Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

How about a little update on this hot, sweaty Thursday afternoon?

Lets start with the outdoor girls...there's actually 3 of them there...

hot out there...JPG

The 2 big ones- @Barney's Farm Critical Kush on the left, @CannaPot Somango on the right...
They're 6'3"/5'9" tall, and both are pretty healthy...they're both dropping a few lower leaves, which is pretty much normal for their age (102 and 100 days old) .

They've been out there in the dirt since 4/20...somehow, they avoided re-vegging..:hmmmm: and now they're finally flowering like they should..
CK-Som 2.JPG

Another angle..

A Somango bud- starting to see a hint of purple already...

And a CK bud- no purple on this one...but there is cat hair...😁

Next, the 39" tall, 60 day old Forbidden Fruit- she's been in her SIP for 45 days...when I took this pic around noon, she'd already drank her first gallon for the day...
FF day 60-45 in sip.JPG

And now, inside to the little Alaskan Bananaberry x Wizard auto (seed made by my Son, Justin Goody..💚)
She's doing great!
Day 17.JPG

No pistils yet, on her day 17, and it's her 11th day in the SIP...she's also starting to drink a measurable amount of water- apx a quart a day right now..
She's already working on node 7, so she definitely wants to grow!
So far, the Grow Dots are working pretty well, and she's not complaining about anything..💚👍
working on node 7.JPG

And that's all for now,
I hope everyone is having a great, week👍
Thank You for looking, I appreciate your support..:peace:
Looking great, dude!

(Love the non-Monday update!) :Rasta:
Looking great, dude!

(Love the non-Monday update!) :Rasta:
Thanks, GDB!
Once a week doesn't seem often enough for this outdoor stuff...👍
And that little auto is really doing well, too- that's not always the case with me and autos..😁🤞
I'm so impressed that you parlayed the light leak into early flowering! I don't understand it, do you?
A light leak during the dark period should have prevented flowering if anything. Some growers use night interruption lighting (15 minutes of light during the middle of the dark period) to ensure the plants don't get an uninterrupted 12 hours of dark and therefore shift their hormones to those required for flowering.

To me, it must have been some other, unrelated, issue that was coincident with light from the kitchen, but not caused by those inside lights.
A light leak during the dark period should have prevented flowering if anything. Some growers use night interruption lighting (15 minutes of light during the middle of the dark period) to ensure the plants don't get an uninterrupted 12 hours of dark and therefore shift their hormones to those required for flowering.

To me, it must have been some other, unrelated, issue that was coincident with light from the kitchen, but not caused by those inside lights.
That's what I don't understand! :)
Just gorgeous!
Thank You so much, Shed..👍
you parlayed the light leak into early flowering! I don't understand it, do you?
I do not!
But I think I'll try it again next year, just to see if it happens again...🤔
To me, it must have been some other, unrelated, issue that was coincident with light from the kitchen, but not caused by those inside lights.
That's totally possible- but whatever caused it, I'm glad it did..!

That's what I don't understand! :)
It's definitely a mystery...I'd really like to know for sure what caused it, so I can (dependably) do it again...The CK effectively doubled her yield/colas when she stretched the second time..and the Somango didn't really stretch a second time, her colas just got about 4" longer...the weirdness continues....😁
Hey how’s the misso?
Thanks for asking, T!-MrsC. is doing pretty well- still getting around in the wheelchair (safer than crutches for clumsy people😉) but she's doing more stuff on her own...probably another week, and she'll be almost as good as new...😁
And your outdoor girls are on fire!
And the big one is 100% thanks to you.!..💚👍
Go Weirdness!
Ha!- How about a little normal-ish stuff?
Spotted the first pistils on the ABBxW auto this morning,on her day 20, so it's off with her head!

1-ABBxWauto day 19.JPG

one of quite a few flowers popping up ...
2-first pistils.JPG

Snip! I was actually able to leave a little stump this time...topped above node 5- all the branches are doing well, so they all get to I'll be training 10 branches...if things go right... 🤞
3-topped above node 5.JPG

These may well be the only things that get trimmed till harvest time... 🤔

And outside, we've got a bee barking up the wrong to speak...😁

Happy Saturday!
Seems like around 18-19 days for me as well, but mine aren’t usually that big yet, maybe to node 4-5.
I think she’s gonna be a lovely specimen.

Her sis recently got that purple thing going on.
I’m not sure if you will get enough temp fluctuations for that but yours has some lovely fat leaves, great color already. You can tell she likes the dots!
Sweet. Look great. Nice growth for 20 days.
Thank You ,RG!👍
Very nice
Thanks, Keith 🙏
but mine aren’t usually that big yet, maybe to node 4-5.
I hated to cut those nodes off, but 10 branches is probably enough...😁
I think she’s gonna be a lovely specimen.
When she popped out of the dirt after only 14 hours, that started me thinking she might be a good one. 🤔 ..and she hasn't slowed down since..👍
She just keeps gettin' better...💚
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