Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Little shits forcing us to move and keep our joints lubricated.
Think how much we could get done if we had that kind of energy!
Hey carcass, beautiful bushes as usual.
Thank you, Chef!
Looks like I’m joining the prep drink club today.
We know where you'll be for the better part of the day... :)
why didn’t anyone warn me it would be 4 hours of disgusting water!
Sounds like you got the gallon jug (Go Lytely) prep? :oops: If you chill it, or drink it "on the rocks", it's almost tolerable...
It wasn't until I was able to see what was in there that I was convinced I hadn't shitted my eyeballs out.
Yeah, you almost expect to see a spleen, a pancreas, or an appendix bobbing around in there... :)
laugh about how everybody for years used to say "you're just full of shit".
I had 2 days last month when that just wasn't true... :oops:
Beautiful Blueberry, just fine and dandy
An ideal show of weed eye candy
Color and structure, both jaw dropping
No blemishes and no branches flopping
Some of the prettiest plants I've ever seen
MrC grows as a matter of routine!
Damn, GDB- you've got some mad poetic skilz!:thanks:
The dark period also comes in handy if, for whatever reason, you just don't feel like getting started right then.
That was the case with that Super Silver Haze a while back- it was ready, but I wasn't...:high-five:
My son responded, "Fuck you."

That guy's expression was priceless!
When my daughter was 4 or so, she felt she had to (loudly) let me know whenever she saw an overweight person...she mostly did this in line at the grocery store...

"Daddy, Daddy! look how fat that lady is..! :oops:
And she'd also point at them so I knew who she was talking about....

Whoa! That was fast.
I got the pee breaks outa the way before I got started...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, that escalated quickly.
:rofl:Kids say the darndest things, don't they?
I hope it goes well for you in every way.
Yeah, here's hoping for an easy prep and a healthy poop chute!
Thank you, Chef!

We know where you'll be for the better part of the day... :)

Sounds like you got the gallon jug (Go Lytely) prep? :oops: If you chill it, or drink it "on the rocks", it's almost tolerable...
Well shit Chef, I hope it goes well for you in every way!

They didn't? They shoulda! Unless you got to do the Miralax version, which you can mix with anything you like. Then it's only crap on one end.
i got the Klean Prep powder packets that you mix into 4 liters of water. I think its a product specific to this country, Peru. by hour 2 i was holding my nose for every glass. I didnt have ice, just room temp bottled water so it was pretty rough.

Great news all around, (I had an endoscopy at the same time) I'm shocked and relieved that there wasn't anything wrong. Same with the abdominal ultrasound, absolutely nothing abnormal. Just gotta get my diet more into the alkaline.

Thanks for the well wishes!
yes I travel to peru for medical treatment.. They've got a medical system that actually helps people... imagine that.

oh and the prices... 2 consultations, 2 ultrasounds, endoscopy and colonoscopy, 15 blood analysis - $1200 without insurance.

I'd be bankrupt with that much treatment and no insurance in the US
I'm glad it went well, Chef- sounds like the best possible outcome!
That's a long way to go to the doctor, but even with travel expenses it saved you 2 or 3 grand, easy...
Have a safe trip back!
During my last prep I cut loose so violently that I had to look into the toilet. It wasn't until I was able to see what was in there that I was convinced I hadn't shitted my eyeballs out. :straightface:

L O L L I N G G G G G!
Oh yes, you did mention a trip south for medical bits. I did not associate the two!

I'm glad you came through clean, and only need to raise the pH of your hydro grow. :welldone:
More like, I need to switch into a living organic grow ;)

I'm glad it went well, Chef- sounds like the best possible outcome!
That's a long way to go to the doctor, but even with travel expenses it saved you 2 or 3 grand, easy...
Have a safe trip back!
Thanks Carcass! Definitely the best possible outcome, a recovery to normalcy is in my own hands, so that’s comforting.

Yes it is a long way! I’ve got family down here so travel expenses were even less since I didn’t need to pay for a place to stay. My flight cost me $400. All said and done, the same treatment would have been roughly $9000. I’d say I saved myself about 7 grand and I got to enjoy the amazing food here. Definitely worth the trip if anyone is looking for a vacation spot!

And thank you! I fly out Saturday night, but next two days are doctor appointment free! :yahoo:
More like, I need to switch into a living organic grow
So, what's good for the plants is also good for the grower!
Thanks Carcass! Definitely the best possible outcome, a recovery to normalcy is in my own hands, so that’s comforting.
What constitutes a more alkaline diet, Chef?
They just told me I've got to eat more some fiber...Yum!
Happy Saturday everyone!

Well, I got tired of looking at a tall, spindly seedling, so today ended up being transplant's a little earlier than usual, but this seedling is a little spindlier (?) than usual...

So, here's how the little @Herbies Seeds Blueberry Hill looked this morning before I started ...

The roots were coming out the bottom of the cup, so I figured I might as well move her to her new home

Here's where she's going-3 gal. Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, amended a couple weeks ago with with half an ounce of earth alive's Soil Activator. Then a week ago, I added 40g of @GeoFlora Nutrients "veg", and worked it into the soil
Sorry for the crappy pic- I didn't look at the pics till I was all done. :straightface:

I put a half oz. of @DYNOMYCO in the hole, and sprinkled a little rooting powder around the sides before I stuck the plant in there...

And I also planted her deep enough to shorten up the, like an inch deeper than usual...

I'm going to keep her under the seedling lights till tomorrow- give her a little time to get used to her new digs before I turn on the "real" light.
She had a nice little drink of 2g/gal. mc, and a little vitaminB1 to help her settle in....


Hard to tell, but she's an inch or so shorter now..

In case you're interested, here's how I temporarily mount the seedling lights when needed- there's not much you can't accomplish with thermostat wire, clothespins, zipties, and blue tape...a view of the box that you can't see when the @Atreum Lighting Hydra-1000 is turned on...

This is about an hour and a half after transplant- the leaves have already perked up some, so I must not have done any damage- at least none that she noticed.. ;)

That's about all I can say about that one right now- I think she's going to do pretty well, but we'll know more in a couple of weeks...

We'll look in on her on Monday....

Thanks for looking, I appreciate your support :love:

And I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!
Very "MacGyver" of you.
Thanks, Azimuth! It goes hand in hand with being a cheapskate thrifty!
It looks happy to be shorter.
It really does- I don't think I've had one perk up that soon after transplant...
That one had a lot of roots for her age- I think they stretched too!
Nice, smooth transition Mr.C. She looks pleased with your soil-side manner. :Rasta:
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