Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Fantastic explanation PeeJay and thank you Canna for posting!

I would add 2 things;

1. The scale is logarithmic, so 6 is ten times more Acidic than 7 and 5 is a hundred times more Acidic , 4 is a thousand times more Acidic, worth bearing in mind if you drift too far from the 'Zone' I think.

2. All our meters measure EC (electrical conductivity) and convert to ppm, each continent or manufacturer appears to use a small variety of conversion factors so comparing each others ppm is not an exact science!

Hope you don't mind PeeJay and Canna!


Looks we have a chemist in the :circle-of-love: thanks ajag, you will be blogified as well &

Reps to a 420 Chemist in the circle :thumb:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Congrats Canna for your MOTM win, its well deserved. You put in a lot of time on the site with your plants and experiments.;)

Congrats again.:high-five:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

thanks you so much to Canna for re-sharing , and of course Pee Jay!!!! (im jay pee by the way lol)
this is all very vital info esp. to the new comer such as myself who only had a small tutoring on ph from my girl. she has had a 50 gallon fish tank for a long time. I had to buy new ph kit and realized that the ph kit for fish would work (it was very small quantity however)
now i just went to school on more ph and ppm matters. thanks much because now when i get to michigan next fri. I can show my boss I learned more and can start by reading the ppm and ph in the huge ressy for the sour diesels. this will be moving more responsibilities to my job, but im also the eager type with this subject and have already blown him away with my enthusiasm to work in the grow house! much appreciated...also dug the healing/symptoms report you have canna! helped me out with some humidity issues i was having.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Congrats on your win Champ!! You are a true asset to the community here, and also a truly kind person and friend! :circle-of-love::love::circle-of-love:

PJ you brainiak, my noggin hursts from trying to comprehend your thoughts. I think I need to cut back on my medicinal intake, then maybe, just maybe I will understand!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Awesome Canna Congrats. from what I have seen you deserve it. :) :thumb::cheer::Namaste:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hi Cannafan :byebye:

Congratulations on your MOTM selection, you most certainly deserve it


I really wanted a Cammo shirt....but I couldn't find one.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Stopping in to say hi Canna...hope all is green in Cannaland :)

Well deserved Canna...Very well deserved...Happy for you :bravo:

Congrats Canna for your MOTM win, its well deserved. You put in a lot of time on the site with your plants and experiments.;)

Congrats again.:high-five:

thanks you so much to Canna for re-sharing , and of course Pee Jay!!!! (im jay pee by the way lol)
this is all very vital info esp. to the new comer such as myself who only had a small tutoring on ph from my girl. she has had a 50 gallon fish tank for a long time. I had to buy new ph kit and realized that the ph kit for fish would work (it was very small quantity however)
now i just went to school on more ph and ppm matters. thanks much because now when i get to michigan next fri. I can show my boss I learned more and can start by reading the ppm and ph in the huge ressy for the sour diesels. this will be moving more responsibilities to my job, but im also the eager type with this subject and have already blown him away with my enthusiasm to work in the grow house! much appreciated...also dug the healing/symptoms report you have canna! helped me out with some humidity issues i was having.

Congrats on your win Champ!! You are a true asset to the community here, and also a truly kind person and friend! :circle-of-love::love::circle-of-love:

PJ you brainiak, my noggin hursts from trying to comprehend your thoughts. I think I need to cut back on my medicinal intake, then maybe, just maybe I will understand!

Awesome Canna Congrats. from what I have seen you deserve it. :) :thumb::cheer::Namaste:

Congratulations Cannafan on winning January 2014 Member of The Month!

:thanks: Everyone! I am so happy that reading things in the journal helps members!

Hi Cannafan :byebye:

Congratulations on your MOTM selection, you most certainly deserve it

I really wanted a Cammo shirt....but I couldn't find one.
LOL, love your editing comments Bluefly. And I have lots of camo shirts to go with my camo green food saver bags. :laughtwo:

Hey, just outa curiousity, any luck on the re-veggies?

Coming right up! :)
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Here's an update on the Revegging attempt. First off I want to publicly state that the Cheap LED panels are worthless here with my grow environment for anything except maybe seedlings and small plants. There is just not enough power in the LED lights to get anything more than a minimum growing environment and with the cold temps in the basement, it made them useless. I will be bringing the LED panels upstairs just for use on seedlings and fresh planted clones.

What I did this morning was tear down one of the Reveg plants to look at the roots. I did not see that it was really root bound to the point of stopping growth. So I put it back in the planter and then I switched out the LED panels for the CFL fixture this morning. Let's see what happens now, besides having more light they will get some warmth too.


Here is what I thought to be new growth last week. It is no different today than it was then.


I'm not really sure at all on this as far as new growth, but I am hoping it is new in addition to what was already there.
This is at the base of the stem.

So whatcha' think JAM? The soil has been completely depleted of nutrients due to the flushing at harvest. I have only been feeding them N and some bone meal. Maybe I should try a nice mix of nutrients now?

