Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

And final pictures for today. Here's two of the clones of clones from White Widow and Master Kush plants. I don't think the growth is exactly exploding on these two girls under the cheapy LED. I'm going to give them another week and see what happens. That will give time for the seedlings from the pollination grow to catch up and then they can all go under better lighting for vegging.


Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hi Canna, I hope your trapped nerve is receiving all that it should! :green_heart:

I suffer from, what I consider to be, severe spasticity, particularly in the evenings and most inconveniently at sleep time. I consume more Big Pharma Meds to counteract this than anything else. 2 grows ago I had reason to harvest at 3 wks into Bloom, (my own incompetence or an invaluable lesson?) At 3 wks of flowering the Bud, when smoked, reduced my consumption of anti-spasticity drugs from 90mg a day to 10mg a day, with no side-effects, in fact I slept more soundly with Natural medicine than I did with the modern alternative. Would it be worth reducing your eventual yield by testing your cream with Herb harvested at different stages of flower?

Whilst I am still pursuing the full ‘couch-lock’ effect I have found that an early harvest is better for the specific complaint of ‘spasticity’, wk3 being the best time I have discovered so far, I can’t help but think that the changing profile of the Bud whilst flowering will have a ‘portfolio’ of benefits?

Not sure this makes sense, or I have properly explained, on reading back but it might start a thought process that is of some future use?
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hi Canna, I hope your trapped nerve is receiving all that it should! :green_heart:

I suffer from, what I consider to be, severe spasticity, particularly in the evenings and most inconveniently at sleep time. I consume more Big Pharma Meds to counteract this than anything else. 2 grows ago I had reason to harvest at 3 wks into Bloom, (my own incompetence or an invaluable lesson?) At 3 wks of flowering the Bud, when smoked, reduced my consumption of anti-spasticity drugs from 90mg a day to 10mg a day, with no side-effects, in fact I slept more soundly with Natural medicine than I did with the modern alternative. Would it be worth reducing your eventual yield by testing your cream with Herb harvested at different stages of flower?

Whilst I am still pursuing the full ‘couch-lock’ effect I have found that an early harvest is better for the specific complaint of ‘spasticity’, wk3 being the best time I have discovered so far, I can’t help but think that the changing profile of the Bud whilst flowering will have a ‘portfolio’ of benefits?

Not sure this makes sense, or I have properly explained, on reading back but it might start a thought process that is of some future use?

Makes sense to me what you are saying AJ. That would be right up there with finding a solution for restless leg syndrome, which I'm trying to figure out for a friend. Although not as bad as what you are suffering, his worst effects are at night and it's driving his wife crazy in addition to himself, because neither one of them are getting enough rest.
I keep reading that the earlier you harvest, as far as trichome colors, that the more head high you get. And letting them go more amber gives more couchlock. Maybe even earlier than milky would be the trick? I will have quite a few plants in flower on the next run when the seedlings have vegged, I might give the earlier harvest a try and see what happens. Can't hurt, if anything I can use it for cannabudder if it turns out not be helpful.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Makes sense to me what you are saying AJ. That would be right up there with finding a solution for restless leg syndrome, which I'm trying to figure out for a friend. Although not as bad as what you are suffering, his worst effects are at night and it's driving his wife crazy in addition to himself, because neither one of them are getting enough rest.
I keep reading that the earlier you harvest, as far as trichome colors, that the more head high you get. And letting them go more amber gives more couchlock. Maybe even earlier than milky would be the trick? I will have quite a few plants in flower on the next run when the seedlings have vegged, I might give the earlier harvest a try and see what happens. Can't hurt, if anything I can use it for cannabudder if it turns out not be helpful.
Thanks for the suggestion!

What I found out canna, is that the prescription meds were giving me rls, a condition I call "itchy bones"...feels like bones are itching on the inside, sleeo apnia, headaches, ect.. I weaned myself off ALL my meds and have never looked back. I don't suggest that anyone do what I did, but that's what happened for me.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hope the flushing straightens the blotchy lady out, Cana. If it's just one plant, it could be a virus. Plants get 'em just like we do.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

What I found out canna, is that the prescription meds were giving me rls, a condition I call "itchy bones"...feels like bones are itching on the inside, sleeo apnia, headaches, ect.. I weaned myself off ALL my meds and have never looked back. I don't suggest that anyone do what I did, but that's what happened for me.
I did worse than you Mcloadie, I dropped all scripts cold turkey. LOL I don't suggest THAT either.
I tried three different types of pain meds last week for the pinched nerve, one was actually oxycotin and the other two were different strengths of hydrocodone. They gave me worse side effects than pain relief. The oxycotin had me waking up with itchy feeling all over my body as you described. It was awful. The other side effect of pain meds is binding you up, and with my particular intestinal condition that is 10x worse than the pain in the neck and arm. I don't know how people can live on these pharma pain meds, it's just a trade off for one problem to another. Cannabis does NOT have any side effects for me and it takes care of the problem. My intestinal issues are at a dull roar and manageable now that I have my home grown meds and it continues to improve daily.

