Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Love that blueberry auto
Thanks, Baked!
It's raining, so she's sitting in the dark for 36 hours- tomorrow's finally harvest day...probably...
Little Nova is here today, she's got the sniffles, and nowadays you can't go to daycare with the sniffles, so she may be here tomorrow too...
So much for that plan- so, the Monday update will be the mid-week update...
Have a nice Monday everyone, I'll see you tomorrow, or the next day!
so she's sitting in the dark for 36 hours
Help me understand why you prefer to do the darkness period please. Trying to figure out the importance or loss potentially if I don't do it. I've been holding off now for about 5 days since I wanted to harvest one of mine. First time harvesting an indoor plant. Thanks!
Little Nova is here today, she's got the sniffles
Little Nova?

Sounds like a little one running around the house! How little if I may ask? My littlest is now 8 sadly. I miss her young days so much.
That blueberry looks like it's just calling out to be made into blueberry jam
How about blueberry gummies?- I can do that...

Congrats again on the sprout!
Thank You,Shed! more on that one in a little while....
Help me understand why you prefer to do the darkness period please.
Really, I don't usually do it that way- total of three times, I think- The (alleged) benefit of the dark period before harvest, is that it brings out more terpenes, and possibly a few more trichomes...I really don't know if it does either of those things, but it doesn't hurt to try it- this time, it was raining anyway,
so I figured the closet would be a good place for her to spend her last 36 hours.

Little Nova?
Little Nova! My 19 month old granddaughter...she doesn't take naps anymore, so when she's here, it's a full time job...she's at the "I'm going to steal your stuff and run away with it" stage, so she really keeps us on our toes...
She's also learning new words all the time- yesterday, she had stacked up about ten blocks- she bumped them, and they fell over...and she frowned, and said "well, shit!"
I swear, she didn't learn that from me.... :oops:
I love that plant and It might even get another picture published.
Coming right up!
Just popping in to say I love your guts.
:hug: :love:

And now,It's time for the better late than never Tuesday Update!

I'll start off with the @Weed Seeds Express Blueberry auto-21 inches tall, 81 days old, flowering for 57.
The seed was from my son in Washington State...we'll just call him "J"... :love:

She was fed 5g of mc, and .75g on BPN's "Easy Weed" every watering for the last 2 months, and seemed fairly happy with that- there's some yellow leaves, so it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but I think it was pretty close..

Her drinking has slowed way down, in fact she went from every other day, to every 4 days- she was also showing plenty of amber, so it was time...

She went into the dark on Sunday night at 10:00, and came out this morning at 10:00

Just before going into the dark closet:

Her home for 36 hours:

This morning at 10:15- one last pic in the sun...

A couple of final bud shots:


And into the patio room she goes, not quite her final destination, but real close...

And the final SaugaView® for this one...

There will be more about that one in the harvest update, coming up in a little while.

Now for the Blueberry Hill sprout, from @Herbies Seeds -

Sprouted just fine, but then started to stretch, and the usual 4" distance from the led bulbs had to be adjusted to 2" away before she stopped stretching- never had one do it like that before...but it is what it is...
Those led bulbs make the leaves look yellow, but they're actually the right shade of green

I gave her a little support since she's so spindly- they're usually about 1.75 inches tall at this age, this one is 3 inches...
I can bury most of that "extra" stem at transplant time, but I don't want her to fall over before she gets there...

She's really healthy, just a little too tall...but she'll be fine in the long run...

That's about it for the Tuesday Update...
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :peace:

Stay tuned for the Harvest pics, coming up in a few minutes :)
How about blueberry gummies?- I can do that...

Thank You,Shed! more on that one in a little while....

Really, I don't usually do it that way- total of three times, I think- The (alleged) benefit of the dark period before harvest, is that it brings out more terpenes, and possibly a few more trichomes...I really don't know if it does either of those things, but it doesn't hurt to try it- this time, it was raining anyway,
so I figured the closet would be a good place for her to spend her last 36 hours.

