Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Greetings Canna. Wow its been a bit since I looked in on your journals. greetings from LA
Ill be going back to Mishigan soon and keep up better but as always looks great. and I can't remember is I gave you a conrats on the MoM yep but Congrats again :cheer::high-five::Namaste:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hi Gang,
I'm not missing, really. LOL Thanks so much for looking for me.
I have been a bit disabled with my right arm due to a pinched nerve in my neck. I'm on the mend now. I will have an update with pics over the weekend. Now that I can type again I have a lot of work to catch up on. Hope everyone is doing well and I will catch up on everyone over the weekend too!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hi Gang,
I'm not missing, really. LOL Thanks so much for looking for me.
I have been a bit disabled with my right arm due to a pinched nerve in my neck. I'm on the mend now. I will have an update with pics over the weekend. Now that I can type again I have a lot of work to catch up on. Hope everyone is doing well and I will catch up on everyone over the weekend too!

Hope you feel better soon Canna :hug::passitleft:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Update on Reveg plants
I am not positive whether this is new growth or left over. They are very fresh looking green, but they are very tiny. Now that I have pics of each area I can compare later to see if they've grown. These are all on one plant.





This is a large stem on the plant that is leaking a whitish substance. Anybody know what this is? Also a couple of the plants have beads of liquid scattered on the stems, like they are sweating. And there are clear drops coming out the ends of the cut stems. Normal?

iwould say its natures band-aid
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Quick upate until I get some pics up tonight. I changed the nutrient situation on the flowering plants on Sunday according to the schedule written up in the SNS magazine I received. This allowed more nitrogen and was suggested for the flowering stage.

The mix was as follows using GH nutes on a per gallon mixture:
Flora Grow- 1 tsp
Flora Micro- 2 tsp
Flora Bloom- 1 tsp

The plants got worse. It was obvious to me that they were suffering nute lockout. I flushed each plant today with PH'd water twice the amount of the size of the pots and let them soak in a bucket of PH'd water too.

Now how long do I need to let them totally dry out before starting with nutrients again? I am on day 41 of flowering. I believe one of the plants is starting some foxtailing on me too. Again, I will get pics up this evening.
I wasn't happy to see the condition of the leaves this week, was hoping they would be better. Blech!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hope you get it dialed in Canna....I don't use those nutes but really like FF sledgehammer for lockout flushing.

It's potash/charcoal can nute directly after flushing if desired but I like to wait for it to dry out and continue nutes with next watering.

Nope very helpful with your grow right now, I will try and get back here to read up on what effects the ph'ing has accomplished.

Happy buds to ya. :high-five:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Thanks Heady! I will be a very happy lady if those plants come back around.

Now on the subject of pain management and Cannabis

I just wanted to mention on the medicinal value of what I've grown. The pinched nerve began on Monday and the pain became steadily worse to the point that it would literally wake me up at night. At work was the worst because my right arm was literally useless, numb, cold, and in terrible pain all at the same time. I tried 3 different types of pain meds through the week, and it did nothing more than dull the pain for a short time. Wednesday night I got desperate and mixed some decarboxylated weed into some body cream I had here. I saturated my arm with it and the area of the neck where the nerve is, and then wrapped my arm in a towel and placed a heat pad under my arm. I was astounded that it worked! I was able to sleep the whole night without discomfort other than the inconvenience of the towel. Thursday at work was better and I used the cream again Thursday night and slept through the night without the towel and heat pad.
Last night I put the cream on again and when I woke up this morning there was no pain at all and my arm is no longer cold and numb.
I'm going to make some proper pain cream this weekend using a recipe that another member has, I think it's in my blog.
Coincidence? I think not. It works. Simple as that. :thumb:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Thanks Heady! I will be a very happy lady if those plants come back around.

Now on the subject of pain management and Cannabis

I just wanted to mention on the medicinal value of what I've grown. The pinched nerve began on Monday and the pain became steadily worse to the point that it would literally wake me up at night. At work was the worst because my right arm was literally useless, numb, cold, and in terrible pain all at the same time. I tried 3 different types of pain meds through the week, and it did nothing more than dull the pain for a short time. Wednesday night I got desperate and mixed some decarboxylated weed into some body cream I had here. I saturated my arm with it and the area of the neck where the nerve is, and then wrapped my arm in a towel and placed a heat pad under my arm. I was astounded that it worked! I was able to sleep the whole night without discomfort other than the inconvenience of the towel. Thursday at work was better and I used the cream again Thursday night and slept through the night without the towel and heat pad.
Last night I put the cream on again and when I woke up this morning there was no pain at all and my arm is no longer cold and numb.
I'm going to make some proper pain cream this weekend using a recipe that another member has, I think it's in my blog.
Coincidence? I think not. It works. Simple as that. :thumb:

Mrs Heady suffers from terrible shoulder pain...I'd like that recipe please when you get it figured out.

We have been considering making a salve, lotion but no experience with it, if she can have the same results you have had that would be awesome.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey Canna, glad your arm/neck is getting better, and I'm glad that your pain cream works:) I have a few friends who don't smoke weed, one in particular who really doesn't like the high, but has some pretty decent chronic pain in his ankles. I am just waiting for aurora to come down and I'm going to use the trim for just that and give it to some people I know who are in pain and don't know there is something that help! +Reps!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hey Canna, glad your arm/neck is getting better, and I'm glad that your pain cream works:) I have a few friends who don't smoke weed, one in particular who really doesn't like the high, but has some pretty decent chronic pain in his ankles. I am just waiting for aurora to come down and I'm going to use the trim for just that and give it to some people I know who are in pain and don't know there is something that help! +Reps!

I am a very pain tolerant person, this one was out of my control. LOL I was so relieved that this quick mix worked.
I got all of my ingredients together except one for the cream. The Shea butter I cannot find anywhere. I had a whole tub of it from my soap and lotion making days. Grrrrr Was really hoping to get that going today. I will have to make a trip to the health food store and by some.
Oh well, I'll get it made soon.
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