CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

wow that tiger is dense. nice work.

don't run flat mylar unless you test it for flammability. some of it goes up like gasoline.
also that car window cover thing you have in the closet is useless. the plant will far prefer the flat white paint in there.
I knew that but forgot about it. Thank you 🙏. CL🍀
:welcome:Update: Golden Tiger day 1 of flowering. The Panama,Chocolate Thai and Sour G are all in veg. I’m getting a little nervous because it’s getting awfully crowded in the tent. All the girls are looking fantastic and they haven’t been fed yet today. Cooler weather is keeping the temperature in check without having to run the fans. I was out of the house for a few hours yesterday and when I returned I noticed a beautiful smell in my room. Being in there all the time I never noticed it before but I like it. I’m prolly gonna do a little more thinning to my Panama n Chocolate Thai today.It’s only been a day but I can see that this schlepping from tent to closet and back again is really gonna be a pita. Until next time I hope everyone had a nice weekend and your week is going well. Don’t forget the Sponsors and get involved with the contests. Happy growing n stay tuned. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:








That's A1 brother, congrats on the flip. That's going to be a lot of flowers.
Very pretty girls, well done my friend :high-five:
Lighting Update: I hope I didn’t F… up? My tent light was on a 18/6 schedule but when I put the other ladies in the closet with the TS-600 I kept the light on all night. I have since fixed the problem but I’m wondering if this is going to affect my plants? Any advice,tips or tricks? CL🍀 :thanks:
You mean instead of 18/6 you went 24/0? No problem at all. You could leave it as 24/0 if the light isn't as bright as it is in the tent.

24/0 gets you the fastest growth.
But you have to decide yes or no right away to you wanting that or she'll flower right away when you do change to any schedule less than 24/0.
Indeed, 24/0 until flip!
Well then I guess everything just got flipped. It’s prolly for the best anyway because it was getting very crowded in my tent. This day is going to 💩. My damn Coffee maker also took a 💩. I’m dangerous ☠️ without Coffee! CL🍀
Well then I guess everything just got flipped. It’s prolly for the best anyway because it was getting very crowded in my tent. This day is going to 💩. My damn Coffee maker also took a 💩. I’m dangerous ☠️ without Coffee! CL🍀

Cannabis is a good replacement for coffee and I heard helps change the mood too; smoke a J or hit a bowl Captain.

good vibes for ya
Cannabis is a good replacement for coffee and I heard helps change the mood too; smoke a J or hit a bowl Captain.

good vibes for ya
I usually wake n bake with my coffee n newspaper out on my deck. CL🍀
I know the feeling brother, thats the key to having a nice day; then one elements falls I get grumpy too.
It’s my routine and when you remove any parts of it then it becomes diluted. Like a recipe for starting the day. CL🍀
One day at 24 and the next at 18 won't flip them!
I’m flipping my Chocolate Thai this weekend. I might have to finish the others in the closet because it’s getting very crowded in my tent. CL🍀
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