Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Hi, folks- How about a little Update on this hot, smoky Thursday?

First, the @Barney's Farm Critical Kush- She's 89 days old, been out in the dirt since 4/20...
Her flowering has been on "hold" for the last 3 weeks or so, but it seems like she's finally starting to take this flowering thing seriously..
She's a big one @6'2" she's grown 7" since I thought she was done stretching...all 3 of the outside girls are fed RxBlend w/every bugs on them yet, except for plenty of spiders, which may be the reason that there's no other bugs..🤔


And the Somango- while she's not quite the monster that her neighbor is, she's no slouch either- she's 2 days younger than the CK, and 7" shorter...

The colas are starting that spiral flowering is happening, just sort of slowly...

Then there's the ApeOrigin Forbidden Fruit, in the 20 gallon SIP.
She went in the SIP on 5/28, at 13 days old....didn't do much for the first 3 weeks or so, but once I adjusted the rez from 3 gallons to 5 gallons, she took off and hasn't slowed down since...

She's 28" tall, and drinking over a gallon a day now, also showing lots of pre flowers, so it won't be long till she's putting out pom-poms..:cheer:

But wait, there's more!😁
Justin's Alaskan Banana Berry x Wizard auto is doing fine on day 3 in her little sip/seedling chamber...she'll stay in there for a few more days...
(it's ugly as sin, but it works really well)
Note:The LED light runs at 140f- so, NOT a fire hazard..👍
Seedling hut.JPG

This one will be growing in the box, so I'll have to clean out the mop bucket SIP this weekend....💚

And that's about all for today!
Thanks for looking👍
I appreciate your support..:peace:

The big girls are bigger girls now! And the FF wants to play along! :Rasta:

As usual it's shaping up to be another CarcassGrow® just on a much larger scale than I'm used to seeing...growing outta' the box!
Your grows are 💯 % my favourite to watch.
Thanks, T! ...💚
I don't know how you do it with all those plants you've got going- seems like I spend half the day just watering plants and mixing nutes..but, the result is usually worth the work....
on a much larger scale than I'm used to seeing...growing outta' the box!
Thank You, GDB!
I like letting them go with minimal (if any) training-something I can't do in that box...:straightface:
Wow nice looking trees, err plants, you have going on there 🌲🌲🌲
Thanks, Man!
These are the biggest I've ever grown....I didn't picture them that big when I was planning this grow-
I'll be going to trim prison at harvest time...:oops:
Love the Gatorade incubation!!
It's ugly, but it gets the job done...sorta like me...😆
Forbidden Fruit is now taller than my PGC!
She's really feelin that SIP...her trunk is as big around as a quarter already...
And I'll bet the view out the window is getting better by the day. ;)
Yeah, now a few more branches are blocking the view....I did tell Mrs.C. that it's going to get quite a bit worse before it gets better..she was elated, of course😁
Cute baby.
Thanks, Shed- odd little seedling- the cotyledons were such a dark green they looked black, then they lightened up a day later... it's usually the other way around...🤔
But wait, there's more!😁
Justin's Alaskan Banana Berry x Wizard auto is doing fine on day 3 in her little sip/seedling chamber...she'll stay in there for a few more days...
(it's ugly as sin, but it works really well)
Note:The LED light runs at 140f- so, NOT a fire hazard..👍
Seedling hut.JPG
I know you’ll be able to pretty her up.
Here she is grown 100% outside
really responding well to some mild training and the sun.

And inside

She’s a very pretty plant without doing much, and her most interesting feature is likely to be strength. One of the earliest frostiest autos I’ve made.

I’m sure you’ll have a great time with her, You’re past the hard part already! 😂
I know you’ll be able to pretty her up.
Oh, the seedlings a little beauty- my seedling chamber, not so much...:oops:
How are you getting your outdoor ladies to flower so well so early?
I wish I had an answer for you, Stone- but I have no idea why they're doing that! And both of them are flowering, so it's not the strain, or genetic or something...
They're in the shade till 9am, and from 5pm on, so they only get 8 hours of direct sun per day- but I don't think that has anything to do with it...

They actually started this around June 10, flowered for 2 weeks, paused (without re-vegging), now they're at it again..
it's just weird.... 🤔 :hmmmm: 🤔

I had a 6 foot male growing out there in 2018, and he started majorly flowering on June there's that...another head-scratcher..

I have to take Mrs.C. in for an MRI now- she took a tumble yesterday, and screwed her knee up pretty that's where I'll be for awhile...
Hope everything goes well for the Mrs! Falls "ain't what they used to be now." :love:
Hope everything goes well for the Mrs! Falls "ain't what they used to be now." :love:
That is so true! Twist an ankle in my teens, and 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I bounced back up. Moonwalked on.

Twist my ankle in my 50’s O.M.G, I need an ankle guard, Deep Heat, and I limp for 3 months.

Hope Mrs C is okay. RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevate is your first line treatment. Cheeky loading dose of 50mg of Diclofenac BD for a couple of days will hold her in good stead if she doesn’t have allergies or suffer with stomach ulcers. Like always talk to your pharmacist first. But NSAID’s can be a great safe treatment if you meet the criteria to take them.