Little Nova! My 19 month old granddaughter...she doesn't take naps anymore, so when she's here, it's a full time job...she's at the "I'm going to steal your stuff and run away with it" stage, so she really keeps us on our toes...
She's also learning new words all the time- yesterday, she had stacked up about ten blocks- she bumped them, and they fell over...and she frowned, and said "well, shit!"
I swear, she didn't learn that from me.... :oops:

Coming right up!

:hug: :love:

And now,It's time for the better late than never Tuesday Update!

I'll start off with the @Weed Seeds Express Blueberry auto-21 inches tall, 81 days old, flowering for 57.
The seed was from my son in Washington State...we'll just call him "J"... :love:

She was fed 5g of mc, and .75g on BPN's "Easy Weed" every watering for the last 2 months, and seemed fairly happy with that- there's some yellow leaves, so it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but I think it was pretty close..

Her drinking has slowed way down, in fact she went from every other day, to every 4 days- she was also showing plenty of amber, so it was time...

She went into the dark on Sunday night at 10:00, and came out this morning at 10:00

Just before going into the dark closet:

Her home for 36 hours:

This morning at 10:15- one last pic in the sun...

A couple of final bud shots:


And into the patio room she goes, not quite her final destination, but real close...

And the final SaugaView® for this one...

There will be more about that one in the harvest update, coming up in a little while.

Now for the Blueberry Hill sprout, from @Herbies Seeds -

Sprouted just fine, but then started to stretch, and the usual 4" distance from the led bulbs had to be adjusted to 2" away before she stopped stretching- never had one do it like that before...but it is what it is...
Those led bulbs make the leaves look yellow, but they're actually the right shade of green

I gave her a little support since she's so spindly- they're usually about 1.75 inches tall at this age, this one is 3 inches...
I can bury most of that "extra" stem at transplant time, but I don't want her to fall over before she gets there...

She's really healthy, just a little too tall...but she'll be fine in the long run...

That's about it for the Tuesday Update...
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :peace:

Stay tuned for the Harvest pics, coming up in a few minutes :)
I wanted to put a heart instead of a laugh well shit . I advertise your gummies the other night hope you didn’t mind .
Damn, you guys are gonna get sick of seeing me this week!

Anyhow, Here's what's been happening today-

The Gorilla Glue is dry enough, so I weighed her before she went into the jars:
1 (1).jpg

5oz.,(zeroed for the pan) but she'll lose a little more moisture during the curing process, so 4.5-4.75 oz. is what I'll end up with- not great, but not terrible either...

All cozy in the jars:

While I was de-stemming the GG, the mailman knocked on the door- I had to sign for whatever it was he was delivering....something from Spain maybe? :hmmmm:

Sure enough, Sponsored seeds from @Herbies Seeds !
In keeping with my apparent "Berry" theme...

A little bit about the strain- they let me choose, and I like indicas,so...

From Herbie's Website:
"Getting your Zen on has never been easier! In her 95% indica glory, Blueberry Hill by Herbies Seeds will leave you sitting in the lotus position humming “Om.” Thanks to her potency level of 26% THC, this strain can flatten every worry wrinkle on your forehead.

Classic and simple, Blueberry Hill is the poster child of two long-standing favorites – Blueberry and Afghan. Keeping it real with 95% indica lineage, her effects are straightforward and highly enjoyable. With an off-the-charts terpene profile and a wide range of cannabinoids, this bud is a must-have for those who love feeling laid-back.

In a dazzling display of succulent buds erupting from a short, thick plant with wide fan leaves, Blueberry Hill feminized seeds will be ready to harvest in just 50-55 days of flowering! You can grow these plants discreetly – they’ll reach a height between 70-120cm (27”-47”). Blueberry Hill can produce a remarkable outdoor yield up to 1800g (63.5oz) per plant in the right conditions, with indoor yields up to 650g/m2

So now the rest is up to me...One of the seeds is already soaking...


And I prepped her new soil (new to me too- never used FFOF before) which, had I been thinking, really should have been done 2 weeks ago.. but it is what it is!
I'm also going to be growing this one in a 3 gallon fabric pot- a first for me indoors.
The Geopots work so well outdoors- lets see how they do in the box...

