Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Hi Pinky!
Keep in mind that this is my very first reveg plant, so I am as unsure of the advantages/disadvantages as you are until I've completed this a time or two. :cheesygrinsmiley:

With Clones vs. Seeds, right off the bat I know if I have cloned a plant it means it was a mother and one that I had good results from. Seeds are a mystery until that plant has actually shown sex. With clones you know you have a healthy plant too, seeds won't know until the plant shows you. LOL
But the biggest reason I would think is cost. Seeds are expensive.
I'm sure others will chime in here.

As far as revegging advantages, I only know what has been discussed here...the plant grows more bud sites, stems out kind of wildly, and some reported even better buds on the reveg....and the fact that you already know what this plant is what it has done for you and it is worth doing again knowing good results.
I won't know that any of that is true in my plant until this reveg is done.
As far as the time it takes to get the reveg going, it can take a while. Mine was under LED lights for almost 3 weeks and never produced anything. After I put it under CFL's new growth was visible after about 2 weeks. I think it was more than that, but can't remember for sure at the moment.

I'm afraid I'm not much help there, but my excuse is valid.....I don't have enough experience with it. :laughtwo:

Any other comments on this are very welcome!

Seeds vs clones, or rooted cuttings; there is a phenomena referred to as: F1 vigor, and F1 seed or plant is the result of a cross from plants of strain that are NOT closely related. In a cross such as this the first opposed to backcrosses.......produce plants with what is referred to as "f1 vigor", the plants grow rapidly and are very healthy. In my experience, I'm not really sure how much this "F1 vigor" comes into play, I mean when I see clones putting out over 5lbs a plant! A clone doesn't have a tap root, and it's confirmed that clones have shallower root systems.......does this mean one is better than the other?, in my limited experience....I doubt it....
Seeds vs clones, or rooted cuttings; there is a phenomena referred to as: F1 vigor, and F1 seed or plant is the result of a cross from plants of strain that are NOT closely related. In a cross such as this the first opposed to backcrosses.......produce plants with what is referred to as "f1 vigor", the plants grow rapidly and are very healthy. In my experience, I'm not really sure how much this "F1 vigor" comes into play, I mean when I see clones putting out over 5lbs a plant! A clone doesn't have a tap root, and it's confirmed that clones have shallower root systems.......does this mean one is better than the other?, in my limited experience....I doubt it....

I hope this doesn't come out wrong and if it does I apologize but I'd LOVE to see a pic of a 5 lb anything...clone, seed...anything.
The plants look great Canna :thumb:

How did that tincture come out? :)
Hey Jay!
I didn't try it last night.
Today I decided to give it a go. I don't want to put anything in the GI tract right now, a drop under the tongue burned like heck due to the grain alcohol, and it tasted nasty. (you're supposed to hold it under your tongue until it absorbs, and it bypasses the GI tract that way) Only this morning did I research and found that you can use lower proof alcohols, it's just that the higher proof the alcohol is the more efficient it is at extracting what's needed from the weed. Dang, I had a whole bottle of 151 rum here. And I found out you can add flavors such as cinnamon to it. duh! LOL
So, now I know.
What I decided to do was put some on a cotton ball and taped it where the pain is centrally located. I will let you know how it works. :thumb:
Tincture report:

It works. :yahoo:

It took about 10-15 minutes before I realized I was getting up and down from the chair much easier. By the time an hour went by I can freely move without waves of pain. It didn't completely take it away, just dulled it enough that it doesn't bother me to move around, get up and down and bend down to do whatever needs done.
There is no head high with it, the area it was applied to feels kind of warm and numbish. Not numb, it's hard to explain. LOL
I'm very happy with it. Now we'll see how long it lasts. ;-)
Think that's the 151 talking there :) Can't drink that off the counter stuff anymore.. All that methanol will send you into a roid rage. It's how the government control the irish

If you know someone who can make you some 193 and they aren't using a flute, and know when to pull heads and tails. Imagine drinking getting drunk and then it just wearing off with no side effects.. Yeah it's real.. No hangovers and you can get a crapload done.. You might get yourself killed around electricity- but as long as your not on a roof, doing electrical work, or driving, it's a good deal :thumb:

I've gotten like a weeks worth of stuff on my lists done in a day sippin on the flask.. No pain, nothing..

