Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

so now I have two things to consider.... Wind and light, of course both can be eliminated at the same time but to do both at once won't tell me who was at fault. Who should go first???? the light or the wind.
I always go with @InTheShed instructions.
Since you just added the second light, I'm going with that. :) Especially if the fan is pointed away.

And don't remove it, hang a piece of window screen in front of it to cut the intensity.
I started out with a Mars reflector 96 up there and decided to replace that with the 700 after about 3 days because I wanted the extra penetration (intensity??) the 700 afforded, you know what they say, that extra light helps with the fattening up process. I can always go back to the reflector if that 700 is to intense. Hmmmm, :hmmmm:, if I remember correctly, (you got to know that that's getting harder and harder everyday) I don't remember seeing that problem when I had the SSH in the middle of the other two girls (super skunk in front, zkittlez on back wall).

I always go with @InTheShed instructions.
All of you guys suggestions fall on fertile ground, especially when it causes me to think outside the box or when my reference material is out-of-date. Thanks Hippie..:thumb:
Graytail says that 30w/sf in flower is all you really need (that's wall-watts, and you'll have to do the math here!), but anytime you add light you risk light stress. Always good to introduce it slowly.
You know, shed, I thought that I was adding the light slowly. But the wind tunnel I have is a problem too, other than moving the fan, turning it off or putting it on a timer is the only thing I can do with that but swapping out the 700 for the 96 probably is the best thing to do with lighting.
No window screen hanging around?
you hit it right on the head. I going to go downstairs and swap out the light for the reflector 96 and watch to make sure so other bud sites developed any problems and watch to make sure the fan isn't causing problems too... Thanks guys you're the best... :Namaste:
You know TV folks say that the camera adds ten pounds to you figure, well it's true... After replacing the 700 for the 96, fixin a little sumthin sumthin for supper I went to my room and pulled up the surveillance to the girls room and my little auto SSH colas were looking like they were beer can fat but I know that she is only sportin hot sauce bottle size colas. But the cam has me thinking (yeah I know it dangerous) but maybe it's giving me a view of the future and not a view of the now. :blunt:
Hey @InTheShed man let me give you some background on my twisted way of thinking. I have two photos in that closet with the auto and since they need a 12/12 schedule to flower I thought that if I increased the light intensity on the auto it would make up for the 6 hours of light it wasn't getting if I left them on the 18/6 schedule that's best for auto's. But.... yeah I know, I'm twisted I'm always trying goofball ways to increase both the quantity and quality of my grows by mixing and matching different techniques and styles. :ganjamon:
Hey @InTheShed man let me give you some background on my twisted way of thinking. I have two photos in that closet with the auto and since they need a 12/12 schedule to flower I thought that if I increased the light intensity on the auto it would make up for the 6 hours of light it wasn't getting if I left them on the 18/6 schedule that's best for auto's. But.... yeah I know, I'm twisted I'm always trying goofball ways to increase both the quantity and quality of my grows by mixing and matching different techniques and styles.
Giving the plants the max light they can handle in a 12 hour period is the reason that folks hit them with the highest lux in have to try to hit the plant's DLI in a shorter period of time. But auto or photo, leaves can only take so much light before they give out and burn up.

And running an auto on 12/12 is never ideal, but people with mixed types and one space do it all the time! The idea is to do the best for the photoperiods and take what you can from the autos.
And running an auto on 12/12 is never ideal, but people with mixed types and one space do it all the time! The idea is to do the best for the photoperiods and take what you can from the autos.
Man do I know it, but I'm running out of green and I'm breaking down all the half doobies I saved to get me through to the next harvest. Hence the auto in the same room, she is actually younger than the photos.
Thank you, thank you, thank you :adore: for the longest time I thought I was "just crazy" but thanks to you and that article you shared about DLI ..... I'm still weird :laugh: but know somebody else was there first. :D But seriously, it provided a guidemap to what I was thinking about how I could (with minimal or no additional cost) maximize my lighting. Now, this may sound strange but that (add more light) thought came to me after I installed the baby cam in the room. It's a cheap model (min cost) and during lights on, while being a voyeur, I noticed I could actually "see" the burble light flow from the light panel, (sort of like watching a O-scope) in waves. I was able to see the spread of the light and the depth.... soooo.... back to reading that extended article you had in that post.
Hopefully my kids change their mind about having kids.
When I met Mrs.C. 46 years ago, I didn't want any kids either...but, things changed a little bit over the years :oops:
While it’s soooo cute, all the running is fucking killing me!
And they run everywhere!
That plant is amazeballs! It is extraordinary. How did you make it that colour? Is it genetics?
Thanks, Trala- that's all @Weed Seeds Express genetics!
Congratulations on the beautiful harvest. Pretty colors!
Thank You , stinker- I expected some color on the Blackberry, but the Blueberry surprised me!
That pic of a cola in front of the brick wall is just beautiful,
Thanks, HH- That pic "accidentally" came out pretty good :hmmmm:
. The beauty of this grow is an advertisers dream.
Thank You, T.- I really appreciate the compliment:circle-of-love:
The colours in some of the pics looked kinda psychedelic. Did you take them with something different than normal?
There's something about the sunroom windows that sometimes makes the pics have a reddish "aura"...
The pics of my SSH did that's odd, because only the camera sees the red...
Alright guys and gals I have a problem I haven't been able to diagnose.
Shed and West Hippie have got ya covered!
I'm going with light burn from that pic!
:thumb:Thanks, Shed!
my canopy fan was beating her up !

