Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

you may have to borrow the green bin from next door
Ha!- I've got two of 'em!... so I'm all set..!

and what's the hanging Bell jar for?
That white thing with a hole in it? - that's a plastic bag saver thingy- put em in the top, pull them out the hole when you need em...been there for about 30 years...
All the other hanging stuff is my son's seat covers, from when he found out that, yes, little Nova does
indeed get carsick..🤮
That's a silent chime.
Very silent...
I’m sure you made sure no hitchhikers find their way into the auto box,
I did not!- Thanks for that- 🙏 I'll hose 'em off before I get to trimmin' from here on...
So the BagSaver doesn't toll for thee?
That white thing with a hole in it?
I guess with the brim of the baseball cap you never even notice it anymore:


I did not!- Thanks for that- 🙏 I'll hose 'em off before I get to trimmin' from here on...
I have trimmed a few outdoor plants and come in covered in all type of crawlers!
It seems excessive at times to change clothes after trimming but WAY better than solving a spider mite problem in your indoor plants later.
I guess with the brim of the baseball cap you never even notice it anymore:
Oh, that thing!- You're exactly right!
And evidently, I can't see it in the pics either....gotta take that hat off... 😄
I have trimmed a few outdoor plants and come in covered in all type of crawlers!
I'm not sure I'll go that far, but I am going to hose them off before I bring them inside...
It's really unusual, but the only bugs I found on those colas were 2 spiders...and I put them back on the plant- since they seem to be doing a bang-up job of keeping everything else away...:)
I still want to know why it's there!
The lid has a solar panel and a light on it,- so it illuminates that area a little- still works after like 12 years...think of it as a lampshade.. :)
Happy Sunday!
Hmmm Reveg??
If it were closer to the plants, I'd be wondering... 🤔
Good morning C Ya Face!

I’m sitting here BIG SMILING!
Then I did what I set out to do!💚

and in harvest news......

Well, the harvest didn't go quite as planned...although, I did harvest everything that was ready enough to be harvested...this is one of 4..

But, it turns out that that's all that's going to be ready for quite a while...(CK buds on the left, Somango on the right)

4 big colas, (I had to cut one in half) and 4 or 5 smaller ones- trimming these produced a ridiculous amount of scissor hash...seemed like a lot, but turns out it was only one days worth... 😁 :lot-o-toke:

where a couple colas used to live...some of her branches are finally starting to sag a little..

Everything else is fully doing the flowering thing...CK:

..and Somango- I spotted the first pistils on both of these girls a little over 13 weeks they've already been at it for a while..late in the game for pom-poms...yet there they are...

If you look close, you can see that this cola is covered in spider webs...these little guys mean business! ....and they're the only bugs on either of these plants...

Fortunately, I'm not adverse to smokin' a little spider web every now and then...😄

And here's what's left for "next time"...whenever the hell that might be.... 😄
they'll probably be a little bigger by then..and they're already too damn big...

Apparently, hoping that they aren't going to flower again doesn't stop them from doing it...🤔

Thank You for looking-
I'll be back in here tomorrow with the usual update..
hope to see you then👍
a week's worth of flower. :cheesygrinsmiley:
... or whatever 1200+ grams dries up to... :smokin:

apparently, I'm in it for the very lonnng haul this time...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy Monday!-
It's Update time for my ladies,
We'll start in the box with (Justin's) 50 day old ABBxW's about time for the Grow Dots to start crapping out, so I started her on 50% RxBlend on Friday...she's a happy plant..

abbxw 1.JPG

She's a little over 25" tall..😬

almost a pom-pom...

This one is going to get thinned out quite a bit once she stops stretching...everything that isn't within an inch of the top of the door opening will be removed...some of my plants get a bit crowded, I'm going to try and give this one some space...:Namaste:

Forbidden Fruit in the 20 gallon SIP is not as happy as the indoor girl, but she's not too bad- just some more yellowing going on.
I tried a few feedings of 1.5x RxBlend, didn't seem to make any difference, so yellow she is!