Edit: just to clarify, in that last picture that is acutally a left over bud from harvest, but it appears to have a small amount of new green in the center. Just can't tell for sure yet.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Lol, first & foremost I think I'd say :p as to the LEDs (although some of the super expensive {relative to HIDs at least} seem to work real well) they might work real well on clones while they're rooting also, btw. On the reveggies, you have a lot of patience; I'd probably have given up and in fact on my first try I did. With that said, I gotta tell ya, I'm tickled purple on the ones going now! I envy the space you have available. Perhaps since you have 6 to mess around with you could try different things with groups of two or whatever, like the two on the far left maybe cutting off alot of the old stem bringing it down to say 3 or 4 branch sets from the base of the trunk. On the second pic (whichever plant that's on and then maybe a second) perhaps cutting off the brown part of the stem stub just above the green part of it, etc. On your third pic, that looks like new growth to me for sure and seeing that one dead leaf there I'd say you're probably right that the inexpensive LEDs just weren't getting them enough light for photosynthesis as by now you should have been seeing 'em same sorta rounded and twisty looking leaves both emerging out of the old bud sites all over. By all means, hit 'em with full Veg a month or so you'll be getting resupplied as part of the prize pkg you just earned anyhoots right?

Congrats on your recognition btw, well deserved!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Lol, first & foremost I think I'd say :p as to the LEDs (although some of the super expensive {relative to HIDs at least} seem to work real well) they might work real well on clones while they're rooting also, btw. On the reveggies, you have a lot of patience; I'd probably have given up and in fact on my first try I did. With that said, I gotta tell ya, I'm tickled purple on the ones going now! I envy the space you have available. Perhaps since you have 6 to mess around with you could try different things with groups of two or whatever, like the two on the far left maybe cutting off alot of the old stem bringing it down to say 3 or 4 branch sets from the base of the trunk. On the second pic (whichever plant that's on and then maybe a second) perhaps cutting off the brown part of the stem stub just above the green part of it, etc. On your third pic, that looks like new growth to me for sure and seeing that one dead leaf there I'd say you're probably right that the inexpensive LEDs just weren't getting them enough light for photosynthesis as by now you should have been seeing 'em same sorta rounded and twisty looking leaves both emerging out of the old bud sites all over. By all means, hit 'em with full Veg a month or so you'll be getting resupplied as part of the prize pkg you just earned anyhoots right?

Congrats on your recognition btw, well deserved!

Okay, Jamthe3...sounds like a great plan. I will go down right now and chop a bit. Then hit them with full nutes, I have to feed the girls in flower anyway.
Thank you very much on the MOTM grats. :) I am so looking forward to trying out some of the products I will be receiving. I've heard good things on Dogget & Simpson products as well as SNS.....but I am especially waiting on that Butter Machine. :cheer:
You going to be watching the game tonight? I sure wish it was on earlier, I will probably not stay awake through the end on a work night.
I'll have to record it just in case anything major happens that I want to review. LOL
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Princess DIY (Do It Yourself). I'm so proud of your win as MOTM. In such a short time you've taken 420 by storm. I've been one of your biggest fans from day one. Congrats and keep up the good work experimenting & reaching out to as many new members as you can.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Princess DIY (Do It Yourself). I'm so proud of your win as MOTM. In such a short time you've taken 420 by storm. I've been one of your biggest fans from day one. Congrats and keep up the good work experimenting & reaching out to as many new members as you can.
Thank you so much Reg! I've been just as much a fan of you and your thread too! :thanks:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Well, I did some chop chop on the reveggers. The stems are awfully woody, but we'll see what happens now that they are under the CFL's and they are getting some real food. ;-)
I have my basil, rosemary and my brought back from the dead Begonia under the LED panels at the moment. They should do well there for now. LOL
When I fed the flowering girls I saw that I have some curling under going on with one of the plants leaves. I'm heading for the plant abuse charts to see what this new problem might be. picky picky ladies. I supposed they are yelling for designer nutrients or something. Does Gucci sell nutes? :laughtwo:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!! :) :) I thought you should of got the title an age ago my friend. Certainly more deserving for a member of the month title than I ever was. Your consistency aiding others is awesome and Im so happy you finally got some recognition! You had my vote each time you've been up! :):)
Also awesome going miss reveg!! Love it as usual in here!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

And just that quick, after reading through the plant problem pictorial, it appears I may have a nute lock out going on.
Sooooo, I am going to have to flush. Grrrrr And I'm going to have to get a new PH pen, I believe this pen is not working right despite having it recalibrated. One of the minerals I seem to be missing is Iron based on the leaf color etc. That would be rather impossible here considering how high the iron content is in my well water. I can think of no other explanation for being deficient on the iron except a nute lock out caused by high PH. Any opinions on that point?
I will get a picture in a bit, the camera battery is dead...again. I really need to get a spare battery for that thing.

Should the flushing solution be adjusted PH'd? and After you flush a plant that is in flower, do you feed it nutes right away or do you let it dry out first?

I have easy access for flushing, there is a sump pump drain right next to the flower room

Thanks all.
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