Here's her new soil (pretty exciting stuff, no?) It's FoxFarms Ocean Forest, amended with 1/2 oz of both
Earth Alive® Soil Activator and it'll get to cook for a couple of weeks before I need it...
I considered also amending with some Geoflora Veg, but thought better of it, since there's already some nutrients in the FFOF.


Please feel free to let me know if there's anything "special" I need to know about growing in FFOF- I know it has a little bit of nutes already in it, but that's about all I know about it so far...

And that's most of what's been going on here today...besides this:

The Alisal fire, about 45 miles south of me, is still raging, so there's a constant stream of air tankers
gassing up and refilling with flame retardant at the Santa Maria airport- took a pic of one as it went over ....All air tankers around here are orange on the bottom half- this is one of 5 or 6 that are working the fire. The smoke is evidently all going south, so I'm not seeing any, but @InTheShed may be seeing some of it in his neighborhood...

And finally, for no particular reason, a pic of a Blueberry auto bud- not quite done yet, but pretty close..


And that's it for now...
Thanks for looking, I appreciate the support!

If everything works out right, I should have a sprout by may go like it usually does, and I kill a few before I get one to finally sprout... :oops:...we'll see...

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Looks fantastic!! What a nice harvest you got going on! I'm hoping my Blueberry Auto will be just as beautiful as yours Carcass
I advertise your gummies the other night hope you didn’t mind .
I don't mind a bit- If anybody needs the recipe, just let me know...

Is it safe to put this here yet or will I put the kibosh on it?
No, it's fine- it's 5 days old and not I think that one is out of the "danger zone" :)
What a nice harvest you got going on!
Thanks, Krissi! here's a few more pics...

And now it's time for the Blueberry auto Harvest Update...

2 hours, start to finish, so trim jail wasn't too bad today...



And, the carcass... :)


Stopped by the scale on the way to the drying area...


Apx 19 ounces wet, so about 4.5 oz dry , maybe 5 if I'm lucky...

Here's where she'll hang for 5 days or so....


And a few little testers...


And that about closes the book on that one- easy to grow, pretty good yield, and she was a bit colorful to boot!
As they say- not bad "for an auto" ;)

Thanks for looking!
I'll post up a final weight when she's dry.
Have a great week, everyone!
Did the other one already get tested?
I’d be checking pockets on that.
Those 3 are still on there- the testers are a few that got snipped off accidentally during trimming...
But I will also go out to the garage and get the other 3, which I kinda forgot about... :hmmmm:
If she smokes out half as good as she looks it’s going to be a knockout!
She was pretty frosty, so I think she'll be pretty good- I'll let you know after I "process" those testers ;)
she's at the "I'm going to steal your stuff and run away with it" stage,
Maaaaannn...I'm getting a bit choked up honestly thinking about that stage. Sounds like she is filling your soul with a lot of joy! Blessings from the Baked fam to yours.
she frowned, and said "well, shit!"
I gave her a little support
Those wires are my favorite for almost everything now. I did a couple techniques brought over from bonsai that lasted for months without damage the plant and still offering support. Basically a loose*ish coil that is anchored to a second branch. You can bend it throughout the life cycle as needed for support or shaping.
I don't mind a bit- If anybody needs the recipe, just let me know...
Yes please!!! My lazy ass needs to make gummies. I always like adding additional recipes into my bookmarks. I have the basic ones from the magical butter. Here's the stupid part...after a few years of having the machine, I have never even tried making them. Shameful...I know!
And a few little testers... do you prefer to dry and test? I recently tried an air fryer on the lowest setting. It was surprisingly not too bad.
Your absolutely correct I went back and counted. I’d be checking pockets on that. :laugh:
I went back and counted too Nev! Haaa haaa...I wish my brain worked half as good as Shed's on a crappy day. I'd be having the best day of my adult life! How the hell did you catch that?! Please don't be telling lies that you weren't stoned either! ONLY a stoner would catch something like that!
How about blueberry gummies?- I can do that...
Yeah, you're probably right, if it was made into some jam I'd probably be wasted for a week after the first PB&J sandwich or my first breakfast with biscuits. :lot-o-toke:
Congrats on the Blueberry harvest! Hopefully a wonder smoke from a beautiful plant. :high-five:
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