CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

:welcome:Update: I was happy to see that my Golden Tiger has perked back up and 👀 looking good. Actually they all seem better today and my Chocolate Thai and Panama aren’t as droopy. I think it could’ve been the humidifier or fan or a combination of the both of them. All were fed their individual percentages of @Prescription Blend with the PH of 6.4 + 71degrees. I also tried to do a little supercropping on my Chocolate Thai but just a little bit because I don’t want to snap any branches. The weather has still been cool so I’m not having any problems with keeping the tent temperature within a suitable range. I hope everyone is doing good and hopefully so are your gardens. Please if you’re in the market for any cannabis related products try to use the Sponsors. Without their support @420 Magazine couldn’t do the many great things they do, including this amazing site that we all love 💕 and use. And don’t forget to vote for your favorite choices in the contests. CL🍀 :thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420:Edit: I’m considering doing some quad lining on my Sour G this weekend. CL🍀










If that Panama lived at my house, 50% of the foliage would be gone, all from the inside! Also, you might want to support the stem on the other side to offset the pull of the string. The trunk/root connection should not be under any stress.

Any thought of supercropping the GT leaders to the height of the next level down? It's good to give it a week or two to recover/maximize growth before flipping.
If that Panama lived at my house, 50% of the foliage would be gone, all from the inside! Also, you might want to support the stem on the other side to offset the pull of the string. The trunk/root connection should not be under any stress.

Any thought of supercropping the GT leaders to the height of the next level down? It's good to give it a week or two to recover/maximize growth before flipping.
Yeah but I didn’t want to take off too much @ one time and as far as the GT goes I’m going to Wally’s this weekend for some 3’ bamboo. I was wondering about that string for a minute now but since you didn’t mention it I let it go. I’m glad you said something cause it really bugged the 💩 out of me. Lmao CL🍀
I would take it all off at once without a second thought. You saw what I removed in my pre-flip strip of the GT!
Well I took some more off but it kills me to do like you do. Idk I’ll take some more off but I reached my limits for today. CL🍀





Next time work the inside rather than the bottom. Take off enough of the middle so you can just start to see the perlite when you look down from the top.

It's not a lollipop as much as an airflow thin of the density.
Gotcha 👍 thanks Shedsterino. CL🍀
nice bit of lollipoping there captain, he he , just pulling your leg bro , shes still densely leaved , start of with removing all the oldest leaves the ones that are growing out of the main leader branches , then u have a better over veiw , from there remove the next older /bigger leaves , at the moment that would be the big ones deeper inside the plant structure, without removing the new tips on the branch , those are the new branches & eventualy flowering sight , i would do it straight away do"nt wait till later , cannabis is a hardy plant , hopefuly u get what i mean , though it"s still a good lollipop
take care :peace: :thumb:
:welcome: Update: I was happy to open my tent this morning and see all the ladies were looking 👀 happy n healthy. I didn’t go to wal world but the happy hardware store instead. I got some bamboo stakes for more $$$ but only a mile away. With the new stakes I did some training on my Golden Tiger and Chocolate Thai. I also did some more pruning on my Panama. After that I fed them all until runoff with @Prescription Blend with the PH at 6.3-4 and 71degrees each their individual percentages. I’m wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and grow. And try to support the Sponsors when you can and you’re almost out of time ⌛️ so remember to vote. CL🍀:thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420:
Re-Edit: I forgot to mention that the countdown to flip my GT is now 2wks. I also didn’t mention that I’ll be upcaning my Chocolate Thai this weekend. CL🍀









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