I like weed to help me sleep.. But getting things done, the liquor gets it done quicker :bravo: Course if your employed by someone other than yourself, there might be a problem. Sober people have issues!
Think that's the 151 talking there :) Can't drink that off the counter stuff anymore.. All that methanol will send you into a roid rage. It's how the government control the irish

If you know someone who can make you some 193 and they aren't using a flute, and know when to pull heads and tails. Imagine drinking getting drunk and then it just wearing off with no side effects.. Yeah it's real.. No hangovers and you can get a crapload done.. You might get yourself killed around electricity- but as long as your not on a roof, doing electrical work, or driving, it's a good deal :thumb:

I've gotten like a weeks worth of stuff on my lists done in a day sippin on the flask.. No pain, nothing..

I like weed to help me sleep.. But getting things done, the liquor gets it done quicker :bravo: Course if your employed by someone other than yourself, there might be a problem. Sober people have issues!

I am not a drinker. Quit those drinking days almost ten years ago. Even then it was beer, not hard liquor. Have a brother that used to drink grain alcohol and he drank so much one night that when I tried to wake him the next morning I thought he was dead. He was in exactly the same position slumped on the table as he was when he passed out.
I never tried the stuff, couldn't even stand the smell. LOL
So I prefer the cannabis route. No hangover there either. My particular stomach will not handle liquor anyway.
The rum that's here has been sitting here almost 5 years. :laughtwo:
:) Yeah it's all the methanol they leave in the liquor. By law they can do that- so everyone is drinking the max amount the law says is legal.

The reveg thing.. I did one last year. She turned out really nice in the end and made a lot of clones. The reveg clones had no pre flowers on them either but that's strain dependant. Like this crazy strain we started with called Kandy Purp, the thing was pre flowering like crazy with 18 hours of light and stuck outside it just didn't have the genes to reveg- at all.. Stuck in a perpetual flower even during the solstice 2013.

The reveg mother though was producing serious amounts of cuttings and stayed really short in stature. Indoor under the mh light she was easy to cut 70 at a time almost weekly and I noticed the root time of the cuts was fast and vigorous too. It sure beats raising a clone to that size.
Update on the plants, first is the reveg. She is training just fine. The second reveg was put to rest. There was only the one little area of growth and it just wilted away. I didn't feel it was worth the lighting.


Here's the Boo Boo Babes. The tops are really filling out. I am really anxious to see what happens to the original buds on the lower areas, but the top buds appear to be going well and may make up for it. The lower ones may be good for cannabutter or other such things. We shall see. This is day 73 now of flower, going on 12 weeks of what should have only been 10 at the max, had it not been for the lighting error.
First up is the gangly one, exactly like the mother plant. No surprise there. Stretching and thin just like before. I won't do another clone of this one:



The other 3 are doing well. I took some shots of the lower areas, they look rough on the lower but the top new buds are looking nice:




Haven't been on in a bit, but those look very alien, double harvest maybe?...I love how they look Canna. :thumb:

You planning on plucking buds from first set once ready and let the second set fill out to the end?

As compact and dense as they are be sure to get airflow in there so you don't get bud rot maybe???
Haven't been on in a bit, but those look very alien, double harvest maybe?...I love how they look Canna. :thumb:

You planning on plucking buds from first set once ready and let the second set fill out to the end?