Hope the flushing straightens the blotchy lady out, Cana. If it's just one plant, it could be a virus. Plants get 'em just like we do.

Hey PeeJay! It's actually on two plants, so I don't think it's a virus thing. There are two things that have changed drastically since the first grow, one is the lighting...switching from CFL to HPS, and the other is the water. I switched from rain water to well water.
I think I'm going to go out and get few buckets full of snow. Can't do anything else with the crap, might as well use it for the plants. :biglaugh:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

LOL. Just set a big stock-pot on the stove and keep feeding snow into it until the pot is full of water. Be careful not to burn it.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

The oxys are bad, just my experience, but everyone who takes those very long ends up dying or with terrible addictions. Cold turkey can be dangerous, and I recommend consulting a physician before doing any huge regimen changes. The cannabis can be concentrated to most any strength, and I have taken doses that would rival 20mg of hydrocodone....and more. The patient needs to be patient....LOL......start out with lower doses....and build up to an effective dose. I have a patient right now, which I am consulting...not providing meds, who has late stage liver cancer and has been given 0 chance for recovery by the old medical community. He is a relative of a very dear friend and I was asked to consult his wife first....then I met the patient. He was gung ho to start the treatment and procured the simpson oil at a well known dispensary in the bay area of california. This man runs his own company, he feels fine, he says he never felt bad from his condition, but is experiencing significant weight loss. In any case they want him to work up to a gram of the oil a quickly as possible. He took a half gram....first time, went to bed, and woke up and said he felt like "I was on lsd". I pray that he continues the regimen and puts his business in capable hands so he can maitain the high doses that are giving the desired results.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Yeah, Mac. I have a relative addicted to pain meds, he gets them using every excuse on the planet and the doctors just keep feeding them to him. Oxycotin is his main need. He is losing weight steadily, becoming a mean ogre to everyone he comes in contact with and has now alienated every close friend he had because of his extreme mood swings. He is suffering diabetes which caused a recent amputation and I see another coming very soon. After he healed from the amputation, I tried to talk to the doctors and therapists about his addiction. It was like talking to a brick wall, however one of them actually tried to wean him off the bad stuff. He in turn started making up excuses to head for emergency rooms in some kind of pain or another and got new doctors issuing the scripts. It's a vicious circle and I found I was just spinning my wheels trying to help.
Unfortunately the idea of using cannabis to help him is not an option. He is highly and very vocally against the "bad drug" marijuana as he visualizes it.
Convincing him that HE is actually addicted to the real "bad drugs" would be futile.
Now I move on to people who want and are open to the alternative help.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Makes sense to me what you are saying AJ. That would be right up there with finding a solution for restless leg syndrome, which I'm trying to figure out for a friend. Although not as bad as what you are suffering, his worst effects are at night and it's driving his wife crazy in addition to himself, because neither one of them are getting enough rest.
I keep reading that the earlier you harvest, as far as trichome colors, that the more head high you get. And letting them go more amber gives more couchlock. Maybe even earlier than milky would be the trick? I will have quite a few plants in flower on the next run when the seedlings have vegged, I might give the earlier harvest a try and see what happens. Can't hurt, if anything I can use it for cannabudder if it turns out not be helpful.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Canna, McLclodie and Ajagulne ...excellent accomplishments...stopping/reducing the use of prescription meds is a very difficult task

Canna...I am my no means an expert with restless leg syndrome, nor have I done much research on the topic but having suffered from it myself I have found that cutting sugar out of my diet especially in the late afternoon/ evening made a big difference...I have also found that alcohol consumption or lack of consumption (for an alcoholic) is a major factor...I have avoided sugar as much as possible for the past three years..the only sweets I consume is my edibles and I take them in the morning...this has helped a lot.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Yeah, Mac. I have a relative addicted to pain meds, he gets them using every excuse on the planet and the doctors just keep feeding them to him. Oxycotin is his main need. He is losing weight steadily, becoming a mean ogre to everyone he comes in contact with and has now alienated every close friend he had because of his extreme mood swings. He is suffering diabetes which caused a recent amputation and I see another coming very soon. After he healed from the amputation, I tried to talk to the doctors and therapists about his addiction. It was like talking to a brick wall, however one of them actually tried to wean him off the bad stuff. He in turn started making up excuses to head for emergency rooms in some kind of pain or another and got new doctors issuing the scripts. It's a vicious circle and I found I was just spinning my wheels trying to help.
Unfortunately the idea of using cannabis to help him is not an option. He is highly and very vocally against the "bad drug" marijuana as he visualizes it.
Convincing him that HE is actually addicted to the real "bad drugs" would be futile.
Now I move on to people who want and are open to the alternative help.

