Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Whew I can stop scratching my head now! Sneaky!
Possibly...I can't come up with another reason, so I'm going with that one...👍
And good work on venting the windows for some natural incense from your plants into the kitchen and living room :)
Ha! Mrs.C. is just loving it...she likes it so much, that she can't help but mention it multiple times per day...😄
Congrats on the new bambino, and good to see the Oinkster again!
Thank You, GDB!
Yeah, the Oinkster was camping outside for about a week...but now he's bac-on🥓 the job!...see what I did there?..😁
Once you watch it you'll never forget it. 👍🏻
I'm a fan of some of Stephen King's other stuff (The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption) but not so much on the gory stuff....not that it matters, but clowns also creep me out.....😳:clown:
Outside is doing amazeballs and I have faith that the box baby will blow up around day 53, auto or no! :)
Box baby preview (of course his will have 37 heads on it though) ignore the pollinated branch in the foreground and she’s a good looker and a good stinker.
Alaskan BB x Wizard auto
Yeah, the Oinkster was camping outside for about a week...but now he's bac-on🥓 the job!...see what I did there?..😁
Such a ham. :straightface:
Everything is looking great, Carcass! :thumb:
Both the big girls are fed 2 gallons of RxBlend each every day....
I'm gonna miss that shit when it's gone...
Me too. I've still got a little bit left, but I'm saving it for my next indoor grow. Unfortunately last season I used up almost everything I had on my outdoor Sensi Cheese that was in a SIP. At the peak, I was giving it 6 gallons every day. It did produce a lot of bud, though -- about 29 oz worth. :cool:
Both these big girls are finally getting serious about flowering...they weren't sure what to do for a month or so, but now they've got it figured out
You're way ahead of my plant this season. Mine is still "thinking" about flowering, but hasn't really started yet.
I have faith that the box baby will blow up around day 53, auto or no! :)
Thanks, Shed- this one may not wait that long...😁:hmmmm:
Box baby preview
Not quite there yet, but she's workin' on it (day 13)...👍💚
box baby...JPG

Such a ham. :straightface:
And rightly so....😁
I've still got a little bit left, but I'm saving it for my next indoor grow.
Thanks, Beez!
I had quite a bit when I started the outdoor goes fast when you mix up 5.5 gallons a day..
them and the SIP will likely use it all up...

I had on my outdoor Sensi Cheese that was in a SIP. At the peak, I was giving it 6 gallons every day. It did produce a lot of bud, though -- about 29 oz worth. :cool:
My SIP is up to 1.5 gallons a day now, and getting thirstier all the time...
You're way ahead of my plant this season.
I put them out there way too early...they almost re-vegged, but not quite....🤏
Happy Monday!
It's Update time for the 4 ladies I've got growing...

First up is the 14 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto- she's doing fine- the little swick she sprouted in got her ready for the SIP, so there was no "transition" to bottom watering- she just took right off...It's her 8th day in the SIP...


she's doubled in size this week- up from one inch tall 7 days ago..


She's working on node 5, so topping isn't far off....(but I will check with Justin for the best time to do it💚)

And the @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit in the 20 gallon SIP is doing fine- just starting to flower...

An almost pom-pom....

The big girl- @Barney's Farm Critical Kush- 75 days old, 6'3" tall x 6 feet wide...she's a healthy girl....

a couple CK buds...

And her gardenmate, the @CannaPot Somango- she's 5'8" tall now, 73 days old...she's pretty happy out there too...


A Somango bud and a spider..

A look at all 3- no bugs (except the spiders) yet, so that's a good thing...

And there it is for today!
Thank You for looking,
I appreciate the support :peace:
Have a wonderful week👍
Fun in the sun! :Rasta:

That little one is growing up fast! If you plan to keep her in the box then you may need to give her "the talk."
you may need to give her "the talk."
Ha! I'm hoping an auto will give me a break from "too tall" stuff I've been growing in there.....and maybe she'll even do it without gettin' floppy!💪😁
Looking good in the box!
I have been topping when the first pistil shows up (within 48 hours) and it seems to get me where I want. Yours is already past the “please don’t flower yet” stage so I’d say she’s gonna be a beauty.

