CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

11/13 is awesome for Sativas brother. Especially, since you veg them a long time.
I take off all the circle on this picture, I call them sucker nodes in the middle of the plant. They will not turn out anyway and makes trimming harder too.
Don't laugh at my art

Good illustration, shows exactly where to hit. Node-ing is a great way to send energy to the next available node; I personally use this technique. I take out the shoot at those nodes but leave the Fan leaf so it can do photosynthesis and send energy to the next node where the flower is. Once the plant doesn't need that fan leaf its gone.

I’m glad you guys brought it up about cloning. I was thinking that it was in flowering when you took clones. But then you couldn’t veg them to size first so now I know differently. I hope I can do it without any cloning gel? I’m also going to need a tutorial Sensei. Hopefully with pictures please CL
The deeper into flower you get the harder it is to root cuttings. But the easiest way to root cuttings is to cut the bottom at a 45º angle, strip all leaves except the top 3 or 4, and then put them in a full cup of perlite with an inch of water at the bottom. Sink the stems into the perlite so the bottom of the stem sits just above the water level. I do 3 or 4 to a cup.

I use cups with a hole an inch up to make sure I know where the water level actually is!

Then just keep them warm and lit (not too bright...shaded corner of the plant closet will work) and wait a couple of weeks. Then check back in and I'll tell you how to float the stems out.

The faster but more complicated way I clone is here.
Sunday Update: I’m thinking I’m gonna go 11/13 to try to keep my Golden Tiger from stretching too much. I’m also not sure how to do the pre-flip pruning properly any thoughts,recommendations or tips? Hope all is well with everyone and happy growing. CL🍀.
I thin a week before flip and then after stretch is over (3 weeks or so on mine but on a stretchy sativa it will be longer).

Pre-flip, all the weak lowers go along with the leaves, and post stretch the leaves stay and the short branches go. Don't try for #nolarf on a true sativa because you'll be losing a lot of your harvest that way.
The deeper into flower you get the harder it is to root cuttings. But the easiest way to root cuttings is to cut the bottom at a 45º angle, strip all leaves except the top 3 or 4, and then put them in a full cup of perlite with an inch of water at the bottom. Sink the stems into the perlite so the bottom of the stem sits just above the water level. I do 3 or 4 to a cup.

I use cups with a hole an inch up to make sure I know where the water level actually is!

Then just keep them warm and lit (not too bright...shaded corner of the plant closet will work) and wait a couple of weeks. Then check back in and I'll tell you how to float the stems out.

The faster but more complicated way I clone is here.

I thin a week before flip and then after stretch is over (3 weeks or so on mine but on a stretchy sativa it will be longer).

Pre-flip, all the weak lowers go along with the leaves, and post stretch the leaves stay and the short branches go. Don't try for #nolarf on a true sativa because you'll be losing a lot of your harvest that way.
So then I should wait another week after I thin her then? CL🍀 :thanks:
:welcome:Closet Update: I finally got it cleaned 🧹 out and my TS-600 hung. No more waiting until the last minute. Smh. My Golden Tiger is being flipped and I’m not going to upcan my Panama until right before I flip her because it’s easier to schlep. I’m going to go pass out now. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Happy growing n stay healthy. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :420:


Are you flipping tonight? If yes probably best left as is. If not, I'd thin out the middle so you can see through it from the side, but leave all fans in the top 2/3.
I already did some pre-flip pruning and she is being flipped. CL🍀
:welcome:Closet Update: I finally got it cleaned 🧹 out and my TS-600 hung. No more waiting until the last minute. Smh. My Golden Tiger is being flipped and I’m not going to upcan my Panama until right before I flip her because it’s easier to schlep. I’m going to go pass out now. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Happy growing n stay healthy. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :420:


They're looking fantastic :goodjob:
I almost Fd up bad but thankfully I caught myself. I’m pretty sure my Sour G seedlings don’t have any critters but I started to bring them inside and put under my TS-600 with the ladies. I figured why take the chance n now they’re gonna be outdoors 24/7. CL🍀
:welcome:Closet Update: I finally got it cleaned 🧹 out and my TS-600 hung. No more waiting until the last minute. Smh. My Golden Tiger is being flipped and I’m not going to upcan my Panama until right before I flip her because it’s easier to schlep. I’m going to go pass out now. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Happy growing n stay healthy. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :420:


Nice job. Was it killing you to cut her up.
:welcome:Update: Golden Tiger day 1 of flowering. The Panama,Chocolate Thai and Sour G are all in veg. I’m getting a little nervous because it’s getting awfully crowded in the tent. All the girls are looking fantastic and they haven’t been fed yet today. Cooler weather is keeping the temperature in check without having to run the fans. I was out of the house for a few hours yesterday and when I returned I noticed a beautiful smell in my room. Being in there all the time I never noticed it before but I like it. I’m prolly gonna do a little more thinning to my Panama n Chocolate Thai today.It’s only been a day but I can see that this schlepping from tent to closet and back again is really gonna be a pita. Until next time I hope everyone had a nice weekend and your week is going well. Don’t forget the Sponsors and get involved with the contests. Happy growing n stay tuned. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:








wow that tiger is dense. nice work.

No I have a 4X4 tent and I’m going to use a closet with Mylar and my TS-600. I just hope it’s powerful enough to keep the others happy until I flip them.

don't run flat mylar unless you test it for flammability. some of it goes up like gasoline.
also that car window cover thing you have in the closet is useless. the plant will far prefer the flat white paint in there.
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