Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Here's the local Trichomes report. We are at clear to partly cloudy today with a few milky's. Projected amber expected this week.

This is the Pyramid Purple trichomes. I really don't see anything purple about the buds on this, it just looks like normal colors. We'll see what happens as it buds up more, but I don't see it turning any purple tinges as yet.

Best I could do on trich pics today, a bit shaky this morning. LOL






This is O.S.S. Purple, it isn't going to produce much more than popcorn. I don't see any amber on it yet, even though it produced a nanner recently. The only thing I see in those trichs is cloudy-ish and reflections of purple.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I checked the Wildlings for pistils this morning and see nothing yet. Should that concern me?

I did see a LOT of these leaf hoppers on the plants:


These have been around since the beginning of the growing here, and I have thought that they may be chewing on the plants. However, as I got to looking I found that damaged leaves are toward the bottoms of the plants and had occurred quite a while ago. I see no evidence on the upper leaves that there has been any damage. A leaf or two, but I found with my loupe a very small green mite type bug on one of them..I'm thinking that's the culprit.
Before I go spraying anything to try to eradicate the leaf hoppers, I'm going to watch for a few days and see if any damage happens. Why mess with them if they aren't messing with the plants? ;-)
Here's some of the plants that had quite a few hanging out on them. They look healthy to me.





I'm going to hit the www and see if I can absolutely identify these critters and get some info on them.

Have a great day everyone!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well now, they do damage. You just won't see holes in the leaves. They leave white specks, which I do see on some of the leaves. They puncture the leaf and suck out juices. Here's some info on them, and I'm heading out with some SNS spray tomorrow morning before the sun hits them. (Don't want to burn the leaves)


Many species of leafhoppers exist in home gardens throughout North America. Both adults and nymphs feed by puncturing the undersides of leaves and sucking out plant juices. Their toxic saliva causes spotting (white specks), yellowing, leaf curling, stunting and distortion of plants. They are also responsible for transmitting the organisms causing virus diseases in plants. Common host plants include beans, lettuce, beets, potato, grapes, roses and many others.

Leafhopper adults (1/4 inch long) are slender, wedge-shaped insects that fly or disperse rapidly when disturbed. Depending on species they may be green, brown or yellow in color and often have colorful markings. Nymphs do not have wings and are generally lighter in color than adults. Both adults and nymphs run sideways and are good jumpers.

Note: There are more leafhopper species worldwide than all species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians combined.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Unbelievable camera work Partner!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I'm still here just in background
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Thanks guys. :)
We just closed out "bug week" on the Seasons thread, and there be ..........(Wizard of Oz-ish tune)...."Dragons and Spiders and Bees! Oh my!"
It was fun.

Hi 7Dust, never thought you left us. :)

I went out and sprayed the plants this morning, it's overcast finally so I'm not worried about burning the plants up. The numbers of these danged leafhoppers is terrible. I used my own concoction of homemade clove/rosemary oil on some of them. It sure scared them off the plants! LOL
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Ah! It's the never ending story....

You can see the leafhopper toward the bottom, but what is that metallic green creature up top?


Weevils wobble, but they won't stay off my plants.
This is a Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil. It does feed on leaves, supposedly on certain kinds of trees....but I'm thinking it found food on Top Gal based on the holes around him and I saw him chewing when he sat still for a bit. Geezus! The bugs out here! :laughtwo:

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Cannafan, hi. :blushsmile:

Your plants are looking wonderful. You really are camera savvy. I feel for you with all the critters wanting a piece of your plants before you. Naughty critters!

I honestly dont think Id have a plant left if attempted to grow one outside. We have grasshoppers all over the place. They are pretty good at chewing up plants. I think your outdoor haven is awesome.

BTW. I tried to click the link if your siggy for How to make concentrated cannabis oil. It doesnt work. Is that the name of the thread so I can search it?

Have a great day!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Cannafan, hi. :blushsmile:

Your plants are looking wonderful. You really are camera savvy. I feel for you with all the critters wanting a piece of your plants before you. Naughty critters!

I honestly dont think Id have a plant left if attempted to grow one outside. We have grasshoppers all over the place. They are pretty good at chewing up plants. I think your outdoor haven is awesome.

BTW. I tried to click the link if your siggy for How to make concentrated cannabis oil. It doesnt work. Is that the name of the thread so I can search it?

Have a great day!
Hi Sorrenna! Good to see you out and about. :)

I'll check that signature link, something could have changed since I did that. Will have it fixed straight away.

In the meantime, here's the thread link:

How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Thank you! :blushsmile:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well, I didn't think I gave the Buddha girl a fair shake with the busy background outside. I took some inside pics under the Smart Grow LED. This one isn't like the other LED's, the look of the plants is like normal light, not purples and pinks. I have to say I am really pleased with this plant. She is going to town now. About 3' wide and buds everywhere lookin' sticky:





This picture is because I just thought it was a cool pic:


(yeah, I need to crop those yellow corners out of there)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

:laughtwo: So some people DO read those edits. :)

Absolutely. Some of the best laughs are in the edit explanations. :laughtwo:
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