Loving all your plants!
Looking good & getting big glad the wife is feeling better
Mrs.C. is on the mend, and I've got some time, so
How about a few Friday pics?
First, the box:
The little ABBxWizard auto is still pretty short, but she seems to be enjoying her Grow Dots...
ABBxW 7-19.JPG

she's working on node 4, so she's doing alright....those 2 lower leaves didn't like the Nextlight at first, but they got used to it...she's 11 days old..

The 52 day old @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit in the big (20 gal.)SIP is doing well- 3 feet tall now, and just starting to flower..She's living on Grow Dots, and a smidgen of RxBlend nutes...
She's not as perky as usual today, but it's pretty damn hot out there....
FF 7-19.JPG

@Barney's Farm Critical Kush- She's been out there since 4/20, 75 inches tall now, and doing fine....
Both these big girls are finally getting serious about flowering...they weren't sure what to do for a month or so, but now they've got it figured out
CK 7-19.JPG

And the @CannaPot Somango- she's 2 days younger than the CK, and doing fine as well...67" tall
Still no bugs on these girls except for lots of what I call "weed spiders"...these guys:
(Species Tetragnatha caudata)
Somango 7-19.JPG

Both the big girls are fed 2 gallons of RxBlend each every day....
I'm gonna miss that shit when it's gone...
That's it for today's mini update!
Thanks for looking, I appr

eciate your support
and congrats on the first pistils on the Forbidden Fruit! :popcorn:
Thanks, Shed!
And she's flowering normally- none of that re-veg stuff for her!
I have been topping when the first pistil shows up (within 48 hours)
Thank You, Son-I thought so, but just want to be sure....
I’d say she’s gonna be a beauty.
I think so too- she's a beefy little thing already...🐄😁
Looking good & getting big glad the wife is feeling better
Thank You, con- She's a little better every day...I've still got to do a lot of stuff for her...but, hey- I'm not doing much else except the plants anyway...👍
Happy Monday!
It's Update time for the 4 ladies I've got growing...

First up is the 14 day old Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto- she's doing fine- the little swick she sprouted in got her ready for the SIP, so there was no "transition" to bottom watering- she just took right off...It's her 8th day in the SIP...


she's doubled in size this week- up from one inch tall 7 days ago..


She's working on node 5, so topping isn't far off....(but I will check with Justin for the best time to do it💚)

And the @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit in the 20 gallon SIP is doing fine- just starting to flower...

An almost pom-pom....

The big girl- @Barney's Farm Critical Kush- 75 days old, 6'3" tall x 6 feet wide...she's a healthy girl....

a couple CK buds...

And her gardenmate, the @CannaPot Somango- she's 5'8" tall now, 73 days old...she's pretty happy out there too...


A Somango bud and a spider..

A look at all 3- no bugs (except the spiders) yet, so that's a good thing...

And there it is for today!
Thank You for looking,
I appreciate the support :peace:
Have a wonderful week👍
Beautiful Plants. :green_heart: 🍋
Cannot wait to see these just blow up!! 😎✌️
Thanks so much, Scottay!
this 85f weather is helping them along! and, man, are they a stinky bunch... oooweee!👃

Beautiful Plants. :green_heart:
Thank You, Keith..
They're doing way better than I thought they would...
I pictured a couple of 4 foot plants...:oops:
So, today I (not unexpectedly) played my first game of "find the caterpillar"....although the huge pile of caterpillar shit made him pretty easy to find...he's the blurry one in the pic...

I mashed him flat, soon after this pic was taken...🫓😁
I won this one.JPG

Time to open the new jug of Thuricide BT (Southern Ag's version of Safers Caterpillar Killer)
And so the battle begins...

I pulled a stoner move the other day...went to Home Depot specifically to get some Caterpillar Killer and a sprayer.
Just realized, I forgot the damn sprayer.:lot-o-toke:..I'm not going to paint that stuff on with a I guess I'm headed back to Home Depot...
How does the BT work, Carcass? (Yes, I'm being lazy. :straightface: )
When spiders can only do so much, BT for the win!
There was a spider a couple of inches away, he couldn't care less about that big fat caterpillar...
Fortunately, the BT won't hurt the spiders...🕸️🕷️
How does the BT work, Carcass?
It's cool stuff- you don't have to actually get it on the caterpillars to kill them- spray it on the plant, then when the little bastards decide to dine on your buds, they ingest a little BT, which rots them from the inside out.....
You can spray it every day if you want- won't hurt the plant a bit...every 3 days or so is how I plan on doing it...
...just as soon as I get that damn sprayer... 🤦‍♂️
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