CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

I posted pictures in a Golden Tiger thread on the ICMag forum and Dubi commented on them...

BTW > this morning response to him was The Golden Tiger seems to be quite content with a ppm of ~900. That translates to 6.5g/gallon of either MC or GH Bloom.

I am going to plant 3 ACE Golden Tiger seeds, 2nd version, after my current hydro grows. Sometime in July. Hope you GT growers follow along. I plan on flipping around 20 days from sprout like I did with the Panama. The Panama didn't seem nutrient sensitive though. I don't go harder than the manufacturer's recommendation though.
I am going to plant 3 ACE Golden Tiger seeds, 2nd version, after my current hydro grows. Sometime in July. Hope you GT growers follow along. I plan on flipping around 20 days from sprout like I did with the Panama. The Panama didn't seem nutrient sensitive though. I don't go harder than the manufacturer's recommendation though.
I've grown Panama several times and it likes nutrients, but Golden Tiger is different.
Tag me when you start your grow please.

If you have the time, I'd very much suggest that you grow your GT for several weeks and then take cuttings. Grow them for 10 days or so before flipping.
Training +Pruning Update: I did some extensive work supercropping my Golden Tiger and did a little thinning on the undergrowth. CL🍀
Edit: I’m noticing a significant more smell coming from my tent.



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