I have someone very close to me in my life with a very similar addiction...getting into a suboxone program and regular cannabis use has helped her stay "clean" for over 4 years...the use of cannabis has helped greatly with the cravings...the suboxone has helped with the withdrawal symptoms...regular cannabis use has helped her to reduce her suboxone dose to the point she plans to eliminate it completely in the next year
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Yeah, Mac. I have a relative addicted to pain meds, he gets them using every excuse on the planet and the doctors just keep feeding them to him. Oxycotin is his main need. He is losing weight steadily, becoming a mean ogre to everyone he comes in contact with and has now alienated every close friend he had because of his extreme mood swings. He is suffering diabetes which caused a recent amputation and I see another coming very soon. After he healed from the amputation, I tried to talk to the doctors and therapists about his addiction. It was like talking to a brick wall, however one of them actually tried to wean him off the bad stuff. He in turn started making up excuses to head for emergency rooms in some kind of pain or another and got new doctors issuing the scripts. It's a vicious circle and I found I was just spinning my wheels trying to help.
Unfortunately the idea of using cannabis to help him is not an option. He is highly and very vocally against the "bad drug" marijuana as he visualizes it.
Convincing him that HE is actually addicted to the real "bad drugs" would be futile.
Now I move on to people who want and are open to the alternative help.

Yes canna, and from experience I understand that when we become addicted we start to adhere to our addictions, addictive substances always reinforce bad ideas like; " you can't live without it", " you'll be sick".....and the physical withdrawals reinforce those negative ideas. We begin to bond with our addictions, physically and mentally until we assume they are a part of us....our very identity. Once they are accepted as a huge part of our identity we now are faced with losing our identity, which is a lie from the drug.......a form of mental trickery that addictive substances posses. I will tell you that in the end my prayers are the most effective weapon to combat this addictive lie, as scientifically as my mind works.....the prayers are used to remove mental blocks, the ones that blind the eyes and make the body want. My God is always willing to answer prayers that align with His will, and once the blinders come off, I see significant changes in attitudes that prevent the addicted from seeing that there is a way out..........this is my life story, and if you knew my life it's quite easy to imagine that humans....such as myself get into life situations that require supernatural I could live and do what I do now.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I will pass that on to him Jay! He does eat a lot of sweets, but ya can't tell him nuttin'. On second thought... I think I will change my information delivery method to calling his Wife and letting her know the ideas. LOL

Good plan :)...I can relate to his stubborn nature...sic his wife on him and he might give in a little...especially if she does the shopping :)...worth a shot...worked for me
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Yes canna, and from experience I understand that when we become addicted we start to adhere to our addictions, addictive substances always reinforce bad ideas like; " you can't live without it", " you'll be sick".....and the physical withdrawals reinforce those negative ideas. We begin to bond with our addictions, physically and mentally until we assume they are a part of us....our very identity. Once they are accepted as a huge part of our identity we now are faced with losing our identity, which is a lie from the drug.......a form of mental trickery that addictive substances posses. I will tell you that in the end my prayers are the most effective weapon to combat this addictive lie, as scientifically as my mind works.....the prayers are used to remove mental blocks, the ones that blind the eyes and make the body want. My God is always willing to answer prayers that align with His will, and once the blinders come off, I see significant changes in attitudes that prevent the addicted from seeing that there is a way out..........this is my life story, and if you knew my life it's quite easy to imagine that humans....such as myself get into life situations that require supernatural I could live and do what I do now.

I like that McLoadie...well said
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Yes canna, and from experience I understand that when we become addicted we start to adhere to our addictions, addictive substances always reinforce bad ideas like; " you can't live without it", " you'll be sick".....and the physical withdrawals reinforce those negative ideas. We begin to bond with our addictions, physically and mentally until we assume they are a part of us....our very identity. Once they are accepted as a huge part of our identity we now are faced with losing our identity, which is a lie from the drug.......a form of mental trickery that addictive substances posses. I will tell you that in the end my prayers are the most effective weapon to combat this addictive lie, as scientifically as my mind works.....the prayers are used to remove mental blocks, the ones that blind the eyes and make the body want. My God is always willing to answer prayers that align with His will, and once the blinders come off, I see significant changes in attitudes that prevent the addicted from seeing that there is a way out..........this is my life story, and if you knew my life it's quite easy to imagine that humans....such as myself get into life situations that require supernatural I could live and do what I do now.

Wow. Amazing description of addiction.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Well.....I decided to not give up on the cheap microscope camera I bought. I went to playing around with a leaf that had some pollen on it. I have the hermied plant upstairs in a bathroom to chop for making butter. Here's a couple pics.

First up....a few grains of pollen on top of a leaf:
Let's see how much quality these pics lost in uploading and resizing.


Next up is the leaf with a LOT of pollen on it:


Now I decided to get really in tight onto the leaf to see what, or if any trichomes are hanging around on it. These cannot be seen with the naked eye. I thought it was pretty cool:




If they turn out too big, I will resize and upload again. Sometimes I don't like them "In Your Face" big.

So those pictures have proven to me that the male plants will have worthwhile trim to make cannabutter with. Maybe not as strong, I will probably have to use more than I would a harvested female plants' trim.
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