Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Congrates on your CK harvest, and those outdoor plants look gorgeous! :welldone:
I didn't picture them that big when I was planning this grow-
I'll be going to trim prison at harvest time...:oops:
Welcome to my world. o_O
So, Mrs.C. is finally doing alright better- Friday's MRI turned into an just an x-ray, and nothing's broken, just very badly bruised..
So....ok, we can work around a sore leg....
..but, because she can't get in and out of the waterbed with a sore leg, she's sleeping on the problem.....until she tries to get up and go to the bathroom (un-assisted) at apx 4 am Saturday morning ....and, (you guessed it) falls again...this time, she messed up her wrist, and broke, or bruised her tailbone..... :oops:
She'll be alright, it's just going to take awhile.❤️
Please relay our well-wishes to Mrs. C. :green_heart:
Happy Monday!
Today's Update follows the quotes:

Hot damn that's a streak of good luck/bad luck.
Thank You,Shed- hopefully, we're done with the bad luck for awhile...
2 falls in such a short time you need to look at the how’s and the whys.
Mrs.C. has always been somewhat clumsy- she's fallen 15 or 20 times since we've been married- she used to just "bounce", but now, not so much..:straightface:
1. Do you have mats, they can be a terrible trip hazard
One of those "runners" (long rug)that goes in front of the couch got her the first time, the second fall happened because one of her crutches hit the corner of the coffee table, and down she went...

Thanks so much for the advice, T!💚- She's got an App't. on Friday for a physical, so we'll see what the Doc says...
They gave her 12 Norco 5/325's for the pain- she can only take half at a time because they make her queasy- So, at your suggestion, I gave her some Aleve (an NSAID) and it's helping a lot more than the Norco...:thanks:
I twisted my ankle pretty badly recently (thought it was broken) and used some Comfrey Salve to accelerate the healing process. I was surprised at how quickly it improved things.
Thanks, Azi 👍
She's using some cbd lotion on the wrist, and it seems to be helping , and the knee is getting better on it's own...
I ❤️ that about You! ❤️
We're lucky to have her..💚
Don't get confused. Mrs.C does not need to be watered. :)
If I water MrsC, she'll we'll just have to go to the bathroom more often- so that's not happening..😁
Welcome to my world. o_O
I was thinking of you and your multiple day harvests yesterday, looking at that Critical Kush...
"If Beez can do it, then I should be able to"...what a pain in the ass it's going to be, though..
But, on the bright side, I'll have a crazy amount of weed when/if I get 'er done...🤪
Please relay our well-wishes to Mrs. C.
Thank You, Beez- I'll do that..🙏
She's a little better today than yesterday, so she'll be fine, but it's going to take awhile...

And, the Update:

First up is the Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto (seed created by my son, Justin Goody:love:) 7 days old today- she went into the SIP yesterday morning, and she's been smiling ever since...
1-ABBxW day 7.JPG

She's a whole inch tall, up from 7/8" yesterday...😁
There's 16 tsps. of Grow Dots in the 4 gallons of Promix HP, so she should have plenty to eat...

And then we go outside to check out these 3 big girls...

Here's the 47 day old @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit in the 20 gallon SIP- now drinking over a gallon a day...She's 32" tall, and not yet starting to flower. I think this one is going to end up substantially taller than I thought, since she still has the stretch ahead of her...we'll see.....👀
4-FF day 47.JPG

Next, the @Barney's Farm Critical Kush from the Australian seed fairy..😉💚
It's interesting, what this plant is doing- Everything that stretched when she started flowering the first time, is not stretching now that she's flowering again...

But, all the branches that have grown in since her initial stretch, well, they're all stretching now- the red arrows point a lot of them out....what this means, is that she's going to have apx 20 more colas on her at harvest time...and she's already pretty big...(6'2"tall x 6' wide)
5-CK Stretch.JPG

Here's one of her big colas, flowering again..
6-CK Bud.JPG

And then there's the @CannaPot Somango...She's not doing the stretch thing yet, but she seems to run about a week behind the CK...she's 5"7" tall, and healthy as can be...

A Somango bud- she's going to be a frosty one...and, a spider, one of many...which, so far, are the only bugs on these plants...(except 1 caterpillar)
8-Somango Bud.JPG

One more look at the outdoor crew...
9-All 3.JPG

And this is for @StoneOtter -
I think I may have an answer for you as to why these girls didn't reveg....
The kitchen & living room lights!
I was gaslighting these girls, and didn't even know it...
The kitchen light took care of the CK, and the living room light took care of the Somango, to keep them from re-vegging...
Maybe not, but It's all I can come up with.🤔