She looks yellower with the sun behind her...she's not really too bad...

Her buds are doing fine...
ff bud.JPG

And, the big girls- they're going to be with us for awhile longer...both are just entering week 14 of flower......weird, huh?
big girls.JPG

@Barney's Farm Critical Kush...

@CannaPot /ApeOrigin Somango-
I have tested this one extensively.:cheesygrinsmiley:..she's already the best weed I've ever grown...:lot-o-toke:

And that's where they're at today!
Thanks for looking,
I appreciate your support!

I hope everyone has a great week, see you next time..:peace:
I have tested this one extensively.:cheesygrinsmiley:..she's already the best weed I've ever grown...:lot-o-toke:
If I come visit in the next few months, I definitely want to try it out…something tells me you’ll still have some of that outdoor laying around 😂

Auto looks great too. Think she’s done stretching?
something tells me you’ll still have some of that outdoor laying around 😂
Hell, it may still be growing in a couple months... 😄
Auto looks great too. Think she’s done stretching?
Thanks! She really is a beauty-
But I don't think she's done stretching yet....3 or 4 more inches will work in there, after that, things may get kinda iffy 😯...
But there's always the great outdoors!
The lid has a solar panel and a light on it,- so it illuminates that area a little- still works after like 12 years...think of it as a lampshade.. :)
Are you saying it's not a silent chime? It sure looks like one. 🤔
Yet another post that I follow where email notifications mysteriously stopped coming. Guess I need to stop relying on them.

Good to see you got started on your marathon harvest. I hope you trained well for it! :Rasta:

ApeOrigin Somango-
I have tested this one extensively.:cheesygrinsmiley:..she's already the best weed I've ever grown.
That's a pretty weighty endorsement. That's from trying un-cured testers, right?

Must be 🔥 !
Happy Monday!-
It's Update time for my ladies,
We'll start in the box with (Justin's) 50 day old ABBxW's about time for the Grow Dots to start crapping out, so I started her on 50% RxBlend on Friday...she's a happy plant..

abbxw 1.JPG

She's a little over 25" tall..😬

almost a pom-pom...

This one is going to get thinned out quite a bit once she stops stretching...everything that isn't within an inch of the top of the door opening will be removed...some of my plants get a bit crowded, I'm going to try and give this one some space...:Namaste:

Forbidden Fruit in the 20 gallon SIP is not as happy as the indoor girl, but she's not too bad- just some more yellowing going on.
I tried a few feedings of 1.5x RxBlend, didn't seem to make any difference, so yellow she is!

She looks yellower with the sun behind her...she's not really too bad...

Her buds are doing fine...
ff bud.JPG

And, the big girls- they're going to be with us for awhile longer...both are just entering week 14 of flower......weird, huh?
big girls.JPG

@Barney's Farm Critical Kush...

@CannaPot /ApeOrigin Somango-
I have tested this one extensively.:cheesygrinsmiley:..she's already the best weed I've ever grown...:lot-o-toke:

And that's where they're at today!
Thanks for looking,
I appreciate your support!

I hope everyone has a great week, see you next time..:peace:
What is it about Somango that has you saying it's so high on your list? I have a pack of them that probably should get sown sooner than later.
Are you saying it's not a silent chime? It sure looks like one. 🤔
sounds like one too! 🤪
That's a pretty weighty endorsement. That's from trying un-cured testers, right?
Yeah, I dried a few nugs in the oven overnight- it got way too dry, but it actully tasted ok, maybe a little fruity..
What is it about Somango that has you saying it's so high on your list?
I usually smoke a bit while I'm out there checking the plants- just enough for a little buzz- this day was no different, but when I smoked some Somango, I had to sit down for a few minutes while it "soaked in"-it's just better/stronger than what I'm used's hard for me to get "real high" with my tolerance, but this stuff will do it, Stone..:lot-o-toke:
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