CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

There is an interesting theory that binds Malawi and East Africa (especially Tanzania with Malawi plus South Africa) to South East Asia and specifically Thailand. A great bit of this theory is just my theory! 🤣

Join for some general history that leads into the history of modern day Sativa strains. Its really long. I put it in my off topic thread. Don’t want to derail this one.

But yeah - Malawian and Thai likely have the same mother and I can explain how because I lived in South Africa for 7 years, Malawi for a month and here in Thailand for 5 years! And they all play a part.

Nick, you live in Thailand, that is so cool there are growers from everywhere on this board which I knew but talking with someone gives it a whole new meaning. I was just talking with someone from Africa.
I meant where do the plant originate from. I am not that good at explaining what I am asking.

there are three main genus of cannabis.
ruderalis - the non thc plant that auto flowers. all autos are a cross of this plant.

indica - more common in cooler / northern regions and some further southern. indica has the flat broad leaves and grows closer to the ground.

sativa - generally found in warmer more equatorial regions. sativa has the skinny bladed leaves, and will be taller with branching more spread out than an indica. sativa is known for long flower periods common in equatorial plants.

most of the plants we grow are a hybrid of two or all of the main types.
there are three main genus of cannabis.
ruderalis - the non thc plant that auto flowers. all autos are a cross of this plant.

indica - more common in cooler / northern regions and some further southern. indica has the flat broad leaves and grows closer to the ground.

sativa - generally found in warmer more equatorial regions. sativa has the skinny bladed leaves, and will be taller with branching more spread out than an indica. sativa is known for long flower periods common in equatorial plants.

most of the plants we grow are a hybrid of two or all of the main types.
If you were going to get the Cannabis Community serious behind sanctions on Russia then no one would grow Autos 😂

Ruderalis is often described as a Russian Strain.

Think its just the extreme bit of the northern hemisphere with almost just one day and one night per year (I’m simplifying) it developed to flower at will, or independently of season so it was great to cross with Photos to get reliable Autos. Originally lower yielding but improving.

Think that’s broadly the history?

there are three main genus of cannabis.
ruderalis - the non thc plant that auto flowers. all autos are a cross of this plant.

indica - more common in cooler / northern regions and some further southern. indica has the flat broad leaves and grows closer to the ground.

sativa - generally found in warmer more equatorial regions. sativa has the skinny bladed leaves, and will be taller with branching more spread out than an indica. sativa is known for long flower periods common in equatorial plants.

most of the plants we grow are a hybrid of two or all of the main types.
Thanks, I can for the most part tell sativa dominate plant from an indica dominate plant, I have only grown sativa so far and an indica would grow great where I live.
If you were going to get the Cannabis Community serious behind sanctions on Russia then no one would grow Autos 😂

Ruderalis is often described as a Russian Strain.

it's been traced to china / asia originally. it's thought to have migratged over the steppes into what is now russia as it developed. all cannabis is thought to have originated with ruderalis.

very early on, humans began selectively breeding for different effects. it is most likely how both indica and sativa came into being. this would have begun before recorded written history. cannabis shows up in the very first pharmacology encyclopedia written in china a couple thousand years before christ.

Think its just the extreme bit of the northern hemisphere with almost just one day and one night per year (I’m simplifying) it developed to flower at will, or independently of season so it was great to cross with Photos to get reliable Autos. Originally lower yielding but improving.

Think that’s broadly the history?

no, ruderalis is all over mexico as a wild plant. it got spread wherever there was shipping in early history, as hemp was used in rope making.

crossing to get autos is really new. like only a few years.

Thanks, I can for the most part tell sativa dominate plant from an indica dominate plant, I have only grown sativa so far and an indica would grow great where I live.
You can add one more - if its got “Auto” in the name it features Ruderalis in it as well as either or both Sativa and Indica!

You can add one more - if its got “Auto” in the name it features Ruderalis in it as well as either or both Sativa and Indica!

I have no idea what a Ruderail looks like. I understand they are a CBD plant but is the total of my knowledge on them.
:welcome:Update: Day 89for my GT, 76 for my Panama n 72 for my CT. All my girls are still looking 👀 good. I fed all of them @Prescription Blend until runoff. I also did a little pruning on my Panama. Sunday will be flip day for my Golden Tiger. Also I rearranged all of them for even light coverage. I keep forgetting to do that. I’m going to have to get a notebook and start writing all of this stuff down instead of scribbling odds n ends on my calendar 🗓️. I’m not looking 👀 forward to cleaning out my closet and hanging my @Mars Hydro TS-600. But I’m going to have to before Sunday. I’m really just hoping that it’s powerful enough to keep the others happy until I can flip them. That’s it for now I hope everyone is doing well and that you’re staying involved with the contests. Happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :420:












They putting on a show for us Captain, they look fantastic.
Loving the Sativa babes in there.

They putting on a show for us Captain, they look fantastic.
Loving the Sativa babes in there.
Finally going to flip my Golden Tiger Sunday and then it’s only gonna be a few more months of flowering. lol. CL🍀
Hey Capt., do you have two grow rooms one for flower and one for veg.
No I have a 4X4 tent and I’m going to use a closet with Mylar and my TS-600. I just hope it’s powerful enough to keep the others happy until I flip them. CL🍀
No I have a 4X4 tent and I’m going to use a closet with Mylar and my TS-600. I just hope it’s powerful enough to keep the others happy until I flip them. CL🍀
I am sure you will figure it out and a tight closet sound good.
Update: I just finished prepping some soil for my Panama’s upcan. 5gallons of last year’s soil I added 5 or 6 heaping tablespoons of lime,1quart of bokashi and since I’m running low I just sprinkled some Frass. Then watered thoroughly to activate it and then mixed it again thoroughly. CL🍀


If you find more insects you can start your own frass farm!

They'll probably get plenty of light in the 4x4 for 12 hours a day so I'm sure they'll be fine with 100w in the closet the other 12.
I can see it already, The Captains Super Quality Frass. Ask for the best name in Frass,ask for the Captains! Not coming anywhere near you ever! lol CL🍀
:welcome:Update: Day #90 of Veg. for my Golden Tiger,day 77 for my Panama and day 73 of Veg. for my Chocolate Thai. I did some pruning to my SourG and Panama. I did a little supercropping to my GTn CT. I mixed a gl. of @Prescription Blend a little hotter than usual by mistake but it shouldn’t be a problem. Then fed them all their individual diet until runoff. I had to run both exhaust fans today because of the warmer temperatures. Overall I think they all look 👀 happy n healthy. I hope everyone is going to have a wonderful weekend and garden 🪴. So happy growing and until next time please try to support our Sponsors n get involved with the contests. Enter, nominate and when it’s time vote. Being a good member is part of membership. CL🍀:thanks: :circle-of-love: :420:










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