Look after her. Xo
Oh, the seedlings a little beauty- my seedling chamber, not so much...:oops:

I wish I had an answer for you, Stone- but I have no idea why they're doing that! And both of them are flowering, so it's not the strain, or genetic or something...
They're in the shade till 9am, and from 5pm on, so they only get 8 hours of direct sun per day- but I don't think that has anything to do with it...

They actually started this around June 10, flowered for 2 weeks, paused (without re-vegging), now they're at it again..
it's just weird.... 🤔 :hmmmm: 🤔

I had a 6 foot male growing out there in 2018, and he started majorly flowering on June there's that...another head-scratcher..

I have to take Mrs.C. in for an MRI now- she took a tumble yesterday, and screwed her knee up pretty that's where I'll be for awhile...
Aw take care of her knee! Best luck there!
Thanks for the well-wishes!
So, Mrs.C. is finally doing alright better- Friday's MRI turned into an just an x-ray, and nothing's broken, just very badly bruised..
So....ok, we can work around a sore leg....
..but, because she can't get in and out of the waterbed with a sore leg, she's sleeping on the problem.....until she tries to get up and go to the bathroom (un-assisted) at apx 4 am Saturday morning ....and, (you guessed it) falls again...this time, she messed up her wrist, and broke, or bruised her tailbone..... :oops:
She'll be alright, it's just going to take awhile.❤️

So I'm her nurse till things get better...but, I still managed to find time to uppot the six day old ABBxWizard auto into the 4 gallon mop bucket SIP...

It's been a few hours, and she's not drooping, so I may have done it right..
abbxw 1.JPG

She was at 30k lux in the seedling chamber, so she's @ 30k lux in here (160 watts)
Looks like I got her centered in the pot...I'm usually an inch or two off...

More on this healthy little lady in tomorrows update...

Thanks again, guys- and I'll see you then-
Nova's here today, so between her and Mrs.C., I'm not going to have time for much else...:peace:
Thanks for the well-wishes!
So, Mrs.C. is finally doing alright better- Friday's MRI turned into an just an x-ray, and nothing's broken, just very badly bruised..
So....ok, we can work around a sore leg....
..but, because she can't get in and out of the waterbed with a sore leg, she's sleeping on the problem.....until she tries to get up and go to the bathroom (un-assisted) at apx 4 am Saturday morning ....and, (you guessed it) falls again...this time, she messed up her wrist, and broke, or bruised her tailbone..... :oops:
She'll be alright, it's just going to take awhile.❤️
Good morning C Nurse 👨‍⚕️

Seedling looks good but I’m here for your wife.

2 falls in such a short time you need to look at the how’s and the whys.


1. Do you have mats, they can be a terrible trip hazard
2. Appropriate footwear, ill fitting or loose slippers are a trip hazard
3. Never ever let both feet leave the ground ie use ladders or steps


1. She needs a postural BP. If she has a drop there are safe techniques before taking a step
2. A bone density test and a full blood work up and a medication review, if she is on BP medication it might be time to reconsider if it’s necessary
3. For now she needs a walking aide, ie a walker or a walking stick to steady her

Definitely invest in a wrist guard, it will provide support for her wrist. All you can do for a bruised tailbone is rest and wait it out. If she is prescribed narcotic pain relief let me know your choice option. When you get older you don’t always metabolise narcotics well.

If urinary urgency is a concern, hire a commode chair. A woman’s bladder control is often compromised due to all of the vaginal births you inflict on us. If you have a spare room where you can set up a single bed and the commode chair in a stand transfer distance, that would be ideal. Most falls happen when we are trying to get to the bathroom.

Oh and get her a bell, so if she needs you she can ring it lol!

Sending you love Xo
I twisted my ankle pretty badly recently (thought it was broken) and used some Comfrey Salve to accelerate the healing process. I was surprised at how quickly it improved things.

I used coconut oil to make it but it melts at temps over 75* is so if I made it again I'd probably use grape seed oil with a little beeswax to help keep it stiff.

Comfrey's nickname is knitbone for its claimed ability to help heal broken bones and fractures.

In any event, hope Mrs C gets better soon!
Good morning C Nurse 👨‍⚕️

Seedling looks good but I’m here for your wife.

2 falls in such a short time you need to look at the how’s and the whys.


1. Do you have mats, they can be a terrible trip hazard
2. Appropriate footwear, ill fitting or loose slippers are a trip hazard
3. Never ever let both feet leave the ground ie use ladders or steps


1. She needs a postural BP. If she has a drop there are safe techniques before taking a step
2. A bone density test and a full blood work up and a medication review, if she is on BP medication it might be time to reconsider if it’s necessary
3. For now she needs a walking aide, ie a walker or a walking stick to steady her

Definitely invest in a wrist guard, it will provide support for her wrist. All you can do for a bruised tailbone is rest and wait it out. If she is prescribed narcotic pain relief let me know your choice option. When you get older you don’t always metabolise narcotics well.

If urinary urgency is a concern, hire a commode chair. A woman’s bladder control is often compromised due to all of the vaginal births you inflict on us. If you have a spare room where you can set up a single bed and the commode chair in a stand transfer distance, that would be ideal. Most falls happen when we are trying to get to the bathroom.

Oh and get her a bell, so if she needs you she can ring it lol!

Sending you love Xo

I ❤️ that about You! ❤️
Wow, man. Between all those plants and Mrs.C, you're saddled with nursing duties. Don't get confused. Mrs.C does not need to be watered. :)
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