"Classico" sauce comes in the right kind of jar to accept the small mason jar lids...
Thanks, Azimuth for the lid swap Idea! ( I meant to credit you this morning, but I was in a hurry and forgot)
Ollie: GG I got an idea, I got an idea… I be Spider-Man, you be T Rex and we run, okay?
That made me smile inside and out. Sounds like a hoot of a kiddo. Sounds like your ready for a marathon too with all that damn energy! Little shits forcing us to move and keep our joints lubricated.
And they run everywhere!

Hey dad! Let's go watch a cartoon...sprints to about 1000mph to the couch that is 10 feet away, barrel rolls, hops up, and jumps into the couch. Looks over to the other couch confused why I'm not already there too. Dont judge my slow ass! Turn your ass around kid...I'm getting there...eventually!
Hey carcass, beautiful bushes as usual.. you’re a class act my friend.

Looks like I’m joining the prep drink club today. Gotta keep that piece of wisdom in mind from @Virgin Ground . No innocent toots!

Edit: why didn’t anyone warn me it would be 4 hours of disgusting water! Stuffs got some kind of taste to it huh?
Hey carcass, beautiful bushes as usual.. you’re a class act my friend.

Looks like I’m joining the prep drink club today. Gotta keep that piece of wisdom in mind from @Virgin Ground . No innocent toots!

Edit: why didn’t anyone warn me it would be 4 hours of disgusting water! Stuffs got some kind of taste to it huh?
During my last prep I cut loose so violently that I had to look into the toilet. It wasn't until I was able to see what was in there that I was convinced I hadn't shitted my eyeballs out. :straightface:
During my last prep I cut loose so violently that I had to look into the toilet. It wasn't until I was able to see what was in there that I was convinced I hadn't shitted my eyeballs out. :straightface:
Yeah man I know what you mean, and get you some reading material, laptop, tv or sumthin and set that stuff up at arms length away and then get comfortable for the next few hours and laugh about how everybody for years used to say "you're just full of shit". :rofl:
Not sure how I fell three pages behind Mr.C. Though when I learned the Monday update was going to be delayed I did start hitting the bottle pretty hard.


Beautiful Blueberry, just fine and dandy
An ideal show of weed eye candy
Color and structure, both jaw dropping
No blemishes and no branches flopping
Some of the prettiest plants I've ever seen
MrC grows as a matter of routine!

Help me understand why you prefer to do the darkness period please.
The dark period also comes in handy if, for whatever reason, you just don't feel like getting started right then. :Rasta:
and she frowned, and said "well, shit!"
I swear, she didn't learn that from me.... :oops:
No one is going to take credit for teaching her that!

When my son was around 4 year's old, he was sitting on the steps in front of my house while I watched him through the screen door. A man came walking down the street and said "Hi" to my son. My son responded, "Fuck you."

That guy's expression was priceless!
2 hours, start to finish, so trim jail wasn't too bad today...
Whoa! That was fast. :laughtwo:
When my son was around 4 year's old, he was sitting on the steps in front of my house while I watched him through the screen door. A man came walking down the street and said "Hi" to my son. My son responded, "Fuck you."

That guy's expression was priceless!
Well, that escalated quickly.

Looks like I’m joining the prep drink club today. Gotta keep that piece of wisdom in mind from @Virgin Ground . No innocent toots!
Well shit Chef, I hope it goes well for you in every way!
why didn’t anyone warn me it would be 4 hours of disgusting water! Stuffs got some kind of taste to it huh?
They didn't? They shoulda! Unless you got to do the Miralax version, which you can mix with anything you like. Then it's only crap on one end.
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