon and a half per day
She's living on Grow Dots, plus a little Rx Blend...she's also losing a few inner fan leaves - it's not something I'm going to worry about...
FF day 28.JPG

One of her pretty little pom-poms...
ff bud.JPG

I thought this was interesting- the biggest, fattest cola on the CK is the branch from node 1-
that's why I don't trim node 1 off....sometimes it works out pretty well..
Node 1 bud.JPG

Finally, a shot from late yesterday afternoon..
evening shot 8-4-24.JPG

Smells kinda "weedy" out there...😁

And that's a wrap for today!
Thanks for looking,
I appreciate your support..:peace:
And I hope your week is an awesome one!
That’s one MASSIVE cola!!!

I’m also noticing no haze, or orange hue coming from the sky, meaning no smoke in your area, other than the one coming from your current smoking method?
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