CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

@CaptainLucky , your GT is looking really nice now, as are your other plants. Still be really careful with the nutrients for the GT, right until heavy flowering.
She'll take a while to show signs of flowering. If she were mine i'd be cleaning out a lot of the lower weaker growth, as well as super cropping the fuck out of her to get all the growth tips at the same height before the real stretch begins. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with a x4 stretch! (I hope not though🙂).

This morning I'm smoking some cobbed GT from last years grow 🙂
I want to thank @420 Magazine, my first prize for GJOM arrived today! CL🍀:thanks: :420:


It's a good feeling! :green_heart:
@CaptainLucky , your GT is looking really nice now, as are your other plants. Still be really careful with the nutrients for the GT, right until heavy flowering.
She'll take a while to show signs of flowering. If she were mine i'd be cleaning out a lot of the lower weaker growth, as well as super cropping the fuck out of her to get all the growth tips at the same height before the real stretch begins. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with a x4 stretch! (I hope not though🙂).

This morning I'm smoking some cobbed GT from last years grow 🙂
Did you see @InTheShed’s GT? My seeds are from the same but I will be doing some more training and pruning and I think I have the nutrients figured out pretty well. Although I’m sure they will change further into flowering. CL🍀
Top of the morning to ya Keith, I hope your weather is better than ours. I did get a litre of rainwater yesterday though. Happy growing! CL🍀 :thumb:
weathers is great again here beautiful sun with light clouds. I could not ask for a nicer day hopefully yours will change for the better.
Did you see @InTheShed’s GT? My seeds are from the same but I will be doing some more training and pruning and I think I have the nutrients figured out pretty well. Although I’m sure they will change further into flowering. CL🍀
You have something figured out for sure.
@CaptainLucky , your GT is looking really nice now, as are your other plants. Still be really careful with the nutrients for the GT, right until heavy flowering.
She'll take a while to show signs of flowering. If she were mine i'd be cleaning out a lot of the lower weaker growth, as well as super cropping the fuck out of her to get all the growth tips at the same height before the real stretch begins. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with a x4 stretch! (I hope not though🙂).

This morning I'm smoking some cobbed GT from last years grow 🙂
I forgot to mention that I have an ace in the hole, if need be I have a closet with a 9’-10’ ceiling. I’m sure she’s not gonna stretch that much. CL🍀
@CaptainLucky , your GT is looking really nice now, as are your other plants. Still be really careful with the nutrients for the GT, right until heavy flowering.
She'll take a while to show signs of flowering. If she were mine i'd be cleaning out a lot of the lower weaker growth, as well as super cropping the fuck out of her to get all the growth tips at the same height before the real stretch begins. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with a x4 stretch! (I hope not though🙂).

This morning I'm smoking some cobbed GT from last years grow 🙂
Hola Hombre del Monte, I know you from hanging around some of the sativa grows. Cómo estás? I've also seen your magnificent garden because I found you on the ICMag Forum. If the Cap hasn't already seen your garden I'd love him to see it because I think it is magnificent. You and Cide Hamete Benengeli are neighbours in the Sierras are you not? :)

Hey Cap :)
Hola Hombre del Monte, I know you from hanging around some of the sativa grows. Cómo estás? I've also seen your magnificent garden because I found you on the ICMag Forum. If the Cap hasn't already seen your garden I'd love him to see it because I think it is magnificent. You and Cide Hamete Benengeli are neighbours in the Sierras are you not? :)

Hey Cap :)
Muchas gracias Carm and I have seen some of his work. It was very impressive and the scenery was beautiful 🤩. The Man from the North has been giving me tips from time to time. CL🍀
:welcome:Weekend Update: I flipped my Chocolate Thai today and all the girls were fed their usual blends of @Prescription Blend PH 6.2-6.4 71degrees.I’ll be doing some training and pruning on all tomorrow because time got away from me today. All my ladies are looking 👀 fantastic, happy n healthy. I’m having to keep running my exhaust fan to keep the RH under control. I think it’s time to consider buying a de- humidifier if I can find one that doesn’t cost a fortune 🎱. Think that’s all for now, I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms. Remember the Sponsors and get involved with the Contests. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:










Thoughts of cloning yet? Now's the time for the CT and running out of time on the GT for unflowered cuttings.a

Perlite and water are all you need!
Yeah I want to but I have a pretty full plate @ this time. I still haven’t got a notebook and I’m horrible @ remembering 💩. And don’t forget I have that other project going too. CL🍀
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