CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

:welcome:Update: I opened the tent to very happy n healthy looking plants today. I have been a little busy today first I cleaned up my Chocolate Thai’s under growth and then I topped my Sour G and removed her bottom nodes. Tomorrow I’m gonna upcan my CT I just was a bit lazy after doing that besides another day won’t hurt anything. I mixed up another gl. of @Prescription Blend and PHd it at 6.4 +71degrees then fed all my ladies their particular diet of it. And they were all fed to runoff. I think it helps a lot with them not looking droopy anymore. Shout-out to @StoneOtter for reminding me. I had cut back on it for a minute. I think that’s it for now I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and that your gardens are thriving. Also if you’re in the need of anything cannabis related please try to support the Sponsors. Plus time is running out ⌛️so be sure you vote for your favorite candidate. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420:
Edit: I tried to post more pictures but I guess 10 is the limit. CL🍀









:welcome:Update: As I mentioned earlier I upcaned my Chocolate Thai and finished by adding some perlite to the top. Afterwards all my girls were fed with @Prescription Blend with the PH 6.4-5 + 71degrees for maximum oxygen molecules and fed till runoff. All of them were looking 👀 great this morning when I opened the tent, no dropping whatsoever was really nice to see. My Chocolate Thai easily came out of the pot completely covered with roots so she was overdue to be upcaned. I used up all of my @DYNOMYCO upcaning her. It’s a wonderful product that I wouldn’t think of not using for doing it. I highly recommend that you use it whenever you upcan, you’ll be glad that you did. That’s it for today I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and has a great week. Please remember that the Sponsors are the ones that keep @420 Magazine going so try to use them when you can. Also today is the last day for most of the contests so remember to vote. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420:










:welcome:Update: First off I want to thank everyone who voted for me for GJOM. I once again opened my tent to all my ladies looking 👀 lovely. No droopyness at all just happy n healthy looking plants. I’m going thru almost a gallon of @Prescription Blend daily and another half gallon of water. And with all the rain we’ve been having lately they are getting rainwater mixed in. I fed them all their special diet of it with the PH at 6.4 +71degrees. I’m going to be doing some more training on both my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai tomorrow, feeling a little lazy today with the rain n dreary skies. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and hope your week goes well. It’s a new month so now is the time to nominate a member n enter contests.Being a member is also being involved with them. If anyone is in need of cannabis related products please try to support the Sponsors. @420 Magazine depends on them to do all the wonderful things that they do. So until next time happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:
Edit: I forgot to mention that since I’ve been feeding to runoff the RH in the tent is ez maintain. CL🍀








:welcome:Update: First off I want to thank everyone who voted for me for GJOM. I once again opened my tent to all my ladies looking 👀 lovely. No droopyness at all just happy n healthy looking plants. I’m going thru almost a gallon of @Prescription Blend daily and another half gallon of water. And with all the rain we’ve been having lately they are getting rainwater mixed in. I fed them all their special diet of it with the PH at 6.4 +71degrees. I’m going to be doing some more training on both my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai tomorrow, feeling a little lazy today with the rain n dreary skies. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and hope your week goes well. It’s a new month so now is the time to nominate a member n enter contests.Being a member is also being involved with them. If anyone is in need of cannabis related products please try to support the Sponsors. @420 Magazine depends on them to do all the wonderful things that they do. So until next time happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:
Edit: I forgot to mention that since I’ve been feeding to runoff the RH in the tent is ez maintain. CL🍀








Getting Big WoW.:bravo:
Good work Amigo. :high-five:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
:welcome:Update: It was nice to open my tent and see all my plants looking 👀 great, no more droopyness. I did a little supercropping on my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai. I had to mix another gallon of @Prescription Blend with the PH at 6.4 + 71degrees for maximum oxygen molecules. The girls were fed to runoff with their individual percentages but I did boost it up a little more. I’m considering flipping my Chocolate Thai when I flip my Golden Tiger. Any suggestions, or tips? I’m also going to upcan my Panama in the near future after seeing the rootball of my Chocolate Thai the pots I’m using are a lot smaller than I had thought. That’s it for now but remember that it’s the Sponsors that make @420 Magazine able to do all the great work that they do. Also participating in the contests is part of being a member. It’s also a privilege that can be taken away if more members don’t get involved. Just something to think 🤔 about. Hope everyone is well, happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:









:welcome:Update: It was nice to open my tent and see all my plants looking 👀 great, no more droopyness. I did a little supercropping on my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai. I had to mix another gallon of @Prescription Blend with the PH at 6.4 + 71degrees for maximum oxygen molecules. The girls were fed to runoff with their individual percentages but I did boost it up a little more. I’m considering flipping my Chocolate Thai when I flip my Golden Tiger. Any suggestions, or tips? I’m also going to upcan my Panama in the near future after seeing the rootball of my Chocolate Thai the pots I’m using are a lot smaller than I had thought. That’s it for now but remember that it’s the Sponsors that make @420 Magazine able to do all the great work that they do. Also participating in the contests is part of being a member. It’s also a privilege that can be taken away if more members don’t get involved. Just something to think 🤔 about. Hope everyone is well, happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:









Capt. they look great.
:welcome:Update: It was nice to open my tent and see all my plants looking 👀 great, no more droopyness. I did a little supercropping on my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai. I had to mix another gallon of @Prescription Blend with the PH at 6.4 + 71degrees for maximum oxygen molecules. The girls were fed to runoff with their individual percentages but I did boost it up a little more. I’m considering flipping my Chocolate Thai when I flip my Golden Tiger. Any suggestions, or tips? I’m also going to upcan my Panama in the near future after seeing the rootball of my Chocolate Thai the pots I’m using are a lot smaller than I had thought. That’s it for now but remember that it’s the Sponsors that make @420 Magazine able to do all the great work that they do. Also participating in the contests is part of being a member. It’s also a privilege that can be taken away if more members don’t get involved. Just something to think 🤔 about. Hope everyone is well, happy growing. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love::420:









Can't remember all the details brother but one suggestion for sure. If you flip, just make sure they're well established in their final container for a minimum of 2 weeks. I like 3 weeks or more to get those roots established to get the fat ass colas going.
All your plants are really healthy though.
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