And that's the news today!
Thanks for looking,
I really appreciate your support💚

I hope everyone has a great week,
see you next time..:peace:
I was gaslighting these girls, and didn't even know it...
The kitchen light took care of the CK, and the living room light took care of the Somango, to keep them from re-vegging...
Maybe not, but It's all I can come up with.🤔
But more light hours from kitchen and living room would mean more of a chance it would reveg, right? :hmmmm:
But more light hours from kitchen and living room would mean more of a chance it would reveg, right?
I was thinking it was more about the interruption of darkness messing with their hormones..but I'm really just guessing...
plants look freaking awesome!!!
Thanks, Man! Growing in a pet cemetery definitely has it's perks!:eek:👍
Saw the fires on the news. Stay safe!!
It's supposed to be in the 70's for the next 5 or 6 days, so that will help the firefighters a bit....
Thanks, Man! Growing in a pet cemetery definitely has it's perks!:eek:👍
Hmmm, this reminds me
Of that book/movie hahaha. Watch your achilles tendon!
It's supposed to be in the 70's for the next 5 or 6 days, so that will help the firefighters a bit....
Whew that’s a good thing. Hopefully no wind and some rain too!
Watch your achilles tendon!
Hard to believe, but I've never seen that movie....😁
Hopefully no wind and some rain too!
Afternoon 20 mph winds are expected...and they say it rained yesterday, but it evaporated before it hit the ground...
Minimal air tanker traffic today, so that usually means they're getting a handle on it...i hope it does, anyhow..
You really are liable to be in BL territory come fall, so you might want to borrow his relatives bowl trimmer when the time comes!
That gives me an idea- I need another fathers day present !(other than the Airvape 😁 )👍
That box baby is really putting in the early growth, so that's new from last time! ;)
She's pretty eager to grow- she sprouted after only about 14 hours in the dirt...most seem to take twice that...
All of them look great Carcass. That CK is really flowering now. And based on the pic you posted, the Somango is not far behind. The FF at this point, is just perfection! :Rasta:
Good morning C Nurse :)

Hope your lady is feeling better today!

The garden is looking amazing! And I’m gonna say something a bit controversial. Remember when I first joined and I was herm terrified? I was light leak obsessed! I actually don’t think light leaks effect the plant as badly as I believed. Of all my plants I’ve had one herm, and even tho my timer was all sorts of mucked up, I think it was genetics because the clone from that plant also hermed. There were 3 other flowering plants in there, all experiencing the same light mishap and they didn’t miss a beat.

I don’t think that light will hurt. It becomes their normal. They adjust to the majority and the majority is dark. It’s like sleeping with the kitchen light on. Once you nod off, you’re gone lol. Growers here pull off plantations just off the highway. Car lights hitting them spasmodically all night. My Bloom Room has tiny lights everywhere, powererboards, timers, air cons, humidifiers, and they have posed no problem.

Not saying I’m right, it’s just my 2 grams worth - I read that yesterday and loved it!
And I’m gonna say something a bit controversial.
Not to me!
After growing in it for 5 years, the ol' box sorta resembles swiss cheese, so the plants in
there get a 3 or 4 hour "almost dark" period once the sun comes up, and I haven't had a hermie yet...but maybe that doesn't stress them enough to trigger the hermie thing..?
It's not something I worry about, not yet, anyway..👍

And Mrs.C. probably wouldn't go for blackout shades on the kitchen window....🤔
...not this year, anyhow...😁
Thank You, Boo!💚
Yeah, those outdoor girls are loving it out there...and I think the Forbidden Fruit is starting to she'll be too big pretty soon too.. 😁

I so love that you still have a waterbed!
Since I was parents were sure I was going to flood the house...😉
Is it still easy to find “parts” for those? :love:
Waterbed Warehouse!
It gets a new mattress every 5 or 6 years (the vinyl gets brittle), so, that's like$200.00 ..but well worth it!
Getting in is easy, but it It does get a bit harder to get out of every year, but I can deal with that...👍
Mrs.C. is on the mend, and I've got some time, so
How about a few Friday pics?
First, the box:
The little ABBxWizard auto is still pretty short, but she seems to be enjoying her Grow Dots...
ABBxW 7-19.JPG

she's working on node 4, so she's doing alright....those 2 lower leaves didn't like the Nextlight at first, but they got used to it...she's 11 days old..

The 52 day old @CannaPot Forbidden Fruit in the big (20 gal.)SIP is doing well- 3 feet tall now, and just starting to flower..She's living on Grow Dots, and a smidgen of RxBlend nutes...
She's not as perky as usual today, but it's pretty damn hot out there....
FF 7-19.JPG

@Barney's Farm Critical Kush- She's been out there since 4/20, 75 inches tall now, and doing fine....
Both these big girls are finally getting serious about flowering...they weren't sure what to do for a month or so, but now they've got it figured out
CK 7-19.JPG

And the @CannaPot Somango- she's 2 days younger than the CK, and doing fine as well...67" tall
Still no bugs on these girls except for lots of what I call "weed spiders"...these guys:
(Species Tetragnatha caudata)
Somango 7-19.JPG

Both the big girls are fed 2 gallons of RxBlend each every day....
I'm gonna miss that shit when it's gone...
That's it for today's mini update!
Thanks for looking, I appreciate your support:peace:
And this is for @StoneOtter -
I think I may have an answer for you as to why these girls didn't reveg....
The kitchen & living room lights!
I was gaslighting these girls, and didn't even know it...
The kitchen light took care of the CK, and the living room light took care of the Somango, to keep them from re-vegging...
Maybe not, but It's all I can come up with.🤔
Hehe, there you have it! Whew I can stop scratching my head now! Sneaky!
Congrats on the new bambino, and good to see the Oinkster again!

Your outdoor plants look amazing! :Rasta:
Hard to believe, but I've never seen that movie....😁

Afternoon 20 mph winds are expected...and they say it rained yesterday, but it evaporated before it hit the ground...
Minimal air tanker traffic today, so that usually means they're getting a handle on it...i hope it does, anyhow..

That gives me an idea- I need another fathers day present !(other than the Airvape 😁 )👍

She's pretty eager to grow- she sprouted after only about 14 hours in the dirt...most seem to take twice that...
Once you watch it you'll never forget it. 👍🏻
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