Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS


Not sure what to do with the other branches that have nothing going on them. Guess I'll give them time and see if they develop anything. This probably isn't going to be much of a plant to harvest, we'll see. It's just nice to know that it worked and for future revegging I will leave a lot more small bud sites for growth.
You better hold on to your knickers Princess DIY! Soon you'll be singing a whole new tune. That girl is going to explode with foliage and you'll swear that the next time you wont leave so many small bud sites. Mark my words.

Well, I'll be darned. I gave up on trying to germ the Dinafem Fruit auto seed after two weeks between water, paper towels, then water again with light solution of super thrive. I even tried to scarify it a few days ago. Nuttin. So I just buried it in a corner in one of the reveg plants container and hoped it would sprout someday. By gosh, we've got taproot! LOL
It will go into it's own permanent container shortly. :woohoo:
It has taken me up to 2 and 1/2 weeks to get a sprout before I got my germinating system down pat. Now I'm down to 4 days. It might also have to do with the velocity of the bean. You once told me "patience is a virtue".
Me too..did it for 12 yrs. I'm good!!! How old r u canna if u don't mind me asking???
Whoa, I can see you haven't been out in awhile KaBloom. Isn't it a little soon to be asking that question? :laughtwo:

Old enough to know not to answer that question on Canna's journal....:high-five:
And Lady Dee has the correct answer for question #1. You win a...

That's a tough one Canna...Looks like balls but let's hope for the best :)
I was thinking the same thing Jay but let's hope not.
Cannafan, I am so sorry to hear that. It's always a bummer when a male pops up! But we all know you will recover quickly and make up for it!

Hi pinky2213, sounds like you are in the rocky mountains in CO with me!:high-five:
weeeeeel not reeeealy lol ;) But it is a nice thought after I do like a lil "coors" beer now and then ;)
Cannafan, I am so sorry to hear that. It's always a bummer when a male pops up! But we all know you will recover quickly and make up for it!

Hi pinky2213, sounds like you are in the rocky mountains in CO with me!:high-five:
Uh Oh... It's a Pinky invasion. Guys, if you don't like the color pink I suggest you get use to it. :laugh:
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