Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Seriously man are those cobwebs in the photo above on your bbq? 😆 What do you even eat?
Ha! That's the "backup" pit- the newer (black) one is next to it... 😁
Well that young lady of your is definitely coming to life and looking lovely.
Yeah, she sort of "woke up"🥱 2 weeks ago...
So nice to see Mr Bill again and no worse for wear having spent a couple of years with Nova!
I was surprised he survived!
And perfect company for the ever-expanding SIPper. :)
Thanks, Shed- speaking of that SIP- here she was 17 days ago...

And today @ 17" tall...
Day 30 in SIP.JPG

One more thing- on the 20th, Shed said:
10 days on the box CK. :)
Good call, Shed! She's coming down tomorrow @111 days old..👍

CriticalKush day 111.JPG

More about her in tomorrow's update...
Hope to see you then..
No you didn't validate Shed's 10-day prediction! Now we'll never hear anything but 10 days from him!

Oh wait....we were already there weren't we? 😁
Beautiful bud!
Thanks, Tim! And thanks for stopping by!
Now we'll never hear anything but 10 days from him!
I guess he could change it up a little- "240 more hours"! 😁

in the meantime that SIP is going to be the perfect size not to raise the ire of the missus and still be a lovely harvest come fall!
And if it gets in her way, I'll just roll it to somewhere else...😁

And here we are on Harvest Monday....but first, we'll take a peek at the outside girls-

The Critical Kush (left) is 5'11", Somango (center) is 5'5", and the Forbidden Fruit(in the SIP) is 18' tall
The big girls have been out there since 4/20, the little one has been in her SIP for 33 days, she was 1.5" tall when she got transplanted to the sip...

The top of the CK- she's slowly flowering a little more every day...
CK Top w spider.JPG

And the bottom of the CK- it paid off to leave node 1 on this one..

The top of the Somango- flowering, but very slowly...
Somango top.JPG

And, the bottom of the Somango...node 1 did alright on this one too

And that's about it for those 3, now for the indoor girl...

Where'd she go?

There she is! ....You probably thought she'd be flopping all over the floor...
not too bad....JPG

Not too bad!
no flop...JPG

But wait- what's this piece of string do? I think I'll pull it and find out...:hmmmm:
the knot.JPG

Well, I can't un-ring that bell...

And that's about all I've got time for right now that CK waiting on me- so I'll be back in here later on with some more harvest pics...
Thanks so much for looking,
I really appreciate your support!:love:
Thanks, Tim! And thanks for stopping by!

I guess he could change it up a little- "240 more hours"! 😁

And if it gets in her way, I'll just roll it to somewhere else...😁

And here we are on Harvest Monday....but first, we'll take a peek at the outside girls-

The Critical Kush (left) is 5'11", Somango (center) is 5'5", and the Forbidden Fruit(in the SIP) is 18' tall
The big girls have been out there since 4/20, the little one has been in her SIP for 33 days, she was 1.5" tall when she got transplanted to the sip...

The top of the CK- she's slowly flowering a little more every day...
CK Top w spider.JPG

And the bottom of the CK- it paid off to leave node 1 on this one..

The top of the Somango- flowering, but very slowly...
Somango top.JPG

And, the bottom of the Somango...node 1 did alright on this one too

And that's about it for those 3, now for the indoor girl...

Where'd she go?

There she is! ....You probably thought she'd be flopping all over the floor...
not too bad....JPG

Not too bad!
no flop...JPG

But wait- what's this piece of string do? I think I'll pull it and find out...:hmmmm:
the knot.JPG

Well, I can't un-ring that bell...

And that's about all I've got time for right now that CK waiting on me- so I'll be back in here later on with some more harvest pics...
Thanks so much for looking,
I really appreciate your support!:love:
nice flop & chop
plants are looking beautiful carcass! Those big ones are going to be amazing in full bloom. Big baby arm colas 🤙 :love:
Happy Tuesday!
I've got a few pics of yesterday's @Barney's Farm Critical Kush harvest...

First up, a couple of "before" pics...
Washing machine is for scale......

....not really- she's leaning on it 😁

And, leaning against the cupboard...

And, the flop...:oops:

Ready to start trimmin'...

My workstation...spent about 4 hours here...should of been 3 hours, but you know how that scissor hash will slow ya down..:rollit:

Lots of frosty, sticky goodness on this girl...

All trimmed up..(not my best trim job, but everything I left has frost on it)

Into the drying box she goes, hopefully for about 9 days...

An upside-down bud

This is the "other" box.:).. That little exhaust blower comes on for 15 minutes every 4 hours- this helps to slow down the drying process...not as much as I'd like it to, but it does slow it down a little..

I didn't weigh it yet, I'll do that when she's dry- I'm thinking around 6oz., but we'll see:hmmmm:

And that's about it for the harvest news!

The quotes:
Whoa, major floppage after the sneaky string trick got pulled
That string is mainly to get her out through the did it better this time, compared to the last one..😁
.and look at all that larf!
Oh, I looked at it plenty.😳..Next time, I'm doing it your way....✔️
so props to that spider.
He's one of about ten on that plant, but apparently, there's something about the Somango that they don't like...but Somango's got plenty of those little jumping spiders on she's covered...
and we don't need a turf war out there....
nice flop & chop
Thanks, con!
Congrats on the chop!!!
Thank You, Ke0n!
plants are looking beautiful carcass! Those big ones are going to be amazing in full bloom.
Thank You, Sunny!
Great to see you, man👍
They'll get there eventually- I confused them a bit by putting them out there a little early (4/20)
so they're still deciding what they're gonna do...
Nice takedown, Carcass! She's a frosty one.

I never tire of watching your grows, even though it's like watching reruns! :Rasta:
Congratulations on chopping that beauty, and I'm really hoping you get a great weight after the long wait for it to grow up! I can see why you left a lot on the buds with all the frost on those sugars. :)

Dry box question: that looks like about a 12" filter inside but a 3" computer fan. Would a 4" filter work as well (if there was such a thing or does the large filter serve a specific purpose? Also, clever move writing the plant and date on tape so you can tear it off and replace it each time.

And I can see why the flop pic is the blurry were shaking in surprise!
Those are beautiful fist size buds!
Ha! Small fists!
But they are hard as rocks!
Nice takedown, Carcass! She's a frosty one.
Thank You, GDB- and gooey, too..
, even though it's like watching reruns!
Next one in there will be an auto, so that'll be a little different...🤏
Would a 4" filter work as well (if there was such a thing or does the large filter serve a specific purpose?
That one is a 16x16x2", because that's what was in my car when
I quit working for the A/C company...😁 ..smaller would be fine, though- that one is way bigger than it needs to be...
The exh. fan is a 2", 12volt blower, running on 7 volts (for even less airflow)
Also, clever move writing the plant and date on tape so you can tear it off and replace it each time.
Actually, now it's dry-erase marker on the packing tape- I wrote it 2 places
in case it gets rubbed off...
Fantastic Harvest! Finger Hash is the BEST part of harvest!
Thanks, Med-👍
I meant to save some- but that didn't happen.....:lot-o-toke:
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