As compact and dense as they are be sure to get airflow in there so you don't get bud rot maybe???
Hi Ya Heady!
I guess you could say double harvest. LOL There was a timer failure for almost two weeks before it was caught. It caused the plants to go back into veg state and they grew wierd leaves above the original buds. Now I have new buds on top, but the lower buds are still there. It's wierd, but it is what it is.
I rotate the plants everyday, and I have a big fan in front of them pulling out hot air and another fan blowing fresh air onto them. Seems to be working out well. I'll be giving them a fine once over with a jewelers headset over the weekend to be sure there's nothing in the way of mold or rot going on. Doesn't appear to be from a normal view, but I want a closer look. :thumb:
Hi Ya Heady!
I guess you could say double harvest. LOL There was a timer failure for almost two weeks before it was caught. It caused the plants to go back into veg state and they grew wierd leaves above the original buds. Now I have new buds on top, but the lower buds are still there. It's wierd, but it is what it is.
I rotate the plants everyday, and I have a big fan in front of them pulling out hot air and another fan blowing fresh air onto them. Seems to be working out well. I'll be giving them a fine once over with a jewelers headset over the weekend to be sure there's nothing in the way of mold or rot going on. Doesn't appear to be from a normal view, but I want a closer look. :thumb:

In this situation did you experience a lot of single bladed leaves?
It would be inspirational for sure. And I want some seeds of it! :thumb:
How ya doin' John? Any thoughts on the reveg vs. clones?
I've never cloned a plant in reveg, I supposed it's okay to do....any problems with that?
Have a grrreeat day!

My clones came out great from the re-veggers but the actual reveggie plant itself yielded significantly less than what I'm accustomed to. Other than cloning or filling gaps 'tween harvests, I doubt I will expend resources on doing it again. One thing I think is that the reveggies and the clones taken from them require longer veg times than I would have thought...added veg time in addition to re-veg time to get it going doesn't really strike me as practical versus just popping a seed or rooting a regular clone prior. With that said, that's only my limited observations on revegging a couple of Blue Rhinos only once successfully.
Wow.... You grow a lot like I do that is crazy! Here I thought you claimed to be a noob , clearly you have the delicate green touch my friend!
Hey WildRoseBud! Yeah, I was a noob. I have changed my title to reflect the not so noobish. LOL
In this situation did you experience a lot of single bladed leaves?
Yes, there were mostly single bladed leaves when the regrowth started. Now the tops that are budding from them are normal looking leaves on all of the plants except one, which was a scrawny plant from the well as the mother plant it came from. ;-)

My clones came out great from the re-veggers but the actual reveggie plant itself yielded significantly less than what I'm accustomed to. Other than cloning or filling gaps 'tween harvests, I doubt I will expend resources on doing it again. One thing I think is that the reveggies and the clones taken from them require longer veg times than I would have thought...added veg time in addition to re-veg time to get it going doesn't really strike me as practical versus just popping a seed or rooting a regular clone prior. With that said, that's only my limited observations on revegging a couple of Blue Rhinos only once successfully.

Well, I think with all of the plants I have going right now between here and the pollination thread I don't really have a reason to do any cloning from the reveg. In my case it may very well be a waste of resources and time. Popping seeds is easier for me than rooting and taking care of a clone.
Thanks for your thoughts. :thumb:
Logically thinking here, based on allowing a flowering plant to keep flowering until it pollinates itself......
What do you think are the possibilities that the lower buds on these boo boo plants, which were already well over halfway done when the lighting issue stopped them, would self pollinate the lower buds? They will be weeks beyond what they should have been by the time the top new buds are ready.
It would be cool to find seeds in the lower buds, those would be feminized...right?
Logically thinking here, based on allowing a flowering plant to keep flowering until it pollinates itself......
What do you think are the possibilities that the lower buds on these boo boo plants, which were already well over halfway done when the lighting issue stopped them, would self pollinate the lower buds? They will be weeks beyond what they should have been by the time the top new buds are ready.
It would be cool to find seeds in the lower buds, those would be feminized...right?

I can share a little experience canna. Last year I decided to try and let the plants "over", what I call it......78 plants were left with an ounce or so of buds on try and get some seed.........I got NO seeds.......the bud just got old and rotted off. I had heard this could be done......but I got nothing!
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