CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

It’s kind of strange that the Chocolate Thai and Panama leaves don’t look 👀 very Sativa like. I’m hoping that it’s just because they’re still young. CL🍀
I think they look Sativa. They are beautiful plants and you have done a great job on them. You are a very good grower Capt.
I think they look Sativa. They are beautiful plants and you have done a great job on them. You are a very good grower Capt.
Idk I think the Chocolate Thai should have skinny leaves and the Panama I’m not really sure about because I never seen one. But usually Thai strains are known for their leaves being like the Golden Tiger. CL🍀
Idk I think the Chocolate Thai should have skinny leaves and the Panama I’m not really sure about because I never seen one. But usually Thai strains are known for their leaves being like the Golden Tiger. CL🍀
I do not know what they are supposed to look like, but they look cool to me with the nice leaves and healthy look. The skinny leaves look different than anything I have seen before. Nice job Capt.
Idk I think the Chocolate Thai should have skinny leaves and the Panama I’m not really sure about because I never seen one. But usually Thai strains are known for their leaves being like the Golden Tiger. CL🍀

It all depends Captain. Genetics are tricky you could have 4 or more phenotypes with same genotype.

I think they all look Sativa, one more than other but Sativa dominant. Keep in mind your chocolate Thai is not a pure Sativa anymore it was crossed with something (secret they won’t reveal) in other to “stabilize” the cultivar. My experience tells me they use a Indica fast flowering pheno to put some “stable” genetics in there.

Chocolate Thai looks just like Dj shorts Blueberry which also looks like a skunk variety.

Many Blueberry strain have a Thai genetics in them and I have never seen 2 Blueberry phenos the same, every one I know has grown blueberry their plants ain’t the same…

It gets more funky as you evaluate the chemotype (the narcotic effect of the plant), you could have a plant looking slightly indica with a flowering time of a Sativa 70-80 days that has a chemo profile in of a pure Sativa almost no Indica effect on you…

If you like the pheno you have might be a good opportunity to keep it going, making seeds, clones or reveg.

i agree with u keith the tigre has extremely narrow leaves ,very cool & captain u are doing a fine job , although the start was a little hair raising , u have a very nice garden now
well writen danishoes i had same thoughts :peace:
Yeah it took a minute to get them all dialed in but I think hopefully I got it now. CL🍀
actually captain that is an exotic garden🌴:peace:
According to Ace the Chocolate Thai is the same strain that they used to make Thai- sticks from and I haven’t seen anything that compares to the T-sticks back in the day but the Panama red was pretty awesome too and the description of Golden Tiger that has a warning is really intriguing to me so I figured if I can’t buy it I’ll have to try to grow it. CL🍀
According to Ace the Chocolate Thai is the same strain that they used to make Thai- sticks from and I haven’t seen anything that compares to the T-sticks back in the day but the Panama red was pretty awesome too and the description of Golden Tiger that has a warning is really intriguing to me so I figured if I can’t buy it I’ll have to try to grow it. CL🍀
What do the warnings say, it will knock you out
Question what is so special about ACE seeds, are they hard to get? Your plants look different and cool.
Ace seeds carry many landrace strains that are hard to find anywhere else also I think they have the rights to many. Lots of African, Central and South American and Asian strains. Yeah sometimes they are hard to get because they sellout so fast. CL🍀
Question what is so special about ACE seeds, are they hard to get? Your plants look different and cool.
Hi KeithLemon, thank you. I am referring to landrace varieties when I get all excited, and I could write pages on why I think landrace is so important and interesting. They are difficult to get here as far as I know.
I do not know what they are supposed to look like, but they look cool to me with the nice leaves and healthy look. The skinny leaves look different than anything I have seen before. Nice job Capt.
Thanks bro I appreciate it but if it wasn’t for my Sensei I wouldn’t be where I’m at. CL🍀
I’m not sure what’s causing this issue but everyday when I open the tent my Chocolate Thai is droopy and now it seems that my Panama is too. But about 10 minutes after I feed them they perk right up.
So what are your thoughts Cap'n? Think they need water twice a day? I forget, soil or SIP? Watering to runoff?
Hey Keith I know you were saying that you were going to be using @Prescription Blend. Well @Krissi Carbone did a really good review of it and Imo it’s worth a read. Tells you what to use for different adjustments. CL🍀
So what are your thoughts Cap'n? Think they need water twice a day? I forget, soil or SIP? Watering to runoff?
Yeah I prolly need to go back to watering to runoff. I cut back on the amount RX but should have kept it to runoff. CL🍀
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